ENGLISH Dante Gebel #840 | Voyeurs

Today, there is a spiritual epidemic of fast food that makes us fat, but does not nourish us. Our days are so saturated with activities that for years, we have been busy doing church; instead of being the church. But, the great secret of a fruitful Christian life is to stay focused on knowing the glory of God and saying NO to almost everything else; It is being “hidden” in Christ, the rock. Let us pray for a Church full of people who have stopped being spectators and who truly look to know and becoe intimate with the Father!



Ecuador Peru Venezuela

Colombia Argentina the flags from all

over the world from people that are

visiting us connecting with the rest of

the world this is happening here in

Anaheim how beautiful let’s go with that

Applause they’re watching you from all

over the


how beautiful to everyone welcome

welcome proud of your flags of your

teams of your

countries look this one’s using the iPad

look at that I love it this app pluses

for the rest of the world that’s

connecting with us Asia Africa Australia


America how

beautiful to everyone

welcome I’ll tell the people at home

that we have worshiped already we’ve

praised we’ve spent almost Now We’re

Here gathered together and now is when

we we connect with the rest of the world

during this service and to everyone it’s

it’s impressive to travel through the

world and to find people that say it’s

not that I just watch you or that we

watch you from time to time no I

congregate with you guys since 2020

entire family saying I congregate with

you oh I converted listening to your

messages and my children and anywhere we

go it’s

impressive how a river can extend how

God has given us that favor and I don’t

understand it I always

say I don’t know if it’s undeserved but


inexplicable if the Holy Spirit weren’t

in the equation because it’s not because

of branding or marketing there’s no way


say that thousands of people will listen

listen to us and each week between the

YouTube videos and the Facebook videos

we go beyond a million a million and a

half views these aren’t just a million

people each device counts for aiew and

there can be three or four people or a

family behind the screen so it might be

two three million people that we send a

special greeting to here from the


headquarters from the main home where

all this is happening and to all of you

and to us as

well all of you that are present here I

want to let you know that yesterday

Saturday a team of our missionaries went

out to Uganda they’re almost arriving in

this moment I think they’re in by right

now so you’ll see this this is the team

that left yesterday they went out to

nihonga to be with our almost 300

children almost 270 something children

adopted children that we have over there

at River

School they went to to live with to be

with them to start a new project we’re

going to build a playground for the

children it’s not going to be Disneyland

but for them man it’s going to change

their lives it’s going to help them to

be much

happier so as the images come in I’ll

share them with you on social media and

then next

Sunday we’ll have a big portion of what

was done they’ll come back on Sunday so

these these people won’t be here for two

Sundays not today nor next Sunday I

think they arrived next Sunday

evening they have about four days to do

to do their work because of the time

change there’s a 15-hour difference in

in in the time so when we go to sleep


beginning they’re waking up so when they

return they’re going and have a jet lag

they won’t know what day it is or where

they are but we send them a hug an

enormous blessing to all those that went


nihonga have a safe trip people they’re


arriving right now they must be in Dubai

and then they’ll take off for

Africa they’ll be any hunga with our

children I say our children because

that’s our

school on my end this past week I was in

Mexico City it was marvelous to all the

Mexicans we were on tour we were in New

York in Guatemala Colombia Honduras no

not Honduras not yet Dominican Republic

but we will go to Honduras but we’ve

been everywhere we have to go to Chile

parawai Bolivia we still have a lot of

of cities 27 cities in the US before the

end of the month if I’m not mistaken

we’re going to Dallas and Washington so

each place there’s a multitude of people

waiting and it was impressive in Mexico

because this is a place that Mexicans

know about it’s iconic it’s the national

Auditorium in

Mexico Juan Gabriel has gone there Luis

Miguel has had 28 nights there 28


nights I was looking at the pictures of

people that have gone through and

everyone has been there absolutely

everyone so it was marvelous to be at


iconic Stadium it attracts many people

from all social levels politician

artist the sold out was

complete so there were about 11 11,700

people that were there this was


night it was

marvelous very very

nice the auditorium is always full it’s

a place that’s always always completely

filled the following day on Thursday

montet had a concert there

so we shared the stage a

bit because we left at at midnight and

and his team came in a few hours later

but it was

marvelous I told you don’t be

jealous other countries where I’ve

already been but this has truly been the

most euphoric crowd I’ve had they yelled

they applauded when I came out that

night we began at 8:45 at night

Wednesday night the ovation and the

Applause from the people lasted almost

five or six minutes I couldn’t

begin I didn’t think the Mexicans were

be would be so rowdy but it was

marvelous I remember when I arrived in

California they were more timid but

these are the Mexicans living in the US

they’re a little more timid but they’re

in Mexico they’re in their land and they

yell and it was

marvelous and I wanted to share this

with you because I know you always pray

you back me with prayer for my health so

thank you for everything and before I

transmit what I believe God told me to

tell you this morning as I say one image

is worth more than a thousand words so

here we


















for Mexico how

beautiful and we had a great

time it was it was amazing it’s one of

those nights where you can’t fall asleep

it was 3:00 a.m. and I had so much


because so many people that had never

step foot in a church you realize that

there were a lot of well-known artists a

lot of known business people from

Mexico and at first they come in without

knowing what they’re going to see they

have no clue if there’s going to be

music if there’s no music but I begin

speaking and it lasts 2 hours 20 minutes

2 hours 25 and everyone says that it

feels like 10 15 minutes it goes by very

fast they spend a lot of time laughing

and then at a moment certain moment the

Holy Spirit begins to do his task

obviously VI L I can’t do it and there

they begin to cry to be moved and it’s

marvelous so to all the Mexicans those


went those that traveled from far away I

found people at the airport saying oh I

came from this city or from this other

country many people came to visit us

from different parts of the country and

I promise to send an enormous greeting

to them thank you God bless you a

pleasure next up Dallas and Washington

very well are we ready yes or

no I want to begin with an

analogy that

always seemed magnificent to me so that

we can go into the core of the message

it’s an analogy that I once used but I

don’t think there’s any other analogy

that can

illustrate the path or prepare the path

