ENGLISH Dante Gebel #855 | The black swan

Many theologians agree that the way God loves his children is a kind of black swan; because the love of the Lord is radically different from the human way in which we love. Unlike us, the Father loves those unworthy of being loved and does not love us according to our merits. He does not wait until our moral lives are in order before He can love us. His love is unconditional and scandalous. God loves us as we are and not as we should be! His arms are always extended; It is we who sometimes stray from Him.



there’s Argentina Cuba Dominican

Republic Puerto Rico Colombia how

beautiful the flags from all over the

world being represented here at River we

are river don’t stop that Applause we’re

connecting with the rest of the

world here we are on this side of the

planet oh let’s go with that Applause


beautiful look at the shirt the

Jersey ah the only one missing now is

the Argentinian one oh here it is

Argentina no that’s not

Argentina may God bless you how are you

please take your seats may God bless all


you just a moment ago we were crying out

and praying for Cuba praying for our

countries in Latin America and now we’re

connecting with all the people in Europe

Africa Asia Australia

America that are have been receiving us

for so much

time going back to February 2020 until

now they have been faithful so thank you

for being there on the other side of the

screen thank you for listening to these

messages and for being faithful not just

to God to the Lord to his word but being

faithful with your offerings and what

you have planted always give thanks to

those that sell from different parts of

the world thank you for making it

possible for us to be the barns around

the world are we ready for what God is

going to give us say with me I’m ready

are you ready yes or no very

well a few years

back I was invited to

speak at the criminal unit number three

in San Nicholas one of the oldest jails

or prisons in Buenos Iris

they had given the inmates a

recess an invitation to reflect or think

about their lives their

decisions something that people outside

of those walls don’t usually

do but there behind the jail cells

there’s always a lot of time to reflect

and so those men were there it wasn’t a

an Evangelical meeting they just invited

everyone to the meeting but they were

there for an hour power to listen to me

by their own will it wasn’t an

obligation and so they gave me their

presence and I was very grateful for

that and beneath those rude aspects and

those apparently hardened hearts that

had been hardened by Life by the

misfortunes that they had to go

through I was able to see

children locked in adult bodies

I can’t remember what exactly I said I’d

be lying if I said oh I spoke about this

or that but most likely since I know

myself I probably spoke about the

prisons in my own life and that we can

sometimes be locked up without

necessarily being in a in a jail cell

like these

men in that Hall in that room while I

was speaking I was very young but while

I spoke a few wounded Souls began to sob

and I saw them crying as children right

in front of me there were lost coins in

front of me lost sheep lost

children but not just any coin not just

any sheep not just any

child I felt that the Lord was

whispering to me be careful be careful

these are my children they are my sheep

they are my

coins the uh the meeting finished some

of the men went back to their cells but

a man who who I assumed was about 50

years old stood right in front of me and

when I greeted him and I and I gave him

a hug I felt

that he was carrying a

burden and he decided to let it go he

began to cry as a

child to see a man like this cry like

that it moves

you it touches you deeply I couldn’t

understand all the

misery or all the humanity that was out

in that moment in that small Embrace but

it was visceral it was

heartbreaking the man dried his tears

and he said to me do you really think

that God loves a man like me do you

really think that God can love a guy


me it wasn’t a rhetorical question or a

theological question no it was a

heartbreaking question he was asking me

someone that was maybe there because he

murdered someone or maybe he

abused or raped someone maybe he scammed

someone in the best of cases who knows

but the question was there this tender

human being

because he was still a boy locked in a a

in an adult body he asked me he trusted

me with this Monumental question in

other words he asked can God find

something within me that’s worth loving

am I worth

loving I think that every human being

from the time we’re young we long to

hear the words I’m proud of you whether

it’s because we did good or we got good

grades or we did well on an exam or

maybe we did well in a sport but

generally it encourag us more when they

don’t say it due to our Behavior but

just because we exist when they say I’m

proud of you why well because you exist

there’s nothing that can heal a child’s

heart more than when they’re told I’m

proud of you but not because of what

you’ve done but just because you’re here

because you were born I always sustain

That Old

Wounds have a very good memory but

terrible interpretative

skills because it it’s true pain keeps

memories fresh but pain also hides what

happen in some cases psychologists say

that in the majority of cases we don’t

really remember things from our

childhood we just have memories of

memories what we think we lived the

majority of our memories are what we

think we lived and we believe them as

true not everything that we remember is

how it happened and so that’s what

happens when you go back to your

childhood home and you say what happened

to that big old tree that I would climb

on and make a house in and and dad says

well that is the tree and you say no

that’s a bonsai that’s the son of the

tree but no that was always a tree but

you have a memory of something grandos

because you were little and then you

find out things aren’t so big so

Majestic in our childhood home isn’t

that great palace that scared us when we

see it we say really I was scared in

this little

house because your perception

changes so when we’re

children we

interpret what actually happens we

interpret it

incorrectly and we come to the wrong

conclusions yet we maintain them all the

way into to our adult life for example

if our parents’ marriage was in problems

then inevitably as children we would

personalize what would happen we would

say well maybe it was me because I was

born well maybe if I cleaned my room

more my dad would have stayed at home he

wouldn’t have looked for another family

maybe mom left because I always got bad

grades and and she just got tired it

must be my fault I’ve told you on many

occasions that my dad was disapp

appointed by me well that’s what I felt

as a kid that’s what I believed I never

knew if my dad was actually disappointed

in me or

not because we never had that

conversation and we won’t have

it in the future but children that

suffer verbal abuse or physical abuse

they can’t process that their CH that

their parents might be mistaken they

can’t process that the abuser is a

monster a child that

goes through abuse believes that the

rage and the

anger that is poured out on them is

deserved children believe that the words

are true but there’s another devastating

way to abuse a child and that’s through

Silence with

indifference a sigh of tiredness that’s

what US parents do oh man I can’t take

it anymore or turning your face not

