ENGLISH Dante Gebel #858 | Trapped in my own avatar

Many of us stop being ourselves to be “that avatar that everyone wants us to be.” Thus, we remain trapped in a character, in a more decorated and ‘cleaned’ false self, always concerned with pleasing others. This fondness for our avatar prevents us from having the intimate and authentic relationship that Jesus wants us to have with Him. God cannot anoint and bless what we pretend to be. When Jesus speaks of the clean, pure heart, He does not speak of the perfect heart, but of the one that is sincere, authentic. The Lord prefers genuine brokenness, rather than “feigned spirituality.” He will never bless an avatar. Let’s just live being authentic, because the truth frees us and brings us closer to the Lord.




Sunday and here we have all the flags

you have to write the name because I

forget them all Peru Dominican Republic

Puerto Rica Puerto Rico Venezuela Peru

Argentina Chile there we have all the

flags welcome welcome home welcome to


we’re transmitting to the rest of the

world may God bless

you how are

you and thank you to all those here at

home good morning good afternoon good

night thank you to all those connecting

from different parts of the world we’re

here live of course transmitting to all

those marvelous people that are waiting

for us I was just telling the local

church that there are a bunch of people

Millions well at least a million per per

week that’s from Sunday to Sunday and

almost 30 40 50,000 between Facebook and

YouTube that connect live and that’s a

miracle it’s a miracle that it’s

happening and we’re no longer in a

pandemic the majority of views have gone

down but no these people are are firm

and faithful and that tells me that

they’re not just watching because

they’re they’re nosy no they congregate

because they’re a part of our family so

even though I don’t know all we love you

we bless you and we send you an enormous

greeting to all those that are a

part of this marvelous

Church very

well I’m about to transmit what I

believe God told me to tell you but

before we arrived Saturday

morning at 1 or 2 in the morning

Saturday morning we arrived from Ecuador

we left last Sunday at night and we were

there the whole week in Ecuador they’re

watching us now Ecuador is living

through a complex situation not as

serious as the news might show

unfortunately it’s this way news media

tends to

illustrate what’s happening in an

exponential way and we understand

it news is is the plane that that falls

not the the plane that arrives news is

always bad if not it wouldn’t be news

however Ecuador is going through a very

rough difficult

moment Novoa the president a young man

who is doing a great job for the

majority and he’s trying to fight

against of course delinquency insecurity

as it happens in all an American

countries at midnight there’s a an alarm

that’s like a

curfew at that time it felt like we were

in the desert there was no one out in

the street the Army came out into the

streets but we went to have our

conferences there were three the first

one in guil uh Tuesday

night Wednesday we went to Kito and then

Thursday we were in Kito as well the

third the third event and we would have

stayed there longer because there was

more demand more people that wanted to

go but we had to come back to be here on

Sunday so it’s your fault that many

ecuadorians were left without being

blessed because I had to be here what’s

true is that it was

marvelous to see that that the people


early there are two things to note the

first is that it’s the first spectacle

that has happened since the curfew was

implemented public spectacles weren’t

allowed so this was the first so we

would be we were scared to see if people

would come or not second people came

very early that’s very strange to see

amongst Hispanics gen generally speaking

we always begin these shows or these

conferences at 9900 p.m. anywhere and we

finish at 11:15 it’s always 9 to 11:15

everywhere we did it in New York

Mexico the earliest is 8:30 but never

much before 9: and we began at 7:00 7:15

because everyone was early because then


curfew would come so everyone arrived at

700 we started early it was completely

full and I promised the people of

Ecuador that I would send a greeting

prante is a a very different conference

different to our Sunday messages it’s

very Evangelistic it’s so you can invite

people that say I’m atheist thank God I

wouldn’t go anywhere well many artists

go many politicians

agnostics and of course

the objective is fulfilled because after

an hour or so of of laughing they begin

to cry to be moved the Holy Spirit

touches them and it’s nothing less than

an Evangelistic conference this week we

have to go to San Jose close by then

we’ll go to Mallen we’ll go to El Paso

many different places Houston buen Idis

again Chile Peru Panama Paraguay urai

those are the ones that I can remember

then we go to Spain so we send a special

greeting to all all of you thank you for

the support thanks for filling up the

conferences may God bless you very

much all right two more minutes

literally a minute for wakil a minute

for Kito here’s what happened in these

three functions in my beloved Ecuador

who are awaiting this and I send you a


















an enormous greeting to all of

Ecuador thank you it was marvelous and

it was exciting we laughed a lot it’s 2

hours 15 minutes where the challenge is

that I won’t drink

water and the people that are watching

can’t go to the bathroom and honestly

nobody gets up to go not even those that

have prostate

issues because you can’t miss a single

second it’s it’s written that way so

there’s it’s sort of stand up a lot of

laughter a lot of

things we go through the the five

stations of life until we end up at the

most important part and then that’s

where the whole world has that encounter

with the Lord and I invite them to

accept Christ into to their hearts and

it’s marvelous each

place has been more surprising than than

what I could have imagined because I

never would have dreamed uh filling up

the national Auditorium in Mexico with

almost 15,000 seats or the radio

city in New York or the movie star arena


Bogota now we’re on our way to the movie

star arena in Chile and buenosaires so

thank you to movie star use movie

star now either way not going to give me

a discount but it’s marvelous are we

ready yes or no very

well I’ve shared this anecdote on a


occasion in 1915 Charles

chaplain had gained immense popularity

in all of

America and so an infinite amount of

imitators came out they were in circuses

theaters earning a living by emulating

this Genius of of humor of silent film

and there were so many imitators back

then that they came up with a national

contest in the US where they would

reward the person that best impersonated

chaplain and in one of chaplain’s trips

to to San Francisco he heard news of one

of these contests and decided to

participate in it he signed up without

saying that he was the real one

incredibly he didn’t get past the first

round he was let go immediately by the

judges it’s surprising the news went

around the world they never knew that

they had the real one the true chaplain

and what happened it has a reason the

real chaplain went to go act like

himself so he moved normally as he did

anytime he started in his films but the

imitators moved much quicker trying to

imitate the the Quick Camera of film and

that made it so much funnier chaplain

was used to moving normal but then the

camera accelerated it the imitators were

accelerated and so they looked more real

than the real ones so in one way or

another chaplain was the first person to

be trapped in his own

avatar or people had taken ownership of

his image and they didn’t admit that

chaplain walked in a real way the

digital Avatar a digital Avatar is a

representation of a person to identify

themselves in video games or

applications if you don’t want to put

your own picture you can make an avatar

that’s much younger much thinner and you

put it there these

avatars generally represent the the

physical aspect of of a

person but it’s always a super super

extra Archie Mega better version than

the real thing when you see the Avatar

you fall in love when you see the real

person you say Satan what happened

and going back to the

story chaplain if he wanted to be

accepted by his own

admirers he had to walk and look the way

how they expected him to walk and look

if not they wouldn’t accept him he was

trapped by the very image that he

projected and that same Syndrome has

happened to many famous

actors the public could never see

Christopher Reeves and any other film or

other than Superman before he had his

accident he would say that he was

trapped in that character it’s tough for

us to see the British man Rowan ainson

he’s a great drama

actor but we can’t see him other than as

anything other than Mr Bean even if he’s