for this message better

let’s suppose that my main

concern was the public masses health so

I open up a business or a store under

the premise

or a sign that says organic juices 100%

organic natural fruit I say that’ll be

good for the public where everyone is

looking for good health so I open up a

shop that sells 100% organic and natural

juices freshly squeezed juice

no additives no

preservatives so I begin to make these

smoothies by blending carrots beets

spinach cucumber

oranges but there’s a problem there

aren’t enough clients that love these

types of

juices so my business is not profitable

how do I solve it well I add a little

bit of yogurt and sugar once I add this

to the juices then more people begin to

arrive because they find a better flavor

then I add some chocolate due to

someone’s request and sales go up once I

add food coloring and marshmallows I

begin to make a fortune because here

people love anything that takes you to a


attack and I begin to

notice that the clients are getting

fatter that those that used to come thin

skinny looking for a natural juice is

now a little more

full but I offer them that for 20 cents

more I can give them a bigger

cup dripping with glucose and fructose

it doesn’t matter and so finally my

desire to make a lucrative business ends

up overshadowing my original goal which

was to offer healthy

drinks but what’s true is that in any

moment if I’m honest I’m going to be

obligated to removing the sign that once

said natural juices or organic juices

because nothing’s organic anymore or


worse maybe I’ll decide to keep the

original sign even though though I’m

aware that I’m selling a distinct

product so this is a very common

Panorama in our churches because to say

that we come to church to just look for

God’s face and to have a relationship

with him sometimes that doesn’t attract

people it doesn’t attract the crowds so

sometimes to attract the clientele we

begin to add sweeteners and a moment

comes where we’ve added so many things

that we can no longer call it the

primitive church or a traditional church

because we’ve added a lot of

things due to the people’s request they

always want a little more another

magnificent analogy let’s suppose that

you have a child who’s 10 years

old and you consider celebrating their

birthday but you tell the child that you

won’t serve anything there won’t be

anything to eat there won’t be games not

even cake nothing and that all their

friends that love them should come and

spend time with with him if they they

don’t have a gift obviously they won’t

come in but no games no food no balloons


cake obviously nobody’s going to come so

what do you do you say no it’s all

right to come and just spend time with

my son nobody’s going to come so let me

plan a big party with food video games

mechanical bull jumper

candy and so kids from even other

schools or other neighborhoods come and

they have no idea who the birthday boy


is the party here yeah do you know my

son no but is this where the party is

yeah then you would have a robust

successful a robustly successful party

and so during the party you go up to

your son and you say look look at how

all the kids love you even the ones that

don’t know you they love you so much do

you think your son will truly believe

that do you think he’ll believe that

everyone that’s at the party is there

because they love him and because they

wanted to spend the day with him and in

essence that’s what we do with God when

we add sweeteners to the message or to


church and so we’ve learned from a young

age some of us that in order to fill a

building you have to do fun things first

for the Youth bua nights a burrito

Festival Sunday school if a church

doesn’t have a Sunday school then people

don’t come people say oh I like a place

where I can leave my child with you for

two hours and they don’t bother me

others say I’m

bothered that they don’t have a

theological education but then others

say no I just need you to take

Nebuchadnezzar out of my hands for two

hours two hours is all I ask for and so

what do we do we say all right we’ll

have a Sunday school or else people

won’t come and then we say look God how

many people came just because they love

you because they want to be with you do

we truly believe that God is going to


that so if we were to

say that we’re only going to gather to

seek his face then there God would know

that all that are here are here because

they love him but when we say we’re

going to bring a guest or we’re going to

bring a prophet or a singer to present

their new album we can’t say that they

come from God for God they come because

of what we’re promoting but we’re not

doing it with poor motivations because

I’ve had events like that I’ve organized

them and I’ve participated in

others sometimes as a guest what we want

or what we believe our motives are is

that we want people to come here for God

but if God could do it in his own way he

would like for our

churches do you think that he would like

for our church churches to be filled

with activities to trick

people or would he want the reason that

people come is to get to know him and be

with him even though that

represents a lesser quantity of people

or a smaller group I think

anyone we need to know that the people

are there because they love me whether

you’re at a wedding wedding it’s your

wedding or it’s your birthday party how

many times have we been to a wedding

where half of the

guests are just the uncles sisters

brothers friends

girlfriend there are people

that that come along to a funeral just

to have some free coffee and

bread they say I didn’t know him but uh

I’ll at least have something to

eat Jesus

said in the Book of John

you study the scriptures diligently

because you think that in them you have


life but Jesus said these are the very

scriptures that testify about me yet you

refuse to come to me to have

life you prefer to read the menu instead

of having dinner so in other words not

even just reading the Bible doesn’t

bring us closer to God if we’re not sure

of who we’re seeking out while we read

it if what we’re looking for is a

blessing or a word of blessing the Bible

won’t mean anything because you’re just

using it as a horoscope let’s see what I

get and he went and hung

himself when we don’t know what we’re

looking for or who we’re looking for

then this is simply like Juan Carlos

orti said this is just the Manu Juan

Carlos Ortiz said who sits down at a

restaurant and says give me the menu and

then the waiter says what are you going

to order nobody says oh nothing I’m full

by just reading the menu but there are

people that get filled by reading the

menu so reading the Bible without

Direction doesn’t guide

anyone so

some we give some some of us give the

the word a great importance which of

course there’s nothing intrinsically

wrong with that it’s very important but

when it becomes biblio idolatry when the

Bible is more important than the one who

inspired it then we’re in serious ious

problems we love the Bible more than the


himself so we have to remember that the

the ancient Church didn’t have what we

now call the New Testament that came

years later in fact the first Believers

didn’t even have the ancient scriptures

of the Old Testament because those

costly Scrolls were under Key and Lock

in the synagogues so the only scriptures

that they had the first

Christians were transmitted verbally

by their grandparents by their parents’