answering them ignoring them

leaving the child completely frustrated

flattened by the

silent look of disapproval and growing

up with my father was very disconcerning

because technically he wasn’t a bad man

but being close to him was like walking

in a Minefield with explosives that

would change location during the night

and so I’m not judging my father’s

values or and as I always say since he’s

not here he can’t defend himself in fact

his chip of being a good

father was crushed by his own father

much before I came along but I believed

that I deserved my father’s indifference

because I was convinced that there was

nothing good within me and when he would

become Furious and he would raise his

voice he used to raise his voice very

often I would always go back to the same

phrase I would say I promise I’ll be a

good son I promise I’ll be a good I

promise and through the years I

understood that with each repetition of

I’m going to be a good son I was

reaffirming a belief that took me

decades to

remove a simple and brutal declaration

I’m going to be a good son meant that I

considered myself to be a bad son and

unfortunately as I said last Sunday

there are people that sadly believe that

that’s what the gospel is and what’s


worse it’s spread it’s disseminated

behind the pulpit through the years that

there are good children of God and bad

children of God or what’s worse that

there are children of God and then there

are children of the devil I’ve never

received so many Evangelical attacks

like I did this past week after last

Sunday sermon and that message Homer is

not a son of God and other legendary

Evangelical falsehoods they wrote

studies on me they attacked me they said

that I’m I’m losing

people there was such

anger but it’s not that I said if I

would have said only a few will go to

heaven then they would have applauded me

but as soon as I

said that we’re all children of God and

as soon as we call upon his name that


us inheritors of Heaven oh they got so

angry they some scratched their heads

those that are bald I don’t know what

they scratched but they they didn’t

scratch their

heads but either way I didn’t know that

deep down inside my father was suffering

depression I I found that out years

later but I remember that when I was 5

years old he had a weapon that he he

kept stored away for safety or for an

emergency he had it in in his nightstand

and while he was crying out loud he

decided that he would take his life and

so he locked himself in his

shed in the corner of the yard and my

mother told me to lock myself in the

bathroom until it all passed because I

couldn’t see my father in that

condition but C curiosity killed the cat

like they say so I went went to go look

and as he walked by very drunk he said

your mother is dying and it’s your fault

of course my mom had cancer she had her

days counted and everything pointed to

the fact that if she hadn’t been left

pregnant at her age then the cancer

wouldn’t have come well that was those

were the medical beliefs back then maybe

today the diagnosis would would be

different but my father said she got

sick because she gave birth to you and

when he looked me in the eyes I didn’t

see anything other than hate it’s fine

the man was drunk but a 5-year-old boy

whether he was drunk or not sober not a

5-year-old boy only understands one

thing I loved my dad and in my child

brain I couldn’t understand that he was

wrong your father tells you or is

supposed to tell you that you’re

beautiful that you’re a beautiful

princess or that you’re a champion he’s

supposed to carry you on his shoulders

he’s supposed to fight off the monsters

under your bed your father is supposed

to tell you that you’re worth a lot and

that you shouldn’t just give in to the

first person that that wants to take

your your

innocence but that my dad my father that

always treated me with indifference

confirmed what I believed was true and I

found out that there was something

terrible within

me I said that I would never ever allow

anyone to get close enough to see the

same thing that my father had seen of

course it wasn’t an explicit or

articulate decision because I was only

five years old but I realized that that

was the day in which I hid away that was

the day where my personality turned 180

degrees I stopped speaking I stopped

communicating I stopped expressing

myself I became an an introvert I don’t

know if I was born that way or if that

was the moment that impacted me a click

or a crack I thought I don’t want anyone

to realize that I was born a failure I

don’t want teachers to know and not my

class not my friends and that mortal

strategy affected my relationship with

God because I

decided once I had more reasoning and I

was older that I would be the perfect

Christian man so that God would never

see anything in me that would make him

stop loving me so that God would never

say what my father said to me in that

moment I could never put up with that

same look but with God’s eyes and that’s

the same path that many people follow

follow even today and so I see many

people that battle with a distorted

image of

themselves an even more distorted image

of God because of events in their past

that’s why there are people that say


God shouldn’t do internal healing

because all things are made new yeah for

him he forgets about our sin there is no

past in that but we continue to drag

that past on certain occasions

how many adult women say my mother

always said I was toxic and that I

always harm whatever I touch how can I

have a good marriage if I was always

like this as a little girl others say my

husband is an abuser but I make him very

nervous I I make men very nervous women

have said this during counseling

sessions women with with black

eyes there’s no reason for someone to

hate you that way no matter

what we have seen women justifying the

violence in the household by saying no

no no well I’m I’m a woman that makes a

men very nervous it’s not the first time

that that it happens to me and they

repeat the pattern or others say when I

look in the mirror I see someone fat or

overweight and they don’t deserve to be

loved I’m going to be single my whole

life who’s going to want to marry me or

I can’t have children God is punishing

me for the things that I’ve done in the

past and the point is always the same

what’s wrong with with me that’s why I

say Old Wounds always have a good memory

but they

have very very poor interpretative

skills and what’s worse is that they

distort our idea of God’s love it’s

tough for us to understand that God

loves us

that’s the

main chain that I’ve tried to

communicate through streaming it’s it’s

a mental chain of or train of thought

time ago I was watching a

documentary of a small Lamb with its

head inclined and I assumed that its

neck was

hurt but in the documentary they explain

through a little bit more investigation

that sheep that have their heads bowed

down it’s not that they have a physical

ailment they say that sometimes the the

Sheep’s spirit is

broken due to something they don’t know

why it they haven’t discovered why it

happens but sometimes a sheep’s spirit

is broken

and they call them useless sheep or


sheep they have their heads inclined

hunched over they don’t eat and they die

I don’t know if it’s because their

girlfriend sheep broke up with them I

have no idea I’m just saying

hypotheticals but very frequently these

sheep simply end up dying first their

Spirit dies and then they get sick the