speaking seriously we can’t see Stallone

without identifying him as Rocky or

Rambo we can’t see Michael Fox without

going back to Marty McFly or Linda

Blair who’s seen as the demon-possessed

girl in The Exorcist she couldn’t play

any other roles because anyone that

would see her at a casting they would

say you’re the demon from The Exorcist

Robert Downey Jr is hard for us to see

outside of the role of Tony Stark or


Depp it seems like he’s always

misaligned dirty filthy like Captain

Sparrow it’s tough for us to see

Schwarzenegger as anyone other than the

Terminator even when he became governor

of California he was called the

governator and these people have lost

million dooll contracts because casting

agents are aware that the general public

doesn’t want nor can they separate these

people from the characters that shot

them into Fame that’s why great actors

tend to refuse superhero roles because

in most cases they can remain anchored

to that character and that could be

their last role because after that no

one wants to see them play another

character we see them as Superman Batman

Etc and as I meditated on these stories

I realized that many of

us stop being ourselves at some point in

life and this doesn’t have to do with us

necessarily being tied to

Hollywood but at one point in

life we sto being who we actually are to

be that Avatar that whole world wants us

to be and we’re trapped in a

character we’re trapped in a false me in

a lie but that wouldn’t be the worst

part the worst part is that we then

become that character that we

show as if pleasing people is something

that we value very much from the crib to

the tomb we’re always

pressured so that another person’s gaze

decides who we are and so you’re trying

first to please your parents to follow

the career your mom wanted for you or

your dad wanted and then you try to

please your aunt then you try to please

your boyfriend your girlfriend your

spouse you’re always doing something for

others it

seems selfless but then one day we don’t

recognize ourselves and the worst part

is that we begin to

live a superficial

spirituality it’s skin surface in the

fabulous sermon of the sermon of the

mount Jesus had a lot to say amongst

other things about the difference

between or comparing what’s superficial

on the outside and the authenticity

within he said that in reality what God

cares about he brought up something we

already knew but he brought it up in a

very explicit way he said God cares

about what’s inside that’s where real

things happen What happens in our

interior and in Matthew 58 he says God

blesses those whose hearts are pure for

they will see God


hearts that always surprised me and it

was preached as if you had to get as

close to Perfection as possible it was

very hard for me to have a pure heart

when I was younger and when I would go

to church as an adolescent I would

always say to myself I’ll never have a

pure heart but when the Lord speaks of a


heart among other things it’s when we’re

no longer worried about the exterior

facade or shell when we’re no longer

trying to convince people that we’re

someone different than who we actually

are internally for me a pure heart the

most exact definition is when what’s

inside the heart and what’s on the

outside coincide when it’s the same

that’s the essence of a pure heart when

we’re the same that’s the essence of

Integrity Integrity comes from the word

entire that we be entire whole not

perfect but that we don’t hide anything

that whatever is on the inside can be

seen on the outside and vice versa now

what does pure mean

the Pharisees defined it the way we

Define it nowadays what’s visible

Pharisees thought that Purity had to do

with the rules that they had to keep and

Jesus said that they worried too much

about cleaning the exterior of the glass

or the cup meanwhile the inside is

filthy that’s the hyperbole or metaphor

he used he said you guys wash the cup on

the outside but on the inside it’s

filthy and then in a more in a less

popular message

he compared those religious teachers

with bleached coffins brother you look

like a coffin how

terrible or a tomb painted white on the

outside brilliant and white on the

outside but filled with

death and putri putri action on the

inside the Lord hates he hates

pretense even though he never lost his


emically speaking but when we see the

Lord irate when we see the Lord made man

Angry and fed up it’s always in the face

of hypocrisy he never says you adulterer

you drunk you tax collector you

Argentinian he never said that ever but

he did say

Hypocrites because he hates pretense he

hates faking it and when we say that

we’re holy and we’re not we’re

pretending and we’re projecting a false


when we show strength instead of saying

no I’m

weak we’re pretending to be a character

because instead of saying pray for me or

I need help or my marriage isn’t doing

so well my kids aren’t doing well

they’re not what I they’re not the

children I thought I would have no but

instead we show ourselves to be in

Victory to then become Victorious but

that’s just false when we do everything

we can to keep the image of having our

life resolved that everything’s okay we

can continue to

pretend when we retouch our images and

apply Photoshop to our

failures Photoshop is for pictures not


failures but when we don’t want to share

that things aren’t going the way we

dreamt we’re

simulating a a fictitious role we’re

interpreting something

fictitious but we can’t retouch

illuminate or put filters on the person

that we truly are inside because sooner

or later that all comes out to the light

who we are and when we become that being

that we should be then we’re set free

from the being that we pretend to be you

stop pretending generally this comes


age but it can also come with Divine

wisdom without necessarily having to

grow old it’s difficult for us to see an

old person pretending because they don’t

care about anything anymore I remember

my grandmother Anna the German she

didn’t care about what people thought

she didn’t care about the neighbors

because she knew that at any point she

could go to

Eternity and so you lose that optic of

what are people thinking about us you

know when you’re 20 30 years old you

think that the whole world is talking

about you but then you turn 40 50 and

you realize that the whole world doesn’t

even know you

exist but to understand that you need to

you need to get to a certain age that’s

why they say youth is cured by age but

it’s not necessarily chronolog iCal age

it can be divine wisdom you can learn it

while you’re young some years ago I had

lunch with someone that wanted to get to

know me he was desperate to get to know

me we coincided at a country and

according to this gentleman he had

waited many many years to ask me endless

questions because then because he said

what what the woman said in the video

from Ecuador she the guy said oh I’ve

been watching you since I was little but

I’m not ready to hear that yet

when it’s young boys young guys or girls

then then it’s fine but when it’s an old

woman I say no woman don’t take ears

from your

life there’s a woman that appears that

has 10,000 hours of flight and she says

I’ve been watching you since I was a

little girl n don’t lie

woman well this

gentleman met with me we had a meeting

and he said I want to have the privilege

of sitting at your feet he that phrase

right the way Paul did he said I want to

sit at your feet and I want to learn all

that I

can even if it’s just over lunch I’ve

been waiting for this moment my whole

life and we spent three hours together

while we ordered and ate and the whole

lunch he spoke of how important he was

how God used him the connections that he

had how his ministry has has

grown I wasn’t able to squeeze in a

single word I was I I was eating but

every time I tried to speak he would

interrupt me because he would take a

different turn in his life and once the

lunch ended 3 hours later I felt drained

and I thought why did you want to speak


me because he could have paid a

therapist he would have sat on the couch

and he could have

spoken but I couldn’t speak two

consecutive words look I didn’t want to

speak it’s not that I felt like speaking

but supposedly that meeting was because

he wanted to get to know me and ask me

questions what do I know but then I


that this man just wanted to show me his

Avatar his edited version in life and he

lost the opportunity to get to know me

but I also lost the opportunity to get

to know the real him because everything

he told me I could have seen on his web

page we missed the opportunity to get to

know each other we were together for 3

hours but it was a super superficial

encounter it was an encounter between

two heads of state two presidents you

know they don’t say anything to each

other they just shake their hands nice

to meet you

the way Biden does well that’s how I