word of

mouth so in the end what did they have

as a guide well they walked and they

spoke with

God in such intimacy with him that it

wasn’t necessary to go to the dusty

letters from years before now I’m not

saying that the Bible is bad but I’m

just asking what would they do if they

didn’t have the scripture but they had

the notes of Christ written in their

hearts they had a relationship with him

and sometimes we qualify our maturity

according to what we do well I read the

Bible one hour a day or every time I

wake up I read a verse it’s not wrong

but that doesn’t

qualify our level level of spirituality

or how often do we come to church what

relationship do you have with god well I

go to church every week

and how much work do we do at church

well I serve I serve a lot I’m an usher

or a ser or a volunteer now I asked you

what relationship you have with God so

sometimes you lose sight of the fact

that all that matters is not religion

nor activity but the relationship how

you relate with God Exodus

3317 tells us that Moses makes an

audacious prayer the petition according

to theologists

say it’s the most

risky requ ever made by anyone in

humanity that marvelous phrase of God

lord I beg

you let me see your glory Show Me Your

Glory show me your

face the famous preacher Spurgeon said

if Moses would have asked for a chariot

of fire to take him to

heaven or if he would have asked Lord

drown the Cavalry of all of of an entire

nation or send fire from heaven to

consume an entire Army Spurgeon

said I might be able to find a parallel

to others that have said similar prayers

but when the guy

says I beg you to show me your

glory he rises up alone with no

precedence and with no one to do it

after him a giant amongst Giants a

Colossus amongst Giants because that

petition petition according to Spurgeon

says goes beyond any request from any

other man Lord Show Me Your Glory

Solomon asked for

wisdom others asked for healing others

said free my people but he said at one

point I want you to show me your glory

and God answers him by saying no you you

can’t you can’t see it in fact you’d

have to be dead to be able to see it

alive you won’t see it and here’s the

point of the


Moses could have been content with the

experience of having been in front of a

bush that didn’t consume itself in the


now Moses spent 40 years in the desert

exiled and a bush a plant in the desert

began to

burn in a sudden way it was it was

miraculous and it wasn’t consumed and

from that bush God speaks to him and

tells him that he has a calling for his

life that in and of itself is miraculous

Moses could have preached to his

people to attempt to have that same

experience similar to what he

had he could have said this church is

now the Church of the burning bush or in

the worst of cases he could have told

the people that if they didn’t find a


Bush that was burning then try to set

one on fire with a

lighter so that they could experiment

the fire of God because to contemp a

bush it it’s not necessary to die in

order to contemplate God’s glory you

have to be dead but to contemplate a

bush it’s not necessary to be dead I’m

going to explain more in a few

moments many can encounter a bush at any

point in their lives what does the bush

symb symbolize it symbolizes God’s

calling I want to do this for God I feel

like doing this in fact the word

says that many are called but few are


so not all that are called are

chosen and let’s not even mention those


offer many are called few are

chosen the great

mistake is to

assume that just for having felt the

calling that validates us to say that we

have intimacy with

God everyone can have a calling I hear

many people and many people write to me

some with genuine callings and others

that I would call mental

flatulence they felt a gas and they say

God called me I had a dream I I want to

do great things I know I’m going to

gather crowds and I saw myself in a big

stadium and I was a millionaire and I

got off my private plane no all they

did was have tacos and burritos too late

at night and they went to bed maybe

there is something from God there but it

doesn’t mean that they have a

relationship with God and many

people have been called by God God but

we’re never willing to

die they stayed with the bush I’ve

gotten to know many smug people like all

of us not like

you that are smug but I’m saying we’ve

all gotten to know smug people I’ve

gotten to know people that are abusive

prideful egotistical that I’ve told me I

know I’m like this I don’t get along

with anyone but I feel the calling from

God as if God’s

calling redeems all the rest it doesn’t

matter that you don’t have have a good

character it doesn’t matter that your

character isn’t at the feet of of Christ

it doesn’t matter that you

have a prideful

life it’s as if being in front of the

Bush redeems them from anything they

were never able to submit to Authority

you can’t imagine the people that I’ve

met that cannot submit to Authority but

no no the leader of the

ushers that is told oh you have to go to

the other aisle today well why because

cuz I have this calling or they can’t

wait in line to get their coffee I’m

talking about subjecting to any

Authority even the authority of an

employee so I’ve gotten to know people

like this these people have lied to hide

their faults but they’re not here today

they don’t come to this first service

they come to the second service that’s

why I can speak

freely but when you show these people

their own in congruencies and that they

could place at Christ’s feet they say no

God called me and they make the mistake

the serious mistake that at one point

we’ve all made and I include

myself of believing that just because

you faced a burning bush they’re now

ready to go out and Free People from

slavery no you’re not ready you still

have to die the only thing they’ll be

able to do is invite people to

contemplate their own Bush which is what

many people do when you see that

somebody comes up and all they say is

contemplate my bush I’m going to speak

to you about how God spoke to to me how

my bush is burning how anointed I am and

if somebody wants it come up to the

Altar and nowhere in the Bible are we

going to find the phrase is come up to

the Altar and take the blessing come up

to the Altar and take what God has

promised you you’ll never hear come to

the Altar and receive or feel the fire

because the

bush doesn’t appear to us so that our

task can be to keep it burning or so

that people can come watch it in any

case a bush exist

ists for a result a goal let’s ask the

lamb that was sacrificed on the altar

let’s ask that lamb to see if that altar

is a place of blessing no it’s a place

to die a lamb didn’t come to take its

blessing from the altar no it went to

die that’s why I insist with the idea

that we tend to design our services to


people and not always for them to take

their cross and many of our churches are

filled with activities our church was

and it’s

own moment before the pandemic it was

filled with activities I come from that

school oh let’s have we have we have

single youth let’s have a service for

the single youth well what about the

people that are that are single but

older than 40 they don’t have anything

in common with the youth so let’s have a

group for the older

singles there are also those that don’t

get along with with the singles because

they’re divorced and so they already had

a partner so they don’t get

along and so there’s another group there

and so when you have all these

activities you believe oh man we’re

doing things for God but in reality

we’re just adding

sweeteners to what was once a natural

juice simple so

nowadays an epidemic of spirituality

exists of a fast food that fattens us

but it doesn’t give us nutrients it

doesn’t feed

us and we like menus big menus

especially in this country we like the

menus that they have at Cheesecake

Factory where it’s this thick you ask

for the menu and I don’t know how the

cooks do it for the

people in the rest of the world the menu

I’m talking about is like it’s as thick

as a Bible like the King James version

853 different ways of serving the

steak and for many years churches we

became a restaurant with a very big menu

with fast food a new idea comes up a new

vision a new prophecy and we change the

menu somebody wants a special event well