same thing that happens with a lot of


beings but for some reason in the in the

case of the

sheep their Spirits are broken and they

lose the will to

live and the only ones that survive are

those that when the shepherd comes and

sees that their necks are bent over the

shepherd cares for them and gives them

Grace he gives them a special Grace that

the rest of the flock doesn’t get so

those useless sheep that’s how they’re

called in reality they’re the Most

Blessed out of all the sheep in the

flock because they are the ones that the

shepherd takes care of more personally

more intimately and this documentary

said that when the shepherd Embraces

them and takes them to

sleep then their spirit is renewed and

they eat again those sheep develop a

certain relationship with the Shepherd

that the other sheep can never dream of

the other sheep say no no no they’re all

going to hell because that’s how they


but since we’ve been useless sheep with

wounds in our hearts in our mind and our

soul in our spirit we develop a

different type of relationship with God

where we know that he loves us that he

heals us that he

he he spoils us he covers Us he redeems

us he anoints

us many of us have

felt like useless

sheep from When We Were Young and this

is very sad to

admit but we felt like us useless sheep

in God’s family as

well we come to to church and they make

us feel useless so I think all of us the

majority of us that are here and at home

you must know what it feels

like to be undesired abandoned rejected

left on the side of the road abused


4011 says that


as a

shepherd He tends his flock like a

shepherd He gathers the Lambs in his

arms and carries them close to his heart

he gently leads those that have young

that’s an image of a true Shepherd not a

not a pastor that says oh you’re not my

children you’re you’re more you’re more

black you’re more white you’re spotted

you’re not get away from me no a

Shepherd tends to his his his sheep his

Lambs who does a Shepherd go towards the

the the sheep that wins Awards and and

and and has diplomas and does great

things no if a common Shepherd from the

fields does it for the broken sheep then

it that’s an image that’s a an

illustration of what God does he loves

us just as we are today with all the

decisions that we’ve made the good and


bad he loves us on our best day and on

our worst

day never forget this God loves you on

your worst

day on the worst day of your life where

you don’t want to get out of bed and you

smell like a zombie that can kill the

whole crowd on that day God loves

you with all the secrets the deep dark

secrets that we sometimes


that we have to shed light on at one

point in the presence of God we try to

hide them but we tend to think that God

has an in an in ination to love those

that make him more proud due to their

behavior we say well no I I I mean I

can’t compare with with this

person or with this pastor or this

Prophet we always measure

others by their behavior and we believe

that God sees it the same way it’s like

when one of us as a child asked our

mothers mom which one of your kids do

you love the


when I would when when I was alone with

my mom I I would I would say to myself

oh now that we’re alone she’s going to

tell me that she loves me the most and

that my foolish Brothers don’t even

qualify any mother or father that’s

emotionally healthy we’ll say that it’s

an impossible question to

answer because when we con conceived our

first child we never imagined that we

had the capacity to love someone else

like that those that had their first


always say no no no I can’t I can’t love

someone else like this when you have

your firstborn you say no it’s

impossible for me to love someone like

this it seems like the first the

firstborn always gets the most love that

we can’t love another tiny person the

same way we love this tiny person but

then the second one comes

along and a new deep love that didn’t

exist or that was dormant comes to

life upon that baby’s arrival and so it

seems like

each baby that comes along brings its

own dose of Love whether you have seven

eight or nine kids because you don’t


Netflix each child each

baby brings a new dose of love you can’t

say no no no well it doesn’t compar to

the first child the second one I loved

less and then the third less and then

the fourth one I didn’t really pay

attention to no you might have made that

baby without any any desire but you love

that baby so when I say how the lord

loves you you I’ve said it since the

pandemic for many it was an ointment

that healed their soul people said

please don’t stop saying that phrase

Believers that have been Believers for

years asking that same question that

that inmate asked me is there something

in me worthy of

love I have a reporter friend that poor

guy doesn’t even believe in electrical

light he’s an atheist but he said I was

going through the worst crisis of my

life I was going through a divorce he

said it was his worst divorce because he

had many many many

wives but he

said I would stay at the radio station

to listen to your final Reflections

because I I I used to be on radio radio

vortx during the

pandemic and I had another spot on CNN

and at the end I would always say God

bless you and he would wait for that

phrase he said that phrase would give me

strength to face the divorce it would

give me strength to fight for my

children I would wait for that phrase

and he said to me one day you didn’t say

that phrase one day and I said but it’s

not magic and he said I know it’s not

magic but you don’t know what it means

for a guy like me to hear God bless you

because I made it

personal he said God can bless a man

like me I’m a bad man but I would cling

on to that word and when you would say

God bless you I would turn off the car

or turn on the car or turn off the car

and I would go fight my battle in the

home that’s why I repeat we have to

build our Christian

lives on the foundation of the love of

God and we don’t have to earn that love

or even carry it in one way or another

God Jesus said to us come to

me all those who are weary and tired of

religion and I will give you rest I will

take away any mental shackles I will

give you rest yes or no

so now God’s love is radically different

from the human way in which we love

because as

humans immediately we love a person that

seems attractive to us physically or in

their way of

being they might be ugly but they could


fun beautiful but let me give them some

brains and you’ll see they’ll be a great

specimen right

so we feel attracted by certain

qualities that appear pleasing to us

when we

love first of all we’re

attracted Oro by something good that we

found in the other person we we feel

love for someone based off what we see

first of all oh I like them and they

look good she looks beautiful or he

smells good what do I

know now the difference between us and

the father is he loves those that are

Unworthy of being loved as soon as you

look at them the Lord doesn’t love us

according to our merits because if that

were the case we would be

screwed he does it because that he is

love that’s his Essence that’s why we

can reaffirm with theological conviction

that he loves us as we are and not as we

should be he loves us as we are now just

as we are does someone believe it yes or

no that’s how it is now can we say with

absolute conviction but the Apostle John

wrote in his first letter and so we know

and rely on the love of God on the love