felt and they they tell them sir this Mr

President this way and then they carry

him out well that’s how I


so to appear as someone were not it’s

it’s very difficult work and to have to

project an image all the time it’s

tiring it’s exhausting projecting an

image the whole time you can do it at a

party maybe or at a at a at a event or a

Gala or a ball we wear uncomfortable

clothes they say good fashion makes you

uncomfortable what looks nice typically

isn’t comfortable so women suffer it

more because of their high heels and the

shapewear that that is binding

Willie trapping Willie and the Lord

yells out stop suffering woman

stop and that’s where we make up an


and we hide what we truly know about

ourselves so we hide behind an

avatar with a benefit or for the benefit

of of the public consumption and one day

we forget that we’re hiding and we think

that that spiritual mask is what we

truly are that’s the most serious part

when we buy what we’re

selling to buy what you sell is is

terrifying in all

disciplines when an actor believes that

that’s who they are it’s a mistake

when what you say when when when you

consume what you say you have to give

it’s never

healthy so when you believe that that

that you’re that spiritual figure that

you show then you’re not truly seeking

god with your heart if we continue to

act like everything’s okay then God

can’t bless us because things aren’t


God can’t take worship from a fraudulent

person someone that FAL falsifies their

identity God can’t receive worship from

someone that worries more about their

image than their

reality he might anoint them and bless

no he can he can’t anoint or bless what

we’re pretending to be God will never

bless a stenography or a painted sign he

only blesses those that worship Him in

spirit and in truth with sincerity and

when Jesus speaks of a pure heart a

clean heart is not talking about a

perfect heart that never makes mistakes

no we’ve been speaking about this for

for weeks but he’s talking about be

sincere those that say here goes my

heart here’s what I have that’s


because despite the the onion layers

that we have on the

outside within us we have a real person

on the inside we don’t want to fake it

that’s why when we get home we say oh

we’re home and some of you put on your

slippers others put on your pajamas

others put on terrifying

clothes that would go directly to the

dump if somebody saw them but you put it

on because it’s comfortable that shirt

is yelling at you throw me away throw me

away make me a rag instead I deserve it

but someone puts it on because they say

oh I like it I like the little the

little balls it has but that’s what

happens when you’re comfortable

right it doesn’t happen all the time

it’s tiring to have a smile on your face

all the time it’s tiring to live for the

public and what does God look for well

he looks for genuine Brokenness he

doesn’t look for fake spirituality fake

spirituality is the worst an atheist has


possibilities than someone who’s faking

spirituality because that atheist is one

prayer away a touch of God away but

those that fake spirituality they’re

like the Pharisees they say we have no

sin I’m good the Lord has touched me

already and maybe he hasn’t touched you

maybe you should have asked for him to

touch you and bless

not too long ago I was reading that one

of the signs of

narcissism is that the desire to be

admired is stronger than the desire to

be loved that’s

powerful who wants to be more admired

than they are loved well there are

artists that desire that there are

doctors Engineers there are others that

don’t even have a title that prefer

admiration over

love and that’s the failure of social

media pretending that we’re happy so

that we’re admired because nobody’s

going to love us through social media

because in order to love someone you

have to get to know them social media is

just for admiration now social media can

be very useful tools I’m never going to

demonize social media the way they used

to back in the 70s with TV and other

things no social media in fact for us

it’s a formidable way for us to preach

and Reach people but it can also

become the control of

appearances so we create an image of a

perfect family we

adopt the act of pretending like an

avatar we accept that as a new normal as

a as a new lifestyle for example it

doesn’t happen here but I’m going to

give an example that happens a lot in

other service you go go out on vacation

with your family there are things you

post and others that you don’t the

family picture at the beach yeah that

one you post WE Post those with a lot of

filters picture taken from above so you

don’t see your double chin

sticking your butt

out but the fight in the car on the way

to the beach no that will never appear

on Instagram never

never not too long ago I read a shirt

that said if only if only my life or as

great as the life I show on

Instagram so when we live in Avatar

mode that’s when that crime that

religious religiously colle correct

Prime crime comes along where we say oh

we have to take care of Our Testimony

I’ve said it before the crime of false

testimony appears in the penal code in

any country when you go to declare

something and it’s a and you lie that’s


crime you can be punished with up to six

with six months or two years in prison

but when it comes to your spiritual life

that prison can be Eternal if only it

were only 2 years I’m talking about

getting along like cat and dog but

taking many pictures to give false

testimony on something that doesn’t

exist no one’s asking you for it our

children live in Rebellion but we

publish pictures that we’re proud of

them that they make us happy that

they’re perfect but no one’s asking for

that you’re just controlling your

appearances in fact Sundays here at this

congregation or other congregations many

families come to church come to the

temple with a smile on their

face even if they just got out of the

car insulting each other other

disrespecting each other but they came

into the church like and they walk like

this and as I once

said in a message that bears the same

name it’s called false testimony that’s

not taking care of your fault of your

testimony that’s false testimony that’s

giving testimony on something that

doesn’t happen and when we promote the

Avatar that

we’re that we’re selling we forget that

we’re broken that we need healing it’s

like going into a hospital and when the

doctor comes around we pretend that

we’re healthy who would go to the

doctor’s office to convince them that we

don’t need a doctor know someone that’s

foolish someone that’s that cares more

about their appearances and that’s going

to drive them to their death however

when you surround yourself with people

that know you truly in a real way the

acceptance of our real self begins to

heal us not bring a

shame I remember an intimate breakfast

that I had with ju Carlos Ortiz I never

take anything for granted I know there

are people that are watching us for the

first time he was the founder of this

church before I

arrived and he’s a man that God used

tremendously he’s currently in the

presence of the Lord and during that

breakfast I decided to be brave and

share things that brought shame onto me

I was sincere I spoke about my cowardice

my jealousy my my hidden Envy my

insecurities my most vulnerable spots I

said if this is the last breakfast we’re

going to have let it be the last

one unlike the the gentleman that met

with me to have lunch I did the polar

opposite I said I’m going to tell them

all the bad things and I felt very

exposed because I was scared to be

kicked out of his Circle I was scared to

lose that marvelous connection I had

with him and to my surprise he never

broke eye contact with me and I’ll never

forget these next words he said

if before I loved you and admired you

now I love you and admire you so much

more this deserves another cup of coffee

and then we continued eating and I asked

why is he admiring me he shouldn’t

admire me what I just told him isn’t for

him to admire me but the same

truth that I believed was going to

distance me from him converted me or

turn it turned into a lasso that United

us more than ever

that day I learned that if I keep a part

of my life in secret maybe you might

love me but I know deep down inside that

you wouldn’t love me as much if you knew


truth I can’t be fully loved unless I’m


known to be fully known is the most

healing gift that a human being can give

another human

being that’s what you can truly give

someone it doesn’t have to do with sex

necessarily there are people that can

have sex however they never allow

themselves to be known with the person

they’re having sexual intimacy with

because to be naked in your body doesn’t


you’re you’re giving a naked Soul you

say this is my soul that’s why

James 5:16 says confess your sins to

each other and pray for each other so

that you may be healed let’s ask an