let’s let’s expand the menu that’s what

people like and we have to bring new

preachers every Sunday if possible with

new theologies because that’s how we

expand the menu and at the church

someone says who’s coming this weekend

oh no one then who’s going to preach the

pastor oh

man no I hope they bring someone so then

they have to bring someone on fun that’s

horrible because there’s a moment where

the guests run out and so you you start

the cycle

again and you don’t even know what

you’re eating

anymore and we assume that the more we

offer on the menu the

better so the agenda and the calendar

and the menu is expanded why because

that’s what the people

like and we become less and less healthy

because you might think the more

activity the more we serve the Lord the

more conferences there are the more

events we hold the more concerts then

the greater the impact will be because

that’s what we call the church life we

have a church with the lot of life it’s

just making the combo bigger for 20

cents more and the big secret behind a

fruitful life is maintaining ourselves

on one single thing and that’s to remain

focused on getting to know God Show Me

Your Glory for God to show us his glory

it’s to say no to almost all the rest

Focus what does Focus mean well to learn

to say

no saying no is difficult yes of course

it is I was a gentleman who said yes all

the time until I was 30 my mother would

say thank God you weren’t born a woman

you would be pregnant all the

time that’s what happens to those that

say yes easily right then I gave myself

the no I said no not this it’s not

impossible to give yourself the no to

remain focused is a ential for True

communion and it’s not easy to say no

but you have to learn to do it and

although it’s not easy our spiritual

health is at risk and so we have to

learn to

boycott the spirituality of fast food

and focus on one single thing and avoid

gigantic menus those menus of of

Buffets or all you can eat where you can

eat anything because if we take that to

the spiritual world it’s very serious

David prayed in Psalm 27:4 one thing I

ask from the Lord one and this is the

only this only do I seek that I may

dwell in the house of the Lord all the

days of my life he doesn’t ask for more

power he doesn’t ask for more Harps he

doesn’t ask for bigger armies one single

thing he had one thing in mind an

intimate relationship a passionate

relationship with God that’s what

worried him the most Paul tells the

church in

Philippians three he says but one thing

I do not two not three one forgetting

what is behind and straining toward what

is ahead I press on toward the goal to

win the prize for which God has called

me having a word in Christ

Jesus one single thing now what was

Paul’s objective I want to be like

Christ and the writer of the Hebrews

indicates to us that we have to

get rid of all of our sin all of our

burdens that obstruct us from running

the race Runners don’t run with a fur

coat or

boots are fur coats and Boots of sin no

but it’s a

burden anything that’s excess is

eliminated is it a sin to have a naron a

Netflix Marathon no but it gets in the

way of you seeking God or certain

friendships a sin certain friendships

that guide you to drink more alcohol or

speak foolishly

you’re no longer evangelizing to them

but they’re evangelizing to you is it a

sin no but it’s a burden so the great

challenge is to


everything that obstructs us seeking God

and getting to know his face we’re

saturated with so many different things

that for so long we were so busy playing

at being a church instead of being a

church anyone can found a church and

play a church but being a church is

different different

Psalm in the Psalms it says bless my

soul oh

Lord bless the Lord oh my soul the

service is to God not for the

people it’s not for us we don’t come

here for ourselves I’m going to look for


blessing yes we will leave here blessed

but we come here to worship Him are we

in agreement yes or no

now what is our

tendency try to remember when you look

for a church to congregate at you look

for the churches that are more

fun a church that is cool is in style

the youth say no I go to this church

because there they dress cool and

because they’re modern and they all have

skinny jeans and they all look like

hippies all right it’s fine peace and

love all right it’s

fine and they have musicals and there’s

a lot of smoke on the stage that’s not

wrong I’m not someone that’s growing old

saying that’s not what God likes just

because I don’t like it but if we’re not

decided if we haven’t decided that we’re

going to die to the flesh then sooner or

later that all of that is going to bore

us because as far as entertainment goes

there will always be better options on

the outside the church can’t compete

with entertainment Vegas beats us

Hollywood beats us Universal Studios

beats us Disney will beat

us some Churches

say well what a great show we just had

but we go to Vegas and we’ll look like

uh tacos down on the sidewalk compared

to what they can

do the light shows the screens you don’t

know if it’s magic or animations no you

just you can’t compete with

entertainment the secret is that God’s

Fire doesn’t fall on empty altars for

the fire to come down there has to be a

sacrifice on the altar so there has to

be death Lord Show Me Your Glory you

can’t you’re alive God said to Moses the

fire will never descend if there’s not

something on the altar even though we

fill the the pulpit with yelling and

Prophets and music and decrees I can say

prophetic decree everyone is going to

receive their Green Card receive the

Green Card well everyone’s going to

applaud even the person that has it

already is going to

applaud is it true fire

no it’s the promise of a politician it’s

it’s the promise of a lawyer that comes

out on the on commercials you were in an

accident your neck hurts you can get a

lot of money back call

us Joseph ins Sons it’s the same thing

all those

attorneys what anointing are we going to

feel so if we want the fire to truly

descend then we need to become the

combustible we need to deny ourselves

take the cross and fall follow him like

John Wesley used to say another famous

preacher he would say Lord I put my life

upon the altar I ask you that you

consume it with fire this is tough this

isn’t just trembling or speaking in

tongues no I want my flesh to be

consumed and in any case I want the

people to come to see me burn I want

people to come and see how each day I

look more like you that was Wesley’s

prayer with that being said but I’m

going to tell you

I thought very carefully because I don’t

want to hurt anyone’s

susceptibility but I know it’s what God

told me to tell you I know

many during the pandemic have felt that

they didn’t have leaders they felt

abandoned they’ve written to me you’ve

told me you don’t have clear guidance

many not everyone I’m not

generalizing but many throughout the

pandemic back in March 2020 April 2020

you You’ expected a word of

encouragement and you haven’t received

it generally speaking leaders or

pastors have said through a zoom be

prudent put on your face mask stay home

and don’t forget to send your your tithe

through the mail logically nobody

expected an order to go out and get sick

however many felt

forgotten many people said no I nobody

called me I didn’t know anything nobody

preached to me in the past many years

ago the religious teachers the

Pharisees in an attempt to keep control

they took God out of the reach of the

common people and that’s very

common to what was happening in many

churches before the pandemic I remember

that as soon as the quarantine came down

a minister one of my friends told me he

said I can’t control my sheep anymore I

can’t control them because how long are

we going to have this Building closed I

I can’t control them and I told them

look there’s a fallacy in that principle

first of all they’re not your sheep you

didn’t give birth to any

sheep they’re not your

sheep and others began to tell me oh now

I can watch your messages because before

my pastor prohibited me from watching

them or I said or thought well that’s a

dictatorship instead of a healthy Rel


leadership that’s a hegemonic regiment

instead of a pastor so in 2020 something

very important happened it’s prophetic


we were able to identify who were

children of God and who were the