God has for us he considered himself the

Beloved disciple he didn’t say oh I’m

the writer of Revelations or what do I

know I’m one of the three preferred he

said no I am the

Beloved after so many years I told you

about my father I told you what I went

through as a kid but not

to not for you to feel pity

now later I

said I can’t believe that the lord loves

me he smiles when he sees me he loves me

wildly when he sees me he says oh this

kid oh my gosh I’m convinced of it that

he loves me crazily that anytime I go to

pray he smiles anytime he sees me he

smiles that’s why I’m not asking if he


you because he’s he’s he’s

scripturally and theologically obligated

to do so no I’m asking you in your heart

do you think that you please

God well what about the

others no it’s a deep

question do I rub God the right way or

or do I please him or no I’m not asking

theologically no just just like that

like that face to face do you think do

you think he likes you do you think you


him in Isaiah 49:15 God says can a

mother forget the baby at her breast


have there are mothers that abandon

children but I’m talking about

forget hey woman didn’t you have a baby

oh yeah I thought I forgot I know I

forgot something it’s been three

days no can a mother forget unless she

has a mental psychological issue then no

a mother doesn’t forget her

baby and have no compassion on the child

she has born though she may forget I

will not foret for get you says the Lord

I can never forget you it’s not that God

says oh you mess up and I forget you or

you sin and I’ll forget you you get into

problems and I’ll forget you it’s

fine maybe we’re almost discardable but

we’re loved and he says I won’t forget

you and we can’t be loved without being

changed and this is where things get

good because when we experiment love we


Beauty this is true

with your

physique scientists say that when

someone is in love they pump more blood

their heart beats faster so their face


more eye bags and and and your belly

goes away well at least some like try to

suck it in

but being in love makes us so that the

brain secretes dopamine

serotonin these are two types of


that spread throughout the body dopamine

produces pleasure and Euphoria and

serotonin makes us feel

happiness no synthetic drug can produce

that our pupils

dilate for someone to look more

beautiful their pupils have to be

dilated it’s not that someone says oh

your pupils are dilated no but but

people say oh why do they look good why

do they look so so beautiful oh well

their pupils are Dil dilated their eyes

are clear

and bigger when we smile we’re more

attractive this is proven but we’re more

used to the type of Love That seeks

someone that has a certain

value the love that we’re more familiar

with feels attraction for someone

because they’re attractive or because

they’re attractive to

us they may not be attractive to others

but if they’re attractive to us we may

feel love the Greeks had a word for this

type of Love Aeros when we hear this

word we immediately think about

something erotic but Aeros means

something more than just sexual

attraction Aeros describes the type of

love that satisfies our desire of

validation our appetites our flesh

Aros is the love that seeks the great

treasure that never arrives it’s the

waiting on on the night and shining

armor on the

princess waiting on that

on on on that woman that has no mother

an orphan that’ll never happen but

arrows is a love that comes out from

from need from desire from admiration

it’s not a bad type of love I’m not

going to satanized it either I’m not

going to demonize that type of love

because for one reason or another God

also gifted us that love it’s good that

a baby loves his mother whose milk means

life the first attraction that your baby

has to you mom is because of your

milk if the dad gave the baby milk then

the baby would forget about the

mother if the if a mother-in-law could

give milk then then she would but God is

wise it’s great that someone who’s in

love admires the beauty of of their

partner but AOS is a very precarious

type of

Love at one point that baby won’t need

his mother’s milk anymore or your

beloved’s beauty will cease to exist or

you’ll get used to it I know that some

might say oh I would never get used to

Brad Pit no yeah you would you would say

oh once again the same


so if our life is based on that

precarious love then we’re going to live

trying prove that we’re beautiful

spiritual intelligent to deserve love

and that’s just running on a hamster

wheel that that’s exhausting no we need

a much more resistant love than AOS so

there is a type of love that creates

value in what is love it doesn’t seek

love in what it loves or it doesn’t seek

value in what it loves it’s a

love that turns us from

discardable to Priceless that’s why why

it’s so difficult for some to understand

Grace people understand punishment and

that God sends people to hell and that

God separates the sheep from the Rams

they understand

that but they don’t understand an

unconditional extravagant love Paul

describes it this way in Romans 56 he

says you see at just the right time when

we were still

powerless Christ died for the

ungodly very rarely will anyone die for

a righteous person

though for a good person someone might

possibly dare to

die a mother or father might say well

before you touch my children touch me we

might take our children’s places if they

were in

danger but God demonstrates his own love

for us in this while we were still

sinners Christ died for

us when we didn’t deserve it

do I need to explain it any

better Christ died for us when we were


discardable and the writers of the Bible

didn’t want to use the word arrows to

describe that type of love for the first

time they use the word

Agape there are two Commandments that

can’t be separated Jesus

said love the Lord your God with all

your heart and with all your soul and

with all your mind and the second

commandment is love your neighbor as

yourself if we love God then we love all

his children all of

them not just some all of

them if we take loving God seriously

then we should start with his people all

of them all of them repeat after me so

that you can remember all

people that way I I still get attack

during the week


and he loves those especially those that

the world

discards and so the

capacity to assign value to people is

one of the most marvelous gifts one of

the most scarce gifts in all the world I

once told you I’m sorry that I’m

repetitive with my stories but there are

always people that are blessed by these

stories and I include

myself when we decided to buy this

Arena the bank came to the concl

illusion this only happens in this part

of the world but in order to be sure

that they would that the debt would be

repaid I had to remain

alive I know that banks in other parts

of the world don’t do this but here they

do I asked two or three times if I was


correctly they came and concluded that

if I were to die then maybe River

wouldn’t have the same

income if if I were

alive and that’s a risk they weren’t

willing to

run they said all right we’ll sell you


arena and you’ll pay it off over seven

years but what if you die within the

seven years and we said no but but if I

die then then we’ll have someone else


me but it’s very strange they want to be

sure that they’ll still get payment even

if I died

suddenly it’s almost as if I had a

promise I promise I’ll live I promise

I’ll live well how did we resolve it

the bank