honest question here and at all the

churches watching when was the last time

said let’s stop worship and praise let’s

take in half an hour let’s all confess

our sins to one another well it’s

written in the Bible right we can’t say

that it’s symbolic no it’s explicit well

how long has it been since we’ve

confessed our sins we say no that about

confession it has to do more with

Catholicism no it’s in it’s in scripture

confess your sins to one another now

that’s agree we’re not going to tell any

person around us hey let me tell you my

sins no it’s not going to be like that

that but he’s talking about someone that

we might have a connection

with someone that we know is a tomb

where our secrets will die within them

they won’t judge us their perceptions of

us won’t change they won’t lose respect

for us and the Lord continues preaching

on the mountain and he directs himself

direct directly to the

Pharisees and of course their Pharisee

that was repulsive to him he said to

them watch out don’t do your good deeds

publicly to be admired by

others for you will lose the reward from

your father in

Heaven and so in the Kingdom’s economy

it all has to do with the public that

we’re going to choose to please in life

if we’re interested by the people then

our reward will be the Applause or the

cheering from those crowds but we have

to remember for our own mental health

that we are the people in the same way

we shout hosana from the sidewalk

tomorrow we get flipped upside

down we wake up on the wrong side of the

bed and we’re on the other side of the

street now shouting crucify him that’s

how people

are who we love today we might hate

tomorrow or vice

versa if you want to please people then

we’ve already been paid our reward and

we can’t expect to have any other reward

from God there’s a saying that says you

can’t be at the mass and the procession

we can’t say I have a bit of the

Applause from the people and a little

bit of a of a reward from from God no

and the religious

leaders said grandiose prayers in public

they would paint their faces they would

cover themselves with Ash to make sure

that the world could see their acts of

piety and Justice they even measured

Holiness the Pharisees with their

garments in Matthew 23:5 Jesus says

something that escapes us we don’t

mention it very much but he

says everything they do is for

show they want to be applauded by

man on their arms they wear extra wide

prayer boxes with scripture verses

inside and they wear robes with extra

long tassel Jesus literally pointed out

how they were

dressed the the prayer boxes were

leather boxes that contained scripture

verses inside they were written on

Scrolls and they were based on

Deuteronomy where it says that they

should people should carry the word of

God on their on

their in their heads and on their on

their hearts but it was symbolic for the

word to accompany them accompany them in

their hearts but the leaders decided

that this should be done in a literal

way as it happens nowadays when people

say I don’t see the people that River

with their Bibles there are people

watching now that say let me see if they

have a Bible or they tell me oh I don’t

see the preacher reading from the Bible

or opening it up on the

pulpit no it doesn’t occur to them that

maybe we’re living or not living what

the Bible says no all they care about is

if I have it on me what’s most important

is for me to use it as deodorant instead

of living what the Bible says because

I’m not going to read all the

verses just to make people happy because

I’m reading it no the point is to live

it how many people know the Bible by

memory but they’re a demon at home but

they know all the verses so the Bible

isn’t a magical

Talisman it’s not something that’s going

to stop me or stop bad things from

happening to me no I was brought up in a

church that taught

this people that would carry the Bible

down a dark alley and they would say

nothing’s going to happen to me because

I have the word well they would have

their underwear stolen and the Bible

stolen because it’s just a

book this book

it’s just a work but to live it to do it

to make it a part of the dynamic of your

life is the miracle when you believe it

live it and and Obey it after that it

doesn’t have any magic and that’s why

These Guys these

Pharisees would tie black

boxes on their right arm and on their

heads and then they started using bigger

and bigger boxes to look more righteous

so that people would say oh look at this

righteous Pharisee oh man look how big

that boxes they would tie boxes on their

heads literally with verses and then the

Lord says that they would use long

tassels the Old Testament made reference

to tassels blue tassels on the bottom of


garments and so the Pharisees decided

that they would use bigger and wider

tassels to show that they were more

righteous so the Pharisees always

worried about what’s on the outside when

you see someone that’s more interested

on what’s on the outside what they’re

wearing their clothes it’s because maybe

they don’t care so much about what’s on

the inside when the doctrine becomes

more important than the people instead

of us being a

hospital we become a first class cabin

or a

museum not too long ago I heard someone

speaking about how they invited their

unbeliever brother to celebrate

Christmas with their

family because they knew that their

brother would would be alone I was

listening to this and I couldn’t believe

it I thought it was a joke and so the

brother accepted happily but he came

with two bottles of

wine you know it’s Christmas it’s the

holidays and he said hey I don’t want

you guys to dream to drink but I can’t

give a toast with orange juice and so

the host said I have never had alcoholic

beverages in this home because my home

is consecrated to the Lord you either

leave the drinks in the car or you go

home and the brother

ended up leaving and he spent Christmas

by himself with his two bottles of wine

now first of all it’s obvious that the

prohibition of drinking in the

home wouldn’t make the brother abandon

the drinks

immediately just because the person said

you’re not allowed to drink here doesn’t

mean that the brother would stop

drinking outside but that person

valued not drinking more than the

brother the same thing happens when we

try to take care of the sacred pulit no

it’s not a it’s not a sacred Pulpit it’s

just a stand I we bought it for

$20 it would be sacred if if we had ever

you know sacrificed a lamb on here like

Gaston or

Lea this isn’t a holy altar either it’s

just a stage it’s a place where I can

speak to all of

you so instead of taking care of people

and loving them sometimes you take care

of things the things on the outside the

holy altar the consecrated stage because

it’s easier to consecrate things people

W symbols than consecrating your heart

it’s easier to say I have a sacred

Temple I have a sacred Pulpit but no

this is the temple this is where the

Lord inhabits and that’s the pure heart

that the Lord is seeking are we in

agreement yes or

no and then Jesus gives us an example of

an impure heart

with with authenticity and he says when

you pray

don’t be like the Hypocrites who love to

pray publicly on street corners and in

the synagogues where everyone can see

them I tell you the truth that is all

the reward they will ever get but when

you pray Jesus says go away by yourself

shut the door behind you and pray to

your father in private then your father

who sees

everything will reward you he will

reward you in

public so not only does he criticize the

person that shouts in the plaza so that

he can be seen shouting in the plaza

isn’t wrong it’s wrong to shout in the

plaza to be seen serving God isn’t wrong

it’s wrong to want to be seen serving

and that be your

motivation so the Lord doesn’t just

criticize those people he says let me

tell you how to do it do it in

secret and many Jews thought that prayer

was a formal ritual

it had become vain repetition just

reciting words as ritual without even

thinking about they were they were

saying they had at least 18 daily

prayers and then three more before 9:00

a.m. and then three more after 9:00

p.m. so the longer the prayers were the

more effective they believed them to be

that’s what they thought it was a very

convenient system because all the all

scripture was written all they had to do

was read it and repeat it there was no

heart in it so Jesus didn’t see things

that way way he said when we speak with

God we have to be who we actually are

authentic and it’s tough for many of us

to be

ourselves many times when we pray in

public we don’t speak to God so much but

more to those that are listening in fact

it’s difficult for us to be authentic

even when we pray in private it’s

difficult to be authentic I’ve heard

people during prayer groups that didn’t

have any microphones nobody was hearing