grandchildren of

God in other words people that knew

about God vicariously vicarious means

when you go to God through someone else

vicarious is is an going through an

intermediary we were able to identify

many people that lived from someone


spirituality in fact when the buildings

opened up again these people didn’t


and I can say this 40 or 50% of this

congregation is

new many people did not return they said

no they said oh how it was so great to

to sleep in on Sundays oh it’s so great

to watch sports on Sunday I don’t need

the church and they said

no because they had a spirituality that

was lent to them they thought that if

they served God they had a relationship

with God if they congregated they had a

relationship with God and many of

realized that they weren’t even


others began to see Jesus with new eyes

because there were no longer any

intermediaries it wasn’t the same God

that they were preached about where they

would say God is like this and he’ll

punish you if you don’t obey and if you

don’t give your tithe you’re going to


hemorrhoids it wasn’t that God that they

had been preached about for so long and

those that officiated as intermediaries

were also locked up in their

homes and like never before the pandemic

came around to validate the legitimacy

of Christians God allowed he decided

that the temples would be

closed to accomplish a direct intimacy

with his children without any

intermediaries many began to pray

truthfully without anyone telling them

lift up your hands why did you come here

how many are here sing a new song they

didn’t have anyone some had to look for

videos others put music and they had to

go seek God without any

intermediaries that’s exactly what God

offered Israel in the desert in Exodus

19:10 and the Lord said to Moses go to

the people and consecrate them today and

tomorrow and have them wash their

clothes and be ready by the third day

because on that day the Lord will come

down on Mount

Si in the sight of all the

people put limits for the people around

the mountain and tell

them God gave the opportunity for all of

the people to have the intimacy that God

had with

Moses prepare yourselves get ready I’m

going to

appear on Mount Si come in and enter my

presence because it just so happens that

Israel didn’t trust Moses too much they

had said even in numbers

12:2 has the Lord spoken only through

Moses they asked hasn’t he also spoken

through us and the Lord heard

this they said who does this guy think

he is the messiah

why doesn’t God speak to us and God was

saying all right you don’t trust in the

man from here on out no more

intermediaries I think that’s one of the

great reasons as to why God allowed an

Asian in China to eat a bat and before

he digested the the food he made the

whole globe tremble in

fear that’s what God has told us since

2020 but what we can’t forget is that in

order order to accept that challenge we

have to be willing to

die Moses was willing to

die I don’t know if the people were

willing to die what the people wanted

was a religious

experience according to the prophet



Exodus 2018 says of course the third day

arrived when the people were there they

washed their clothes it was the exterior

that’s what they could do and all of a

sudden they stand on Mount Si and the


says that when the people saw the

Thunder and the lightning and heard the

trumpet and saw the mountain in

smoke and they saw they they they

trembled and they stayed at a distance

and said no no no we didn’t expect a God

Like an actual

God Moses you speak to us yourself and

we’ll live

listen huh but do not have God speak to

us or we we will

die and Moses saido not be afraid God

has come to test

you so that the fear of God will be with

you to keep you from

sinning so that you don’t speak

foolishly so that you don’t say oh God

only speaks to Moses no see there it is

and so the people were at a distance and

Moses went close to the darkness where

God was

they ran from his presence instead of

running to it the way Moses did they

preferred what many people prefer

respect from a distance they don’t want

an intimate relationship they also don’t

want to be an atheist they just want

respect from a distance and that’s the

worst person to preach to I always say

that an atheist is very close to having

an encounter with God the worst person

is punch his

Pilot the one that says Ah for me he

seems like a good guy yeah that’s the

word first the Rel the one who believes

in relativity do you love God what do I

know yeah I have my own life I have

nothing against God that’s the worst

because that person doesn’t know that

they need to have an encounter with

God the one that looks at god with

respect but not close enough to have

intimacy what do these people do they

run from God they demand that Moses act

as the

intermediary and the church has suffered

the same thing throughout all of history

we always prefer and I include myself we

always prefer a man as an intermediary

instead of a personal relationship with

God it’s easier of course it’s easier

for a prophet to come that’s why

prophetic conferences are filled with

people even though the guy’s a scammer

even though we’ve proven through YouTube

that everything he said wasn’t

fulfilled and even then people go oh he

shared this word with me he said I’m

going to get thinner that’s how people

are and then what happens men

fail I’ve gotten to know prophets God

doesn’t let me lie

he’s he’s put his

hand on a woman’s belly and saying God

has blessed you with a child and the

woman says no it’s just fat and he says

oh a child will come though and the

woman says no I can’t I’m not even

married and he says no it will

come poor woman go and make a baby so

that the prophet doesn’t look like a

like a fraud but of course fail and what

do we say oh the man failed me the

church has abandoned

me but we love

intermediaries but they will

fail at this conference presid I say

let’s remember the pandemic where God’s

representative here on

Earth lost his faithful

followers in the Vatican and he himself

the pope himself had to take coid tests

and use uh face covering that speaks to

us that there is no vicarious

intermediary that’s excellent or perfect

and what’s worse some love to be

intermediaries that’s why there are so

many confused people listening to

prophets that say things that don’t

require analysis but many

people want to go in without any

commitment I call this spiritual

pornography I want to enjoy but just by

watching I want to enjoy without any

intimacy so we’re voist it comes from a

French word called named Voyer to watch

a voist is someone who finds pleasure by

watching by watching a couple watching

people have sex and they have pleasure

they don’t want to be touched but they

find pleasure this Tak to the spiritual

atmosphere is even worse we need to say

no I’m going to seek God by myself until

I myself hear God’s voice that’s why I


insist comparing myself to you or you to

myself you have a greater Advantage I am

at a disadvantage and this isn’t false

modesty I never say well God speaks to

me because I’m at a superior level no

you have to say if God speaks to this

foolish Argentinian then he has to speak

to me

too he has to appear in my bedroom I

have to have a relationship with him yes


no and so God is tired of being seen

like a grand father because God doesn’t

want grandchildren he wants children he

gave us the spirit of adoption so that

we could be children and inherit what

Jesus Christ has not to be seen as Grand

children if we see Jesus as a grandpa we

see him as Santa Claus ho ho I’m going

to bless you son ho ho ho sit on my lap

no that’s not God that’s a scile old

man but we look for cheap emotions

without commitment meanwhile the Lord

says I

continue Desiring intimacy and for years

we looked for Revival without seeking

God it’s like being a it’s as if a

foreigner came up to you and said hey

look young man I don’t really know you I

don’t want to know about any commitments

I prefer to be direct I don’t want to

know I don’t want any romance I’m

terrible at it but I would love to make

a child with you is there any

possibility and so I want us to remember

this God isn’t an anonymous

donor the kingdom isn’t a sperm bank

where we look go to look for Frozen

blessings take what the Lord said to

Moses here take no that’s taking Frozen