decided to assign me a life insurance

policy not just from anyone but from

them and so they said we’re going to

study this man’s life over the course of

a couple weeks they asked me hundreds of

questions and they asked if I travel to


countries constitutionally risky

countries that are having humanitarian

crisises or countries that have a high

risk of kidnapping so basically any

country for Mexico down I said my middle

name is

risk I said well what do you

consider countries that are exempt of

risk so that the policy can be cheaper

they said oh well the policy’s cheap if

you go to Iceland Denmark Andora New

Zealand Switzerland Austria Lux and

break Finland

Norway and I say no I tend to go more


Tijuana Nicaragua



colia oh Salvador before bu


Argentina when I said

Argentina and at that

point when I told them all the countries

that I traveled to and I showed them my

passport my policy had the same value if

not more

than Messi’s contract with inter

Miami after many Health exams and and


many family issues family family health


existed they assigned me a value it’s

always nice to have a

value but it’s terrible to find out that

you’re worth more dead than

alive if I’m alive I’m not worth two

peanuts but if I were to die now I

understand why years back we had debts

and some of the team said hey how are

you doing how’s your

health there’s a type of Love That seeks

value in what is

loved there are certain banks that

assign you a value to not take any risks

if you die but there’s a type of love

that creates value after having

loved there’s a story of an Old Dutch

Minister that was very fascinating he

tells it in this way he said I’m one of

13 brothers and one day I was playing in

the streets in our neighborhood in in in


Netherlands my father was speaking to a

neighbor in the dining room table I went

inside to get a drink of water and my

dad didn’t realize that I had come in

and the neighbor asked him you have 13

children is any one of them your

favorite is there one that you love more

than the others or one that makes you

more proud than the others and so I

stayed there waiting to hear my name

that’s what all us children would do and

my father answered immediately and he

said of course there’s one that I love

more than the rest Mary she’s 12 years

old poor

girl she

just she just got braces she’s so

embarrassed but she doesn’t want to

leave the house oh no no but you asked

me about my favorite uh Peter he’s 29 he

just got a a

divorce he’s so lonely he’s so solitary

I don’t know what to do to do away with

that sadness but the one that I love the

most is my little

Miguel because he he doesn’t have hand

eye coordination he’s so bad at all the

sports that he tries he’s not good at

any sports and he gets frustrated so

much he gets bullied at school oh but of

course my little girl is Susanna she’s

24 she lives

alone and she’s battling against an

alcohol problem and she thinks I don’t

realize it but now that I think about it

I love Manuel a lot more because he has

a terrible character he just he can’t

get good grades at school I don’t know

who he came out like and the the

gentleman said and so my father went on

to name each one of his 133 kids and

what I realized what I learned is that

his order of priorities or what appeared

to be a priority is that he

loved the one he loved most is the one

that needed the most love in that moment

but Jesus’s father is the same he loves

those who need him the most those that

depend and Trust on

him there’s a preacher that says God has

you tied to a string and when you mess

up when you sin when you break what he

does is he cuts the string instead of

saying instead of cutting the

string or instead of the the string

being cut and him saying oh well I guess

he’s gone no he ties it again the string

is now shorter and you’re closer to

him and so God doesn’t care if you’ve

been as pure as St John or a sinner like

the prostitute in Simon the Pharisees

home God doesn’t wait until our moral

life is organized to then love

us I don’t discard that someone might be

thinking now because I know what some of

you are

thinking you’re from the second service

but you came to this one today you say

ah so so is the gospel free to all is

this a gospel where just anyone can come


if you know your partner loves you let

me ask

you is that confession of love an

invitation to have an attitude of I

don’t care oh really am I love you love

me yeah yeah I love you so much all

right well then let me go mess around

really no true love provokes love and

faithfulness but love and faithfulness

in complete Freedom I’m going to explain

it with this magnificent

phrase wanting and not being able to is


wanting to do something and not being

able to is

religion if someone

says with all the pleasure in the world

I would do this but I don’t want to

offend God then that’s slavery being

able to but not wanting is

freedom being able to do it but I don’t

want to offend God that is

freedom that is

freedom yes or

no that’s what resolved my my

Doctrine I’ll say it again wanting to

and not being able to is

slavery oh I I I wish I could s oh I

would love to I’m dying I’m dying I’m

burning I’m burning I want to sin that’s

slavery being able to sin and I don’t

want to that’s

Freedom John 8:36 says so if the son

sets you free you will be free indeed

and Paul says that our

freedom wasn’t to indulge in the flesh

in in in the flesh no it’s not oh I go

to River so I can sin no if you want to

sin then you’ll find it anywhere

Galatians 5:13 says you my brothers and

sisters were called to be free but do

not use your freedom to indulge in the

flesh that’s what the Apostle says

rather serve one another humbly in love

God says love me from Freedom that’s

what a healthy couple

does it’s no good for you to get married

and that your spouse puts a chip in you

to follow you wherever you go or that

you have to leave your phone unlocked

all the time and that they have to check

everything because they distrust that’s

not love that’s manipulation in all

orders of

life and you say

well why shouldn’t I know well because


love brings Freedom if they’re going to

cheat on you they’re going to do it

anyways whether you have the passwords

or not you have to love from a point of

freedom I preach that we could be set

free I transmit the freedom that the

father gives me and then you all will do

whatever you want with your

freedom the Lord made us free in the

Garden of Eden he didn’t want robots he

didn’t want angels that were obligated

to serve him he said I’m going to give

free will to

humankind and he gave us a

tree that many times we ask why was that

tree there well so that we could be free

and when we’re free our no Noble blood

obligates us to change not because

someone asks us to too but because we

want there’s no more need for the law a

child doesn’t need to be taught to love


mother being free of the law also means

to be free of

sin when we’re

free we don’t violate a rule we break

the Lord’s

heart when you’re a

slave you leave this the healthy

Doctrine am I explaining myself because

you’re looking at me weird am I


myself when you’re a slave to a Doctrine

or to religion you simply disobey you

say how how great is the punishment for

this sin but when you’re free when

you’re no longer a a slave to

religion you dishonor an intimate friend

when you sin see you can but you don’t

want to anymore because we’re no longer

just committing an infraction we raise

our fist against someone who poured out