them but they were praying as if God

required a formal language with

etiquette as if they were speaking to a

government official that you have no

trust with and sometimes we even use a

Biblical language that’s false that

we’ve compiled from scripture or from

prayers that we’ve heard from

others Eternal Father


Yeshua god of the lights someone would

say God of the lights in this hour I

decree and release the kabad of your

presence that the trinitarian chyros may

be transformed into an Apostolic Rema

and the prophetic sheina of your glory

may fill the Tabernacle of my

heart it’s more of a Tango than

anything and so prayer becomes a public

speech and all God wants is for us to

speak with him in fact he knows us

because when you act before a person or

for a person we might be able to scam

them we might be able to trick them but

God knows us just as we are he has x-ray

vision that goes straight to our

heart so you start to pretend and it’s

just a waste of time and what does it

mean to speak with god well to

communicate without worrying about how

it sounds if you’re upset you’re upset

that’s why we have the book of

Lamentations the crybaby preacher if

you’re upset you’re upset if you’re iate

you’re I

rate because as much as I want to

repress that anger to say

Lord I love my sister sister no God

knows it’s not true he prefers that you

say you know what I feel like strangling

her I need you to help

me and that’s when the internal

coincides with the external that’s where

God can work with you and intervene in

your heart and so God invites us and

says come as you are don’t decorate your

language don’t pretend don’t act with me

not with me be

real my home is your home don’t do that

with me pretend with the rest of the

world but not with

me and so

our our obsession with that

Avatar doesn’t allow us to be intimate

with Jesus what he’s looking for is

authenticity that’s all he’s looking for

through authenticity a heart can change

it can seek Holiness but through faking

it no how can you help someone that

doesn’t want to change or that’s

pretending to be someone they not how

can you send a drunk to

AA you you say Hey you need help and

they say I don’t drink just drink to

forget to forget what to forget that I’m

a drunk how do you help

them couples tend to

pretend during dates boyfriends and

girlfriends they always smell good

they’re nice they pay the bill the first


right they show their avatar version

because they want to deduce uh seduce

the other person they laugh over


what are they laughing at about what

stupidity but no they want to be

nice I learned that false laughter from

my mom that’s how my mom would laugh she

would say oh I can’t believe Sarah’s on

her way because remember back in the day

in our countries visitors weren’t

announced here in the US you have to say

I’m coming at this time and I’ll leave

at this time but in

Argentina the doorbell would ring the

dogs would bark you would say who is it

who is it oh no it’s Sarah oh this woman

we have nothing to eat why did she come

at this time oh God no no no man don’t

don’t open the door don’t oh she saw you

through the window oh why’d you go now

we have to open the door my mom would to

go out

hi oh what a

surprise oh I was just thinking about

you like


well if someone feels touched because

they do that well receive this word

sister receive

it in a couple if you’re going to have a

real relationship it’s exhausting to

live in your avatar

version or on date mode what’s more

there are people there are couples that

get married without getting to know each

other and they only got to know each

other during date mode you don’t want to

spend the rest of your life with someone

that you went out to dinner with five

times but that’s the AV AR way that’s

the perfumed way you have to know how

they react Under Pressure how they act

when things aren’t doing so well in

their family if they’re jealous if those

are all the

things that couples don’t see because

all they did was go out to have pizza

and they say oh he’s so sweet he’s

eating pizza what else can he

do and so to love is is when you

relax and you’re not afraid to be

judged we don’t have to fake it or

pretend or or hide War so we don’t have

to look more handsome we can say what we

have on our mind with no filter say this

is what I’m

thinking well why can’t we be like that

with god with God you can let your guard

down because we don’t have to hide our

defects he already knows

them and the satisfaction is whole it’s

full because it’s much easier to be

yourself than to sustain a false

identity it’s easier to be yourself it’s

not tiring

because with God it’s a relationship not

a casting so that you can be taken for a

role where you have to act and recite

some lines no it’s a relationship

however how many times do we feel

obligated to project an image that we

call our

testimony and when we don’t show others

our truth then a fragmented version of

our personality is

created when the exterior doesn’t

coincide with the in interior that’s not

a pure heart

there’s a dichotomy and antithesis

between what’s seen on the outside and

what’s within now we’re worried by the

impression that we give off to others

we’re worried more about the person we

are to others than who we are in re in

reality but God worries about who we are


reality but it’s so tiring so draining

to be acting all the time and in

churches generally speaking this one and

all the others everything’s masked

perfumed disguised and that that’s why

we’re so seduced when we see someone

that’s real and

human this generation is calling for

authenticity in

politicians they even politicians that

are maybe a disaster win races because

they show themselves authentically and

so the youth vote for them since they’re

not being managed by a coach since

they’re not being told what to say the

youth are attracted to them even if they

don’t have any plans

but this shows the need for authenticity

because when you’re authentic we can

truly connect with

others our most authentic connections

are established when we share weaknesses

with others let’s see who do we listen

to when we need

help do we actually look for the

intellectual person or the religious

person that we know is going to judge us

as soon as we share our story with him

no we avoid that person like the

prostate exam we never get close to

them there are people that as soon as

you say something then the Judgment

comes right after so you avoid these

people or do we look for the person that

has already gone down our path and

survived to tell the

story think about the last time you were

discouraged you were you fell apart and

you cried in front of a friend maybe in

that moment you felt a little ashamed

but I assure you that that moment that

moment of vulnerability that I had with

these I’m convinced that that cemented

your friendship more than any other

experience or vacation that you shared

together any movie that you watch

together that experience cemented your

friendship when you

say I did something that I shouldn’t

have I made a mistake I messed up I

screwed up and I want to tell you and

don’t ask me why because I wasn’t

thinking I have no explanation and the

other person understands and they say

the same thing happened to me and that

cements the relationship I already said

this and I’m going to repeat it a


times The Greatest Secret in public

speaking if someone here says I want to

give conferences or speak publicly well

the most formidable weapon in rhetoric

that I’ve ever gotten to

know and it surprises me how little

colleagues use this is sharing

weaknesses showing yourself to be the

anti-hero in Presidente our conference

many unbelievers show up many actors uh

politicians people from many disciplines

athletes and many go with the Prejudice

of oh he’s a religious guy he’s about to

coach me from that stage he’s going to

get on that pedestal and tell me how to

live my life but immediately I show

myself as an anti-hero and I begin to

share the bad son I am the bad parent

the things I do wrong the things I still

haven’t changed and immediately that

opens up their hearts it

disarms those that came in defensive

those that had a bulldog face now look

tender it gains the tenderness of those

that were indifferent because as we saw

in the video we show women show women

women saying oh for my anniversary I

asked my husband to take me to goid

Dante well she could have asked her Luis

Miguel so that’s good and she’s saying

ah and he’s saying oh who do we come to

see but

immediately that indifference changes

when I begin to speak about my

weaknesses because I

show the people that they shouldn’t fear

me nor should they have reverence for me

or rever me because I’m one of them and

that’s why they open up the doors to

their soul so I can speak to their lives

they laugh and that’s a formidable

anesthesia so the two

words that people need to hear the most