blessings Frozen sperm God isn’t an

anonymous donor he won’t give you the

blessing unless you have intimacy with

him if we don’t have a relationship with

him there won’t be true blessing he

doesn’t give Frozen blessings and

so I have understood throughout the

pandemic God spoke to me a lot and he

said if you want to have

children if you want the church to truly

reproduce and have children true and

committed children then as a church we

have to stop lending out our womb come

and receive the blessing and take it

with you no we can’t give away our

promised Frozen blessings from 2000

years ago for our blessing to be real

and true you have to have commitment and

intimacy with The Giver of that blessing

we can’t take the Frozen

blessings I come to give my tithe so God

can multiply it by 10 I come to serve so

God can give me health no

that’s it’s not a life

insurance well since it’s Sunday I’m

going to take my little vial of promises

of blessings H I’m not interested in

getting to know the donor I don’t know I

don’t care about the father that’s what

happens in sperm

banks women who have to be inseminated

artificially and but we can’t be

artificially inseminated the church has

to stop looking like a single

mother people grew tired of coming into

our temples and noticing that there’s an

absent father that’s why so many temples

are empty people grew tired of going

into the church and realizing that the

father is absent their disfunctional

homes they were left with frozen

blessings and nobody has an encounter

with God that’s why God told Moses no

man will see my face and

live and when we

decide to do the same thing with

God when we are spoken when we’re told

about the cross and not the crown people

say no no no they told me that I would

be victorious that I would be empowered

nobody told me about the cross I feel

scammed and what did Moses

do he continued in in in his search but

God said No Moses you can’t only the

dead see my face by Good Fortune Moses

didn’t stay there but the church has

remained there you have to die to have a

relationship with God you have to die to

your flesh to your sin oh no no wait


on I thought I could keep just a little

few sins I can negotiate but

no and Moses maintained this

conversation with god when the

Israelites had already given their back

to the

Lord when he asked them to come to mount

Sinai to encounter him Moses said I want

to know more about you let’s remember

that at that point God had already told

Moses that he wouldn’t go with Israel

remember when Moses goes to the

Mount to get the Commandments or the

laws for the people when he comes down

Aaron was manip manipulated by the

people and they were worshiping Pagan

Idols they had melted gold and silver

and they made their own Gods statues and

God was tired of it he said I’m not


to rise raise these people through you

they’re hard-headed they might be

consumed on the path now Moses had

experimented the Miracles God’s

provision along with all the other

Israelites the Nile turned into

blood the plague of flies the plague

with the Toads the plague of the locusts

Darkness throughout the

land all the firstborn died Mana came

down from the heavens quails to eat

water came from a stone of course they

had experimented Miracles and at church

we have done too we’ve seen everyone’s

Miracles night of Miracles nights of

Glory nights of power do what you

couldn’t do before run there bend over

oh I couldn’t bend over now I can bend

over oh I had a bump here on my arm and

I don’t have it we’ve seen so many

things wheelchair stacked up

and does that produce intimacy with

God no even the same people that are

healed never step foot in a church

again now Moses said it’s good to

experiment Miracles but it’s better for

God to walk with them Moses said no no

no no no don’t send us any Angels either

you go with us or don’t make us leave

this land because if you’re not with us

Moses said

this how are we going to know your

people and I that we can count on your

favor how would we how would we be any

different to any other people on this

Earth God doesn’t say I’m going to send

Satan he says no I’m going to send an

angel but no because what


us is our relationship with you no one

else talks to their God what’s going to

differentiate us from all the other

people in this world I love that

question if God isn’t with us if God

isn’t with us every time we go to work

or when we make our coffee or when we

raise our children or when we come to

church then how are we

differentiated how are we any different

from the Amway pyramid schemes or the

Herbal Life pyramid schemes I’ll invite

you to go to one they look just like a

church you can be healed say it with me

healed healed healed and if you can’t

poop then you’ll be able to do it with

Herbal Life people do it tell the person

next to you Herbal Life Changes your

life Herbal Life Changes my life Herbal

Life Changes my life it’s the same

thing how are we going to be different

from Tony Robin’s followers or Daniel

khabib’s followers or any other


coach so in a metaphoric sense God said

Moses I’m going to give you my gifts and

Moses said no I don’t just want your

gifts I want you and at church sometimes

we fall in love with the holy spirit’s

gift so much that we don’t even want to

get to know the giver of those gifts

we’re fascinated so much by God’s gifts

that we forget who even gave us those

gifts in the first place you can imagine

the amount of young people that say God

gave me the multitudes God gave me a

gift I’m going to record an out album

they’re in love with that album they’re

in love with their face on the cover

because if not they wouldn’t tell me

that they would ask me how can I pay the

price to know God more to know his face

more I don’t care about the CD I want to

know God and then all the rest

comes but the best part is when it does

come you don’t even care about it so

during the pandemic if there was one

message from God it was look at me with

new eyes forget about my hand and look

at my face but of course for that you

have to

die like someone said we can’t look for

God’s face and conserve our

own and the isra Israelites were too

busy in writing

up lists of petitions and complaints and

empowering themselves and the majority

of us these days fail the same way but

Moses desired something else more than a

temporary visitation from God he desired

his permanent presence he said go with

us or we die

here he had a very good

offer Moses was told that the angel

would guide him who wouldn’t say Amen

but he said no no what angel I don’t

want to get to know any angel either you

come with us or we won’t be any

different from any of the other churches

we’ll be like the rest of the world he

desired something more than God’s finger

or a cloud or a burning

bush that’s why he begged God in Exodus

33:18 I beg that you show me your glory

and God says no you if you see my glory

you will

die for anyone else that’s Case

Closed Dr Dr Dr Polo applauded right now


C but Moses felt that there was a

possibility I don’t know what’s

happening but I have I don’t have much

of a filter I haven’t had a filter these

last two weeks maybe it’s all the travel

but God told Moses look you can’t see my

face but there’s something that I can do

in order to see

me I’m going to disappear let’s do

something it’s as if God said you really

want to see me that bad and Moses said

yes others would have said no it’s fine

when I die but the Lord said to

Moses that he should go to the summit of

the mountain the following morning he

said I’m going to

descend through the crack through the

cracks of the valley my glory

he told Moses I’m going to put you

inside of a cave behind a rock and I

like this part because the Apostle Paul

says that the rock is

Christ and so I think this is a metaphor

or a hyperbole that the only way to see

God’s glory is to be hidden in Christ

believing that he has forgiven us

believing that he has redeemed Us hidden

in the rock that fascinates


now this is an interesting

proceeding the Lord said I will cause

all my goodness to pass in front of you

and I will Proclaim my

name I will have mercy on whom I will


mercy I will put you in a in a cliff in

the Rock and cover you with my hand

until I have passed away then I will

remove my hand and you will see my back

but my face must not be seen Exodus