their blood for for us someone that had

their hands nailed for

us John 17:3 says now this is eternal

life that they know you the only true

God and Jesus Christ whom you have sent

so faith in God generates people who are

free and very

secure it doesn’t generate insecure

people that’s why scripture makes such a

great emphasis on the need of having to


God God

speaks through his servant Hosea and

says my people do not know me for I

desire Mercy not sacrifice and

acknowledgement of God rather than burnt

offerings and he continues saying the

same thing God these people think they

can buy me with

fasting these people don’t know me they

think that they can buy me by reading

the Bible every day and and become more

religious or by congregating every

single day I don’t want burnt offerings

I want to be known and the question is

do we truly know him because if we

congregate every day but we need to be

told the lord loves you oh really it’s

because we don’t know

him because maybe we’re Christians

because we come here we believe that

we’re Christians because we read the

Bible and so we assume that we know him

but no we couldn’t be further from the

truth it’s no good to learn verses by

memory or to know the whole Bible by


people say oh I don’t see you reading

from the Bible I don’t see you sharing

the Bible I don’t want to watch anymore

all right then don’t watch me

anymore no if you want to go watch the

guy that says all right let’s open our

Bibles to this page and this verse no I

know who my God is I know how he loves

me I know how he loves us yes or

no and on the night of his death Jesus

Di Jesus prayed to the father in John

17:23 says i in them and you in

me so that the love that you have given

me can be with them I and them and you


me I have loved them with the same love

you have given me just that verse

challenges my mind it leaves me without

words because it produces a state of

Fascination let’s see if we can

understand it together God loves us so

much as he loves his son Jesus Christ

not a little bit

less scripture says

it in in our logic we might think well I

love my spouse 75% 30% the pastor 1% my

mother-in-law if you think that the Lord

divides his

love with 100% to Jesus 70% to Mother

Teresa and 2% for you then you don’t


God I’m going to tell you something

interesting to start closing swans their

whole lives they’re black they’re white

sorry it’s normal a swan is typically

white in school if they say draw a swan

you draw it white we know it because

it’s the only colored Swan that we’ve

ever seen and this was the belief in the


World until in 16 96 a Dutch explorer

was navigating the Waters of Australia

he found a Black Swan until he

discovered that there were black swans

it was an unexpected event that

surprised the whole ornithological

Community they were black swans but he

focused on something simple the

inexistence of proof in respects to an


event isn’t of itself in and of itself

proof of its inexistence for example

just because we’ve never seen an

extraterrestrial doesn’t necessarily

mean mean that they don’t exist now I’m

not saying that they exist or don’t

exist I haven’t seen anything that

doesn’t mean it doesn’t

exist there are thousands or millions of

things in the Galaxy that we haven’t

seen and just because we haven’t seen

them doesn’t mean that they don’t exist

now inspired by this ornithological

event a philosopher and Economist named

Nasim TB published a book in 2005 called

The Black Swan the theory of the Black

Swan and its impact on the improbable

and according to TB

a Black Swan is an event or An

Occurrence that no one was expecting

it’s extravagant it goes beyond what we

were expecting it

doesn’t resist any

any forecast so the Black Swan

represents a surprise a great impact

it’s like seeing a humble

Argentinian or a Mexican that doesn’t


spicy but the Black Swan is related to

tragic events for example the black

plague in the 14th

century that killed 30% of the

population in Europe or 30 to

60% 25 million Europeans died on top of

60 million Africans and Asians then the

in the 20th and 21st century we saw the

flu in 1918 the two World Wars the

dissolution of the Soviet Union in in 81

or ‘

91 the attacks from Twin Towers or even

the pandemic at the end of

2019 but the theory of the Black Swan

also applies to define something

extravagant like a love that was never

seen that doesn’t resist any analysis or

common sense and many theologians

coincide that the way in which God loves

his children is almost like a Black Swan

event and that any human being that

tries to filter it through logic just

won’t understand it that’s why they say

no know God can’t love the whole world

not everyone is is a child of God

because a simple notion that God’s love

can reach us without any cost without

any conditions it goes against all human

instincts the Buddhist path the Hindu

doctrine of karma the Jewish pact the

legal code of

Islam they all offer a way of earning

God’s love but only Jesus was willing to

give the unconditional


scandalous only those who call on the

name of the Lord will be saved because

he loved you before he went to the Cross

someone needs to say that is my God

hallelujah and since God is all knowing

of the

resistance that we have to

oppose when the offering is too great

Saints even Saints distrust so Jesus

spoke about Grace all the time he said

the Sun comes out on all people the good

and the

bad the birds freely find seeds they

don’t plow they don’t store they don’t

pick Jesus saw Grace all over he never

analized that he never defined it he

never used the word Grace instead of

using the word Grace he communicated it

with stories that we know as

Parables and they’re not stories that he

used to bring in theolog theological

truths no they were like scripts traced

by his own life he was the Shepherd that

left the safety of his of his flock to

go and look for the lost sheep he would

receive tax collectors and prostitutes

at his at his table he came to look for

the sick and not the healthy he came for

the unrighteous and not the

righteous I couldn’t believe these

stories when I was a child because my

father said to me it’s your fault mom is

dying and I thought that many things

after that would happen because of my

fault and that’s where it occurred to me

that God couldn’t love me I saw that God

would forgive me but reluctantly that he

was tired of erasing me from The Book of

Life I always saw it as a distant

threat just like my father like a a

Minefield that could explode at any

point but they would change locations

during the night I always thought that

God God preferred that we fear him

before we love him but God Jesus speaks

of a father that humbles himself in

public that goes out and and runs to

meet his child that squandered half of

the family fortune but the father goes

out to meet

him he doesn’t say I hope son that you

learned your lesson no Jesus speaks

about the joy this son was dead but now

he’s alive he was lost but now he is

found and then words of Joy let’s s

celebrate my son is

back and so the Lord’s arms are always

extended they’re always open we’re the

ones that distance ourselves from him

but it’s so difficult to understand

God’s love is that Black Swan in the

story a

housekeeper a servant who rejoices

because she found her lost coin that’s

not an image that I see of God when I

think of him however this is the image

that Jesus insisted with my father is

like the woman who found her lost coin