when they’re Hur is not oh you should do

this but oh me

too me too disarms

everything when someone says I’m going

through this crisis oh you know what you

should do to get out of this crisis and

immediately the other person lifts up a

barrier and they say oh this person’s

life must be so easy but when you say no

me too you know what I went through it

as well or I i’ I’m going through it now

or or you know what maybe I’ll go

through it later a good example of this


Jesus his entry to the human race was as

a baby a baby is the most defenseless

creature on the

planet Jesus growth was

far from what someone in royalty might


expected after 30 years of humanity that

isn’t spoken of that we know nothing

about he began his ministry that lasted

three and a half

years if we do the numbers then more

than 85% of his life was spent

in an

anonymity he went through puberty he

went through adolescence he had acne he

must have had doubts he must have cried

as a little boy he must have been hungry

and thirsty now why didn’t he appear

like Thor from Marvel why didn’t he come

down like a muscular superhero

descending from heaven like

Terminator to save the human race the

book of Hebrews tells us why he decided

to be born like a

baby Hebrews 4:15

says this high priest of ours

understands our weaknesses for he faced

all of the same testings we do yet he

did not

sin so let us come boldly to the throne

of our gracious God there we will

receive his mercy and we will find Grace

to help us when we need it most he says

I understand you I went through

everything you’re going through now the

anger the frustration the Temptation the

craziness wanting to abandon it all I I

get it I get you his Humanity brings us

closer to God that’s what closed the gap

between man and God Jesus

authenticity so people our problem isn’t

sin everyone is sinning we’re all

sinning our problem isn’t sin because

for that we have Redemption the problem

is pretending that we have no sin that’s

the problem that’s the greatest battle

that I have as a leader for people to

stop pretending don’t make me believe

that instead of coming in an Uber you

came down on a chariot of fire no you

live on

Earth at this point of the day you’ve

already sinned three four or 10 times oh

no yeah with your thoughts and because

you just said oh no that’s

why we like the testimony of people that

sinned in their old lives remember your

old church oh let’s listen to a

testimony as long as now they pretend to

be holy I remember we had one guy nobody

believed him but he he said that he was

a famous delinquent and I remember that

I had a hand grenade and a pistol and I

killed 14 policemen and I said and I

killed an

army we were all like waa he was our

hero but poor guy he had less neurons

than he did

teeth but he was our own Rambo that had

converted we’d like that testimony

because everything happened in the old

life and so it’s like we would tell the

people all right talk about your sin but

let it be something innocuous something

small what do I know pray for me because

I’m not praying so much anymore or

sometimes I I have bad character it’s

like we send subtle signs that the

church isn’t to speak about deep things

because it’s never a good idea so there

we create a superficial

culture we come here to pretend for two

hours and we can’t open our hearts and

so why can’t us sinners feel free to

tell other Sinners that we have a

problem with sin the Lord says we’re all

Sinners if we want God to love our true

being we have to be real we have to be

truthful diaphanous transparent

I always sustain that the church should

be the place where people admit that

they’ve fallen and then find other

soldiers to lift them back up that they

failed that they’re broken it’s a safe

place where we can all share our defects

our failures our weaknesses our

addictions our afflictions our needs our

pain this should be the place where we

can be who we are not the place where we

pretend to be

spiritual because when we adopt

AOS of of perfection we create religion

that’s what religion


sp good thing I don’t send like this


guy your grandma because they didn’t

discover you

yet this is going to be live on air yeah

yes it will yeah it’ll be on

live in



fact it’s it’s my exhaustion of coming

from Ecuador No in fact this lack of

authenticity is what makes it so that so

many people distrust the church and they

avoid it because generally what do we do

us Christians we try and hide the

failures and mistakes but that’s exactly

those mistakes and those failures what

we’re trying to hide that’s what

attracts people so that they can hear

the gospel that we want to

communicate Paul admitted this truth in

2 Corinthians 12:9 so now I am glad to

boast about my

weaknesses I will boast about my

weaknesses so that the power of Christ

can work through me how many Christian

leaders do we know that boast about


weaknesses I challenge you go on YouTube

look for

them that’s why

they speak against me so much because I

boast about my weaknesses no all of them

they’re superheroes they’re Marvel

Superheroes no one says pray for me no

no no they’re super powerful and they’re

empowered and they Hulk the majority of

them and Paul says I am glad to boast

about my

weaknesses but not just preachers there

are Christians that post verses and

encouraging words on Instagram that’s

fine but when have we ever seen a status

that says I’m not feeling so happy I

don’t feel so good can you pray for me

because other evangelicals start to

exterminate them how can it be don’t

confess that the devil’s taking you

you’re speaking like the Exorcist they

begin to attack

them are we willing to communicate to

the world all the marvelous things that

God does but when things aren’t doing so

well we hide them who are what do we

fear what are we afraid of what they’ll


Well when us Christians project this

type of Perfect Image we put ourselves

in a position where the world will judge

us that’s why the terrist to shreds

later and then they make entire

documentaries on HBO on Netflix about

someone from the Evangelical Church

falling because we ourselves put

ourselves in the guillotine the world

feels uncomfortable with people

that that are trying to look too good

when someone tries to act holy the world


uncomfortable that’s why they then

celebrate when we fail especially if

it’s about a public and prominent figure

the world goes out to kill them see see

I told you see this person tried to show

a perfect family this guy was saying

that he was anointed and he was

condemning the whole but see finally

he’s been discovered why because the bar

we used to measure will be used to


us you don’t hurt the wounded but you do

hurt the person that was pretending to

be perfect and so that’s why once for

once and for all I’m going to say the

church isn’t for good people whether you

like it or not Church isn’t for good

people it doesn’t matter what you say oh

yes I’m good no no

you’re not good either the church has to

do with people that are

broken that are

brokenhearted hospitals have nothing to

do with healthy

people psych warts have nothing to do

with people that are sane right the

church doesn’t have to do with good

people if not why are we

here at AA Alcoholics

Anonymous no one’s allowed to say hi I’m

John I was an alcoholic but now I’m I’m

I’m cured no that’s not allowed even if


hasn’t had a drop of water in months or

years and he’s a dry Drinker that’s how

they called him he has to identify

himself as an alcoholic I once

interviewed a famous rock artist and I

said hey talk to me about your addiction

to alcohol he says he said I am

addicted I am an alcoholic and I said no

way he said yep it’s been 25 years since

I’ve had a drop of alcohol and he said

why are you alcoholic then because if I

deny my weakness then I would then

become a victim of that weakness once

again to know that I’m an

alcoholic constantly reminds me that I

have to battle against it it’s been 20

something years it’s more clear to him

than it is to us and John could never

say hey I might be an alcoholic but I’m

not as bad as Betty Who drinks and

drinks and

drinks at Alcoholics Anonymous

everyone’s on the same level no one

tricks anyone else everyone’s there

because they’ve made their lives a

disaster and they’re trying to

straighten it out

again very few

congregations have the lover or or

comprehension and understanding that you

find at AA nobody condemns them they

don’t have to pretend they’re real

people if during the week they fall then

they go to the meeting and they ask hey

John how how was this week ah I fell I

couldn’t resist I went into a bar and I

drank and they help him they Embrace him

they don’t condemn him they don’t tell

them oh you sinner you’re possessed no

they understand that he needs help that

it’s a constant

battle and at church relationship should

be more profound when people are real