33:22 I’m going to cover you like this

and I’m going to pass by when I tell you

now ready ready or I’ll tell you for

example count to 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

now then you’ll see me as I’m walking

away just a little bit of my back that’s

all that Moses saw he rushed out and he

saw a bit of his back he was impacted

forever I always believed that a single

encounter real encounter with the Lord

there’s no need to be followed there’s

no solidification needed no maintenance

or a volunteer to call you during the

week always I’ve always believed it

don’t need

that if I have to follow the people to

convince them that they had an encounter

with God then they did not have an

encounter with God if somebody comes on

a Sunday and you have to call them on on

Monday and visit them Tuesday and

intimidate them on Thursday for them to

come it’s because the last Sunday they

didn’t have an encounter with

God but if next Sunday they think that

the Super Bowl is better than coming to

church and they did not have an

encounter with God never in all of

scripture have I found a single person

that had an encounter with God and then

went cold that famous Evangelical word

oh they went cold what do you mean they

went cold when my grandpa went cold it’s

because he died he was

dead come Grandpa’s cold no he had been

dead since the previous

night no it’s just that we have to

solidify I believe in discipleship and

and Sol

solidification but we can’t be salesman

of a pyramid scheme never Jesus never

followed anyone he never said Peter

Peter did you take the number of the

rich young man take down his number

because I don’t think he understood and

he’s offended let’s call him on

Tuesday he said no follow

me so once we experiment the Lord Of

Glory nobody turns his back on him

because it’s no longer a Doctrine it’s

no longer an argument it’s a

revelation does somebody believe it yes


no that is why the Apostle Paul


said in second

Timothy I know who I who who I have


in that’s the difference when there’s an

intermediary some people say I don’t

know who I’ve believed

in or being told oh they spoke spoke to

me about

him when people say I know who I’ve been

spoken about they haven’t met him they

just have heard about him and in a

certain way they’re God’s

grandchildren and one of the reasons why

people leave out the back

door of a church is because they had an

encounter with man and not an encounter

with God so they leave the church

talking about the Elijah of God instead

of leaving speaking

about the God of Elijah and I don’t care

why people come in here you don’t have

to give an explanation to invite someone

or or you don’t have to speak about

theology just say no come listen to this

guy he’s fun he talks about

mother-in-laws or come watch Dante I

think he’s famous it’s fine you can do

that doesn’t matter why they come the

bait is the least of our worries the

problem is who will they take when this

is all over who will they take in their

hearts yes or

no so what do we


experiences like the one that Paul had

on the road to Damascus just 30 seconds

of Open Heavens we have to pray for that

Lord please 30 seconds of your glory

your back your finger just a

finger people

are disillusioned when they see a lot of

man and a little bit of God but when are

we going to learn that if people are

attracted to

Faith through entertainment or through

music then they’ll also

be faded away when there’s better

entertainment better music somewhere

else people can feel attracted by good

music but they’ll remain interested as

long as that music is playing when the

music runs out then the these people

don’t want any more of it and I insist

we can’t compete with the world in

areas in which they are way more

competent now what the world can’t

compete with us in is God’s

presence there’s no way there’s no way

for me to stand

behind a Pulpit in front of 11,000

people in the National Auditorium in

Mexico not even the producers can draw


anything they say wait all you need is a

stool yeah no water no he’s a camel well

do you want something else to help you

out no they can’t believe it so they

think oh he must be a magician he’s

going to make things appear no when they

see that the people begin to cry they

realize that this isn’t a man that there

is that only the Holy Spirit can do

people will run to where God’s presence

is yes or

no second book of Chronicles 7:14 says

if my people who are called by my name

will humble themselves and pray and seek

my face and turn from their Wicked Ways

we’re already his people why should we

seek his

face if my people become humble and seek

my face why do we have to seek his face

because his favor flows from his

face we can be as people without ever

knowing God’s face now how many people

enjoy running water or public lighting

or waste collection and I’ve never seen

the face of the mayor or the governor

I’ve reached the conclusion that without


presence I’m a guy with no career no

profession I don’t have diplomas on the

wall for architecture or TV host or or

reporting I don’t have any of these

diplomas I’m someone with no profession

if the Holy Spirit isn’t in the equation

so if I’m a Christian that never saw

God’s glory then I’m a parasite of the

Kingdom someone who consumes all the

resources waste collection public

lighting running water but I’m not

interested in meeting the one who gives

that I want the Frozen blessing but I

don’t want to know the

donor I like to know that Moses or God

never forgot Moses’s prayer because even

though he only allowed Moses to see his

back Moses said let me see your face

let me see your

glory there’s an author that says the

answer to that prayer will never be

found in the Old

Testament you have to jump 1500 years

later in

time you have to cross the the border of

the old pack and go to the new paack and

we’ll find the answer to Moses’s

prayer that prayer resounded every day

every week in God’s ears throughout the

centuries until the day in which Jesus

1500 years later tells his disciples

many generations later he says accompany

me to the

mount that prayer didn’t die the day

that Moses took his last breath on Earth

the echo of that prayer continued to

fill the enclosure of God’s

throne and when Jesus brought three of

his followers Peter John and Jak

Jacob he took them to to the Mount and

in Luke 9 says about 8 days after Jesus

said this he took Peter John and James

with him and went up onto a mountain to

pray and as he was praying the

appearance of his face changed and his

clothes became as bright as a flash of

lightning and two men Moses and Elijah

appeared in glorious Splendor talking

with Jesus and they spoke about his

departure which he was about to bring to

fulfillment at Jerusalem Peter and his

companions were very

sleepy but when they became fully awake

they saw his glory and the two men

standing with him and as the men were

leaving Jesus Peter said to him Master

it is good for us to be here let us put

up three shelters one for you one for

Moses and one for

Elijah Peter was a Hispanic for sure for

sure he said let’s make three

altars the Catholic within him came out

and as he said this a cloud appeared and

covered them they were AF afraid as they

entered the cloud once again the cloud

once again the same pattern once again

the same fear from Israel oh no not the

cloud we all love the mystical

experience shaking but don’t make us go

into the

cloud who needs a cloud when there’s a

bush the bush doesn’t free the captives

the bush is just to call us not for us

to have a service or a Doctrine around

the bush what good is it to speak in

tongues if that doesn’t help free the

captives what good is it to shake and to

fall if when you get up you don’t preach


anyone the thing is that there on the

mount next to Jesus Moses was present as

if God in in heaven said all right

Michael and Gabriel go after Moses it’s

time for him to see my glory in a place

he was never able to step foot the Holy

Land in the halls of

Heaven they dusted off Jacob’s Ladder

they brought it down to earth and Moses

who had never stepped foot on on the

promised land while Moses was alive he

was condemned to staying on the other

side of the Jordan River and seeing the

promised land from afar and he wasn’t

able to step foot on it he had prayed

and asked to see God’s glory but he was