the story of The Prodigal Son

appears in between three stories the


sheep the Lost coin and the lost son

they all have the same idea they all

underline the sensation of loss the

emotion of finding and the celebration

for having found it Jesus came to show

us that he’s a holy

God that receives the

petitions from a from a widow or from a

a Roman Centurion a tax collector or a

thief on the cross crying out in the

last moment some time ago a divorced

woman told me that at a certain Church

fortunately it wasn’t

here she went with her 15-year-old

daughter when a a a pastor or a pastor’s

wife went up to her and said I’ve heard

that you’re going through divorce what I

can understand is if you love Jesus and

if your husband loves Jesus why would

you do this to your children

don’t you dare to undo what the Lord has


United but this woman had never spoken

to the woman going through divorce but

as soon as she realized that she was

going through a crisis she challenged

her in front of her daughter and the

woman said I don’t know if I’m doing

right or wrong but what’s painful is

that my my husband and I loved Jesus

very much and our marriage was destroyed

we didn’t have hope of restoring it but

if we had any hope then that day I lost

it because what I needed from this woman

was was a hug an

Embrace to hear from her I I’m sorry for

what you’re going through we’re here for

you it would have made me feel loved

which is what I don’t feel but deep down

inside I know she didn’t see anyone

worthy of love and so I asked where did

we get that idea from why do we believe

that God loved us because we were worthy

or it’s fine we were unworthy and he

loved us but now we now you have to be

worthy to get that love I always share

that scene in the movie heartburn I’ve

shared it many times the main characters

are Jack Nicholson and merol

Street they leave a a Tavern and they

find a drunk woman a drunk homeless

woman lying on the snow and they discuss

what they should do with her Jack

Nicholson’s character asks is she drunk

or is she is she homeless and Merl

Streep’s character says no she is

homeless she always was I know


and then Jack says well she must have

been a prostitute in Alaska the woman

says no I don’t think she was born a

prostitute I don’t think she was always

a prostitute and Jack says I don’t

know she must have been someone’s

daughter at some point yeah she she was

a little girl at one point and Merl

strip says that’s something already so

not only is she not a homeless woman or

a prostitute she was a little girl at

some point that’s something let’s take


inside both were seeing that that woman

through the lens of Grace Society only

saw a homeless woman but religion sees a

prostitute the youth see an old

woman but Grace sees a little girl made

in the image of

God no matter what that woman went

through in life that has disfigured her

face she’s still a little girl in that

70-year-old body so there’s a type of

love that creates value in the loved

it’s a Str strange Black Swan I know it

but it’s an extravagant love Jesus never

identified a person by their sin he

never said oh you Thief he never said oh

you prostitute he would say son

daughter he would call the religious

teachers serpents

snakes whitewashed coffins dogs but he

never called anyone Thief

liar divorced person because he saw sin

as something foreign it didn’t belong to

that person and he would set them free

from it he would remove the labels Jesus

could love human beings because he loved

them going through that barrier of mud

he would go through that barrier and see


child Romans 8:38 for I am convinced

that neither death nor life neither

angels nor demons neither the present

nor the future nor any powers neither

height nor depth nor anything else in

all creation will be able to separate us

from the love of God that is in Christ

Jesus our lord let me get into some more

problems I always thought was hell

created or

not because if it was created then not

even hell can separate you from the love

of God now I’m getting into problems but

I believe it and I remember that in that

prison and in St Nicholas that that

robust man inmate that I was embracing I

felt when I hugged him how God how much

God loved him I can’t explain it because

I only saw a rude man I’m not going to

say that I loved him I just saw a robust

man I was a little scared he was 50 I

was younger in the end he was there

paying his punishment to

society but I know that God saw a young

boy who went through a lot of

trauma and that man had asked me without

any any extra words do you think that

God can love a guy like me

I give thanks that as a Young Man the

Holy Spirit guided me to answer not the

way religion had taught me not what I

believed but what came from my spirit I

said the question isn’t if God loves a

guy like

you he loves guys like you he loves you

especially he brought me here because he

loves you so much no it’s not a guy like

you you’re not the exception he

especially is in love with you and he

covered his emotional control he looked

me in the eyes and he said that’s all I

needed to

know young man that’s all I needed to

know and then I

thought that’s all we all need to know

we all need to know that how the lord


us we’re going to give a great Applause

to the Lord of lords how the lord loves

us he’s healing people

come on celebrate the Lord he is healing

Minds Hearts Souls broken

Lambs someone need to celebrate more

than that for all the broken Lambs that

are being healed around the

world someone that I don’t know sent me

a message they said

you’re failing in your theology and when

you get to heaven you’re going to you’re

going to regret it well let’s just let’s

assume that it’s that way you think

Dante is going to you think God’s going

to tell me Dante you’re not coming into

heaven because you love people more than

I did no no no you can never go wrong

with love when you decide to honor

everyone well maybe we’re honoring

someone that that doesn’t deserve it but

you don’t lose anything but if you

dishonor a child of God there you lose a

lot you can’t go wrong by

loving I was never mistaken by saying

God loves you and and I see people break

down and cry and then all they have to

do is believe that God loves them and

that’s it that never

failed that’s been my my Evangelistic

tool the whole time love someone and

then when that person feels loved

they’ll accept anything but to be but if

you try to sell them something first so

that they can feel loved no they’ll

close themselves off oh no I don’t go to

churches oh no priest just want money oh

no pastors are just after money and

people are right they have the right to

to lift up those mental barriers and

prejudices because they’re not loved but

when you love you can open up the the

the doors of any heart we’re not going

to do wrong by loving too much the Lord

won’t say oh at River they loved more

than they should

have now he’ll say now be careful be

careful you don’t decide who goes to

heaven and who doesn’t you don’t

decide how great my love is you don’t

understand that you’ve never seen a

Black Swan like this when it’s tough for

you to understand receive it by

faith if Hitler repented in the last

minute was he saved yeah of course then

if not the whole Bible would be a lie a

farce anyone who repents and calls on

the name of the Lord doesn’t have to pay

if not how did the thief on the cross go

to paradise who knows how much he stole

how many people he abused how many