when we

share that we all struggle with sin if a

preacher says that he doesn’t sin then

he’s a scammer he’s already sinning he’s

lying and so the Holy Spirit only flows


transparency when we can get to the zone

of sincerity and we stop PR

then finally there can we be filled by

the holy spirit all the rest is just

shaking and shuttering and pretending

it’s all

acting hiding and pretending are

enemies of being filled by the spirit

don’t come and tell me that you’re

filled by the Holy Spirit but you’re a

demon during the week no pretending and

hiding is an enemy to the

anointing John 4:23 says but the time is

coming indeed it’s here now when true

worshippers will worship the father and

spirit and in truth the father is

looking for those who will worship him


way for God is spirit so those who must

worship Him must worship Him in spirit

and in truth are we in agreement yes or

no and I want to

clarify for the eenth time I always

clarify this so that there’s no

conflicts of interest

authenticity doesn’t entail the

obligation of showing our entire lives

to the public that’s not what I’m trying

to say auth it is never a lack of

privacy I never have to take a picture

or a selfie on the toilet just to show

that I’m an authentic guy or pictures of

me relaxing on the beach and shorts so

that people say oh he’s a normal guy at

River we prioritize privacy and

discretion we prioritize

that because I lived the opposite in in


where like

scavengers people would come and

exterminate the

guy who had been discovered what do we

do with the single mother what do we do

with the adulter we placed labels on

them we didn’t allow them to heal and so

discretion and privacy is vital here at

River what’s shared in counseling dies

in counseling what you tell a pastor

dies in that Pastor and if that Pastor

speaks that Pastor

dies it’ll be an

accident no we just suspend him we

suspend him from a rope

no one asks us to not have privacy no

one can ask us that years ago I decided

to keep my private life private because

I understood that no one else cares

about it other than myself and God when

you open the door to in intimacy it’s

always it’s always a one-way trip it’s

not a round


when an

artist allows the paparazzi to take

pictures then that’ll never go away so

we’re not obligated to to let people in

on our privacy to share our testimony no

that’s just an old excuse for those that

want to gossip and know more those that

are nosy there are people that want to

know how my family is composed if I have

a dog if I have a cat if I have white

hairs if they’re real if they’re fake

there are people that have the spirit of

Dona florinda from

elcha so when we go eat at a restaurant

what should matter to us the least is

the private life of the

waiter all that matters is that there’s

bread in the House of Bread wherever God

sends you because there are people that

choose churches according to the

pastor’s Perfection but you’ll never

find that ever and if you find it then

it’s fake he’s scamming you he’ll

disappoint you at one point because he’s

a man we’re humans so the perfect Church

doesn’t exist why because on the inside

we’re there and if there were a perfect

church then you you ruined it when you

got there it’s

over so a testimony isn’t built on

social media or Instagram the fruit of

the spirit is organic by being connected

to the vine when you’re connected to the

vine this the fruit is

seen so God doesn’t ask us to not have

privacy but he asks us to just not

pretend in public and what I’m about to

say maybe

personal this is a personal belief of

mine I don’t have any biblical

basis but this is my life

experience I tend to distrust and I

think I’ve done it my whole life I

inherited it from my from my father the

snail couples those that Drool on each

other on social

media that around this time of year for

for Valentine’s Day they say all sorts

of things I’m not saying it’s

wrong I’m not saying this isn’t God’s

way no it’s personal I distrust those

couples whose mission is life mission in

life is to show the world how they Drool

on each


I recently met a couple that in public

they would use code names they would say

hey my panda be can you bring me another

Taco yes Godzilla in

heels carnas for my tacos my yellow

Pikachu and he would say to her you

amazonic Predator ah stop it my viente

Fernandez with

no with no hair or my Bal ch

and he would say oh my Twingle for my

Shakira as you might expect they got

divorced it seemed like all that drool

didn’t help to keep them together

there’s an old saying that says tell me


you tell me what you what you boast

about and I’ll tell you what you lack

it’s not in the Bible but all of you

know about it right I Won’t Give Up Luis


3:16 so in my

understanding if you have to say on

social media what you should be saying

in your bedroom then that’s just a

ticking time bum that will go off that’s

just my understanding I’m not making a

doctrine of it it’s my personal opinion

that I wanted to share with you between

friends between

friends tell me what you boast about and

that’s that’s how men are in the

neighborhood oh I was with three girls

and I made them all happy no he’s

useless he’s a

fool women don’t have a past and and

true gentlemen don’t have a memory it’s

tiring to fake it and to maintain an

avatar and through the years I’ve

realized that I’ve been trying to

pretend much less many times I fall into

that acting of adding something extra


myself to be more than what I actually

am because my instincts tell me to cover

my sin to draw an enormous smile on my

face to give the impression that I have

all the

answers but after some years I decided

that I prefer to be hated over what I am

than to be loved over what I’m not

something that’s a lie I’m not someone

that hides a bottle of wine on the

table when we’re taking a picture so

that I so that I’m not a stumbling stone

for others that’s double moral if I

don’t do it in in private or in public I

shouldn’t do it in

private if you falling depends on me

drinking wine or not then you need a

life urgently my friend I’ve decided to

live with the truth I’m too old to

sustain a a an avatar and I think you

are too don’t say Amen but some of you

are pretty

old so my slogan is if there’s nothing

to protect that there’s nothing to lose

us broken people are immune to criticism

and Applause so the best that I can

offer through all these years it’s it’s

the truth of who I am it’s my most

valuable gift and what others expect of

me has nothing to do with

me I’m sorry that some consume my avatar

it’s funny when people say oh the person

the person replying on social media

isn’t Dante he has a manager I know

Dante it doesn’t matter if you’ve seen

900 of my sermons or if you’ve been

following me since you were a little

girl you have no idea who I

am in fact when I shared this on social

media I have one proverb I never use

sarcasm to provoke but to neutralize

aggression to leave it without effect

sarcasm is a formidable effect because

it disqualifies the grievance not the

person so when they write for example

you should pray more about hell it’s

been a while since I’ve heard you

mention hell I answer well in the last

30 years I’ve been asking the holy

spirit for guidance but now if you give

me your phone number I’ll call you and

I’ll ask you what to preach about or

someone asks why do you charge for the

tour the word is free of course the word

is free but what you’re paying for is to

get into the

theater I’m not insulting them but then

they answer me oh you’re so rude oh how

sad you’re not the Dante that you were

in the beginning you lost your way how

sad they never got to know the Dante

from the

beginning you don’t even know if I even

had a way at all you consumed my

avatar and I never said I was humble you

made that conclusion I’m Argentinian I

can’t be

humble I’m not saying I’m when did I say

I was

humble before you were humble no that’s

your perception I never said I was

humble so I’m not in charge of

expectations or opinions that others

have about me I don’t care if in a few

days somebody publishes oh Dante

confessed his lack of humility really I

care about one peanut two cumans three

cucumbers four radishes about what they

say why because we’ve decided here at

River to not present a sweetened version


ourselves I’m not the guy that knows it

all that never messes up and I’m not the

guy that’s here because I know more than

the rest of you are because I’m more

spiritual no and this isn’t false

humility it’s the

truth so when we commit the foolishness

of pretending we can’t keep up with that

lie all you have to do is tell the truth

and the truth shall set you free who

doesn’t want to live in Freedom the

truth shall set us free

so if we speak about errors and mistakes

then let’s set or let’s put ourselves as

examples let’s not be scared to

disappoint because the person that gets