never able to see it until after he died

but 15 year 1500 years later that

Unforgettable prayer resounded in God’s

ears and

Moses the Living Dead was finally able

to see God’s glory in his son

with no

shroud so we can know that our prayers

even after we’re dead continue to

live that’s why I love hearing about

Billy Graham’s grandmother’s prayers or

my mother’s prayers my mother and all of

her academic ignorance would say

Lord let this Lord let let this boy let

this little

boy burst with

knowledge prayers have no expiration

dates and I don’t doubt that you’re here

today because one day Somebody Prayed

somewhere so that you can be here

prayers never

expire and Moses says show me your

glory, 1500

years to see the answer to his prayer

and there were three disciples that

benefited from that

answer but they fell into the same trap

that sometimes the Sleepy church falls

into Peter proposes to build three

monuments there maybe they were three

tents together in maybe he wanted to

build three Tabernacles I don’t know

maybe he wanted to build a monument

something to

worship like what they used at the

festival of the Tabernacles because we

like easy things cheap

things a Revival processed in a

microwave but we know that these things

don’t produce character God knows

this in 1 Corinthians 1531

says that Paul encountered a

man the Apostle didn’t just know

something about God he knew God and how

did he accomplish that knowledge well he

gives that answer he says yes just as

surely as I boast about you in Christ

Our Jesus Lord I face death every

day we die each day but God every day

says there’s a little more to die to but

we always look for the glory without

honor glory without

pain gaining something without shame we

want the crown but not the

cross and the blessing will never come

from God’s hand it’ll come from his face

when we have intimacy with him that’s

why now on this morning or this

afternoon this night wherever you’re

watching from we have to change our way

of praying we have to stop being a part

of the club of solicitors of blessings

because that’s where our churches end up

becoming more comfortable for us than

they are for God that’s why we say the

fallacy of this Sunday we had a

visitation from the Holy

Spirit God visited

us we take for granted that the church

is hours and that he comes in as a

visitor like an

ant wasn’t it God’s home doesn’t he

inhabit in our hearts what do you mean

he visited us even if he visited us

visited us once a

week does he truly just visit us once a

week one Sunday a

week so God doesn’t want us to construct

a poor monument around a burning bush of

course we didn’t pay for it with our


salvation was given to us and I’m going

to repeat this advice even if it’s harsh

God doesn’t want grandchildren he wants

children we can’t live consuming

spiritual pornography watching how

others enjoy while we deny entering the

cloud God isn’t an anonymous donor the

kingdom isn’t a burn Bank where we go

and look for Frozen blessings to

inseminate ourselves

artificially this doesn’t work I’m going

to take the vial I’ll say the right

words I Empower myself I confess it I

decree it I I believe it and it happens

no it’s not Aladdin it’s not the genie

in the

lamp that will give us what we

want the Lord isn’t a slot machine from

Las Vegas if we want to have true

children committed children then we have

to stop lending out our womb

we have to have people have a

relationship with the Father the church

needs to stop looking like a single

mother people are tired of going into

many temples and finding that the father

is absent no more

vists we have to pray for a church of

children that know and that want to have

intimacy with the father what’s the

requirement to die


we’re going to celebrate give an

Applause to the king who has spoken this


Hallelujah once you’re on your feet

celebrate first with an Applause that

the lord loves you because if he didn’t

love you he wouldn’t be speaking to you

like this how the lord loves you


hallelujah how many of you feel despair

to see God’s face no no no no how many

of you are desperate to see God’s face

lift up your hands lift up your hands

and begin to pray now here and at home

with desperation don’t pray for any

blessing don’t pray for the divorce

papers don’t pray for the mortgage or

for the loan or for the economy or your

salary God isn’t a a pyramid scheme pray

and say Lord I want to know your face

you don’t know what you’re missing out

on you don’t know what you’re missing

out on begin to cry out and say Lord I

want to get to know your face I want

intimate moment with

you put desires to seek you inside of me

desires to pray and to seek you with

desperation lift up your hands and begin

to cry out to the Lord and say God here

at at home I’m praying for those that

are watching around the world and right

now you say Lord I need to have an

encounter with

you 30 seconds of Open Heavens at home

now in your living room in your kitchen

in your patio in your bathroom 30

seconds of Open Heavens will change your

life forever you won’t be the same ever

again just have an encounter with God

and you will never ever ever be

fluctuating between the spirit and the

flesh between depression and joy between

exuberance and always being

below the line the threshold of

Happiness of feeling that you’re not

worth it God says I need a people that

wants to know me if only you knew God it

doesn’t matter this is a call to

Christians as

well to those that have been in the

church for years how long has it been

since you’ve had an encounter with him

come on Lord show me your face show me

even just a part a part of your mantle

of your back just a touch will do it

just a touch will do it and you’ll

change forever say Lord I don’t want

intermediaries I want you there’s no man

that you want to get to know no no no

you don’t want to get to know any famous

prophet you don’t want to know Dante

more there is nothing that a man can

give you there is nothing that a man can

say or

do people say oh if only I could speak

with you for three minutes no you don’t

know I wouldn’t say anything anything

that you don’t already know but God says

come into and have a relationship with

me have intimacy with me everyone cry

out everyone pray I know I almost have

to cut the transission but before

wherever you are even if you’re in China

ja Japan Canada Australia I want you to

say Lord the glory now through

streaming let it reach you your glory

reaches the furthest points the Lord is

saying I am touching Hearts Minds lives

now receive receive lift up your hands

and drink drink from that presence of

the spirit and say Lord I want an

encounter with you and it’s the Holy

Spirit who will place desires to pray in

you desires to seek you to seek him it’s

the Lord that will put a desire to fast

to say Lord I cut everything from the

Flesh and I begin to build up my spirit

I know it’s difficult but it’s difficult

because you’ve tried in the flesh but

the Lord says no use

me May the Holy Spirit intercede in ways

I do not know father take us to a new

level we want to see your face we want

to see your glory we want to feel your


impressive I’m going to say goodbye to

the people around the world and here

we’re going to remain a few more minutes

worshiping but now I want the rest of

the world to know that God has spoken

ministers men and women of God God has

spoken and I’ve transmitted what I

believe God told me to tell

you if people aren’t lining up or

filling the seats at your church is

because they’re seeking you more than

God and you have to die to that you have

to say Lord I’ve done things wrong up

until now and I have to change it I have


problem if these people will get to know

you more and you’ll see that the glory

will take over he will be the pastor for

all the Sheep he will rise up in your

home in your ministry in your church at

home and the finances that you’re

waiting for will come the resources that

you’ve been asking for will come but

they won’t come until the people know

that they’re there to seek his face and

not his hand they’re there to seek his

face and not his Prosperity may God

bless you may he protect you and may his

face shine upon you may God Bless the

people all over the world
























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