people he killed do we think that it was

just a small sin and that’s why the Lord

said all right I’ll take you

those who repent and call on call on the

name of the lord they’re always a

potential child of God but you just have

to believe it and that’s what makes it a

marvelous symbiosis that adoption that

Apostle Paul speaks of saying ABA father

and then we start to say you were always

my father but we’re not that orphan that

he adopted out of out of pity the lord

loves you and if that inmate in St

Nicholas is still there I I assume he’s

free if he’s somewhere around the world

and he remembers that encounter then you

know that God always loved you when you

were in prison and now that you’re free

when you were

committing that mistake on your good day

or your bad day he loves you just as you

are and that love deserves

correspondence we’re going to correspond

that love how many of you believe it and

receive it say amen hallelujah lift up

your hands to heaven with me

father thank you for this morning

afternoon night around anywhere around

the world lift up your hands here at

River I’ve transmitted what I believe

God placed in my heart in these days in

these last Sundays I have felt the heart

of the Lord saying these are my

children I can’t explain it but I’ve

seen young men consuming drugs on the

street corners and years ago I would say

oh they’re so lost children of Satan but

now I feel the Lord saying

these are my little ones who will go for

them they’re my

children they’re my prodigal

children they’re the ones that are

living in the pig pens right now and the

father will go out to embrace them as

soon as they say oh I have a

father oh my father’s servants eat

better than I do as soon as somebody

recognizes that God loves them that’s

what it’s about then there’s no dog

there’s no no that’s enough there’s no

Doctrine to take care of it’s a

lie love makes you take care of your

Holiness what doesn’t come from Love is

Law and law always disobeys the law is

always there to be broken but when you

love you’re faithful because you

love when you love you don’t need a

pastor to tell you you don’t need a a

quadrangular church or the Assemblies of

God or the the super Archy

Mega Mission shirt you don’t need anyone

to tell you anything when you love you

know what pleases your father and what

doesn’t you’re even going to pray out of

love and not out of

discipline and you give yourself to him

more and more each day Lord You’ve loved

me so much help me help me to not betray

you and there the Holy Spirit

saying when you can’t do something

asking for help he will intercede for


he will pray in ways you don’t know man

do we have an advantage I will not leave

you alone I will send a counselor that

will give you strength from within he

never said there will be a pastor

telling you about laws and then

congregate and there they’ll tell you

what you should do he said no here I

send you a counselor a comforter and

from within he will dictate and he’ll

tell you what to do what not to do and

he’ll guide you and give you discernment

of spirit he will open up your minds in


hearts you will rejoice when something

fills my heart with with happiness

that’s Christian Life my beloved live in

Freedom River live in

Freedom he will truly set you free

father I have spoken to your army and

your people your children your children

around the world and I ask that all

mental captivity fall now may all chains

be broken now any lock any religious

lock be broken now I’m not against the

men I’m against the chains the Demonic

chains that men have placed set them


Lord take away all slavery from their

minds now I ask you what I asked during

the message my beloved do you truly

believe that you please God if you

believe that you please God lift up your

hands and say Lord I love you you’ll see

how it how it sounds different it’s so

different when you feel unworth worthy

dirty sinful to when you say Lord I know

that I please

you I know you love me that’s another

level of worship that’s another level of

worship you’re not on the other side of

the sinner you’re on the side of the

saved of those Sanctified not by works

but by the blood poured out on the cross

of Calvary whoa and when you lift up

your hands you say Lord I love you and

feeling that love that that is true

love God says I have been waiting for

that phrase for

years with the heart that believes it

whoa say Lord I I love you I believe you

you know my life has been a disaster but

I love you and God says yes yes I know I

specifically love you your name your

name specifically I know you I know you

specifically I specifically died for you

you’re not in a group I love you you’re

special I chose you from your mother’s

womb just like

Jeremiah before you were formed I chose

you your bones were being formed and

they weren’t strangers to my vision I

was the one that decided that you would

be born in this generation in these

years during this time of life W lift up

your hands and worship come

on see how the worship changes see how

it’s a genuine

worship see how there’s nothing impeding

impressive more more more

everyone everyone receive at home as

well those that are watching the live

stream how the lord loves you

princess prince how the lord loves

you you have no idea how much he loves

you he told me to tell you to give you a

kiss to give you a

hug don’t give a don’t

surrender you’re my princess he

continues seeing that that little girl


you the Lord showed me this a few years

ago that he saw me as a child still that

he didn’t see this man he saw that boy


girl and that he was hugging that child

saying you’re not alone you are loved

you weren’t an accident it wasn’t your

fault that your mom got


cancer I don’t roll my eyes I don’t

ignore you I don’t sigh of tiredness

when I see you no my heart is filled

with joy when I see you Zante and that

has healed

me that’s why I don’t care what people

say because fear God love God and you

won’t care what the people

say but don’t love God and don’t fear

Him and you’ll care a lot about what

people say about you because we were

born to be loved we were born to have

love or to have value through love but

if you love God you won’t care about

anything or what anyone says no human

being can give you the love that only

God can give you there is no man or

woman that will love you that way your

children will not give you the love that

only your father can give say Lord I


you begin a romantic relationship father

more thank you for

today for the tears for the people for

the joy and the

happiness I send them

home without any burdens free

like the Lord said to so many people go

sin no more go be free be

happy smile dance enjoy life laugh eat

with your people drink with your people

enjoy Dance all that you can be a free

Christian so that your neighbors say I

want your happiness how do I accomplish

this and you’ll speak to them about this

Freedom be

free it will make other people’s

theology uncomfortable able but dress

how you want live how you want and

everything based on that love it won’t

fail I know no one will sin or do

anything strange if it’s based on

love the law will be broken but love

will never be broken love always works

may God bless you may he protect you and

may his face shine on you bye people all

over the

world I’ll see you next I’ll see you

this week until next Sunday bye bye bye

blessings people

























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