disappointed then they created an image

that never applied was it chaplain’s

fault that they were disappointed that

he didn’t walk fast the way it was in

the movies no it’s what people believed

about his

Avatar why should you go and cover the

expectations that other set for you oh I

thought you were different well that’s

your problem who told you that I was

that way I thought you were humble well

that’s your problem I never said I was

humble and so this produces a chain

reaction a a a sincere community in a

world filled with falsehoods and

superficiality it’s marvelous to find


people I pray that there are more

disappointing people here at River

people that say pray for me or I’m not

doing so well or I I didn’t want to

tithe and now I’m not harvesting and

because I’m a devout follower of

stinginess and and I close my heart why

don’t we pray so that God forgives me I

want people like this I’ll go to the

ends of the Earth with a team like that


me because God can’t anoint and bless

what we’re pretending to be he’ll never

bless a stenography or a

lie not until we become that being that

we should be we won’t be free from the

being we’re trying to be or we’re

pretending to be God

prefers Brokenness before fake

spirituality wherever you’re watching me

from we have to make this intentional

decision to be real authentic honest

genuine with a pure heart not until then

will we be

loved and not just

admired and I want that for our

congregation may God allow us before the

end of the year to have more authentic


this isn’t debauchery or just a license

to sin it’s to say it doesn’t matter

what people say all we care about is the

the crowd of one what the Lord says and

God will say Well done good and faithful

servant enter into the joy of your

lord we’re going to give an Applause to

celebrate the King of Kings the Lord of


Hallelujah someone needs to applaud more

than that with authenticity if you

believe that God has spoken this morning


should we speak with God authentically

what do you

think should we say Lord Lord my life is

a disaster do something with me we’re

going to pray we’re going to Bow our

heads and pray to the Lord before we

go Lord listen to our honest sincere

prayers from all your children listen to


prayers so many errors so many

failures and Lord we ask that your grace

cover us this morning

lift up your hands and say Lord Your

Grace may your grace come upon me ask

for forgiveness without justifying

yourself tell the Lord that once again

your character burst out and you lost

your composure and you were jealous or

you were envious or lust came through

the cracks of your heart and once again

Envy was present again you had those

impure thoughts so many

things I know that there are dozens or

hundreds of other congregations

that will maybe choose to live in

superficiality but we’ve decided to be a

hospital that’s our assignment we’re not

better than others well it’s our

assignment we’re not saying that other

churches are wrong no our assignment is

we’re broken we’re brokenhearted we need

you lift up your hands and Worship the

Lord say Lord I need

you Lord thank you because this morning

you’ve spoken to us again and I’ve

transmitted what I believe you placed in

my heart

those that are in need those that are

broken those that have their hearts

ripped to

shreds those that have been been hurt by

life and are now laying on the canvas

unable to get up but they’ve come here

seeking a word of encouragement and the

word is you know sometimes it’s okay to

not be okay sometimes it’s okay to not


okay take a moment to cry to grieve to

mourn and when you’re on the canvas

don’t listen to


anyone that’s shouting to you from the

seats why are you on the ground because

none of them has what’s necessary to be

there in the ring fighting like you

are and like Renee Brown says never

allow those that buy the cheap seats the

nose bleeds in the arena to give their

opinion about you when you’re getting

beat up in the Ring of

Life simply tell them if you’re not

getting beat up here with me I’m not

interested in your

opinion life is f fighting and battling

and Clinging On To The Lord and closing

your ears to others opinions it doesn’t

matter what they tell you it doesn’t

matter how they label you you know who

you are before the Lord don’t justify

yourself don’t defend yourself say Lord

at the end of the day I just want to see

you pleased by me say Lord today I was

honest and sincere today I was direct I

was authentic that’s what the Lord wants

you to do lift up your hands and drink

from this special anointing that the

Lord is pouring out today here and at

home receive

now this healing this

Liberation this transformation whoa

everyone come on those that have the

baptism of the spirit intercede as the

spirit gives you utterance lift up your

hands and drink drink I want to hear you

I want to hear you Worship the Lord not

your private prayer anymore but your

worship to the Lord let’s lift up moment

of worship to the father father thank

you for this morning thank you God

because you have allowed us your grace

and your

favor true Holiness comes through

authenticity I am Divine you are the

branches the branch that remains in me

will bear much

fruit the branch that remains in me will

bear much fruit and the Fruit of the

Spirit is peace love joy peace patience


goodness connect yourself to him say

Lord this is who I am look this is who I

am I’ve messed up so much life has

teared me to shreds but I love you Lord

and the Lord tells me to tell you I love

you I love you the lord loves you so

much he loves you princess he loves you

Prince the lord loves you so much how

can he not love

you if he has you sculpted in his hand

the lord loves

you my son my daughter he loves you my

little one my princess the lord loves

you it doesn’t matter what the religious

people say how when why or who or what

you did in your old life who you went to

bed with it doesn’t

matter the Lord says you’re my princess

you’re my daughter I love you I tell you

what the Lord told the Samaritan woman

The Prostitute daughter daughter your

sins are forgiven forgiven son your sins

are forgiven daughter come on run to the

arms of the Lord give

in give yourself into the arms of the

Lord say Lord this is all that I am here

goes my

heart Can You Feel The anointing of the

spirit you see what happens when there’s

authenticity you see what happens when

there are broken hearts that’s when the

Bible says when two or three Gather in

my name

everyone everyone everyone

more more of his glory more of his

Spirit until it

overflows the lord loves you my little

one my little one the lord loves you the

lord loves

you I will not fail

you this what you’re feeling now is

going to happen in your bedroom in your

home this happens when you break the

barrier of pretending and

justification asking for forgiveness and

not having to explain why just saying

Lord forgive me you know

me and the Lord says of course I do I’ve

been waiting for this confession for

years you don’t have to try so hard to

speak to me just say I’m destroyed I

need you I’m broken and I need you whoa

everyone everyone

everyone lift up your hands and drink

drink from this Glory from this

spirit let the anointing of the spirit

fill you Moment by

moment every time I’ve had to speak

about authenticity there’s a backing an

extra backing from the spirit that I


explain and the Lord tells me that’s

your calling Dante to set the captives

free set the Mental Cap

free set them free from that religious

captivity and I feel that prison cells

open up I feel what an evangelist

feels an evangelist that preaches

healing when they see empty wheelchairs

I see empty prison cells the

shackles the iron locks break the minds

are free and you see Jesus with new eyes

and you say this is the gospel this is

is Grace this is forgiveness and truth


authenticity it’s a good thing that

moving forward will disappoint many

people our interest is to not disappoint

God if he is with you who can be against

you or us if he is on our side if he

fights our battles what does it matter

what they say father thank you for this

afternoon thank you for this morning

night anywhere in the world I pray for

all those that are watching in Africa


Europe Asia and I ask that this word

that I’ve spoken to their to their

intellect may your Holy Spirit seal this

word deep in their hearts and soul thank

you thank you for this blessing thank

you for your Glory thank you because you

blessed us this much I declare you

blessed prosperous healthy and above all

things may the truth set us free free


Freedom blessed

Freedom we’re going to celebrate that

we’re free in the Lord free free in our

minds and our hearts and our

souls marvelous people have a good

Sunday enjoy your freedom your peace

grace and mercy bye until next












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