ENGLISH Dante Gebel #853 | When you go without being sent

Most of the time, we tend to get off and walk on the water, long before God calls us to abandon the boat. The problem with this arises when our character cannot yet sustain the calling and we end up sacrificing our divine purpose on the altar of selfishness and personal convenience. We forget that, from promise to fulfillment, there will always be a transition and we tend to confuse preparation with abandonment. Therefore, let us pray today, not that God shortens the duration of our difficult times, but that we learn from our experience in the desert.



here we

are as always lifting up those flags

from distinct

nationalities greeting all those that

are watching us and the director is

doing a general pan of all the people

present first Sunday of the year first

Sunday first event don’t stop that

Applause people something is happening

here at

River how beautiful look look look that

Applause is for the Lord for the holy

spirit for the

king the king is in the

house good morning look I see the

Argentinian flag and it excites

me may God bless you may he protect

you we had an introduction here recently

with the

people present this is the first service

of the

Year I hope that everything that you ate

you were able to digest I know some of

you looked in the mirror and said oh I

ate too much but this year I’m going to

start my diet

well not today not on not on the first

because you retired from the 31st and

from the second no you still had

leftovers so next Monday and that’s

tomorrow and so tomorrow the majority of

people will will begin their diets and I

hope the Lord gives you discipline

here’s some advice from someone that

struggles with it as well even if it’s

10 minutes 5 minutes of walking of going

on the treadmill don’t say I’m going to

start with an hour and a half and I’m

going to get rid of all this fat it


happen you have to start with three four

five minutes and also have spiritual

discipline this year to say Lord I’m

going to read your word more at least

one or two verses a day look what I’m

saying sometimes we don’t even take the

Bible because it’s easier to grab the TV

control for Netflix or you say ah let me

turn on the TV or when you connect to

streaming or when you start watching

videos on your phone with that content

that never ends on your phone you say

how am I going to read the Bible but if

you say Lord before anything while I’m

making myself coffee or while you’re

having breakfast say I’m going to

receive a word from the Lord and some

say yeah but I don’t really understand

anything I read well let me suggest

start with Proverbs or with the book of

Psalms Proverbs are principles axioms of

wisdom and the Psalms the majority of

them are are songs poems

Pros so you can say well let me read

this proverb if you can memorize it you

have no idea how your deposit will be

filled with marvelous things because

when you’re in a

crisis you can take from your deposit

the Holy Spirit can’t take something

from a deposit that doesn’t have it

everything that’s good and pure and

loving anything that comes from God you

must think about that so when you fill

your deposit with those things and then

you go into a crisis you say Lord what

what word do I have what word do I

have and then suddenly you think about



because that’s the only thing in your

deposit because that’s what your head is

filled with you filled it with with with

trash so when you want to take a word

the holy spirit says well I want to find

from in your deposit but I didn’t find

anything I found the house of cards I

kept looking and then I found just

anything else you know so when you say

Lord I want to fill my deposit with good

things and then when when we’re in a

crisis that’s where that word appears

that’s where that verse appears so this

new year this year of change and

transition of new beginning

it’s a year of new beginnings of new

decisions how can I say

uh new resolutions for this new year are

we happy yes or no people and at home as

well thank you for supporting us all

these years thank you for being there

for connecting I know some are awaiting

today’s word I’m about to transmit it

but before let me tell you what’s

happening in Cuba it’s just a little bit

of news it’s a short video a small

report of how we’re doing in Cuba what


begins man cannot

finish what God starts no man can say

stop I remember being on the same stage

when the governor of California who we

sent a a special greeting to Governor

Nome he

said you can’t have your services we

couldn’t even transmit life from here

then later he said all right it’s fine

but with restrictions there has to be

distancing it seemed like it happened

long ago but it happened and he said

children no children no elderly those

that those are in a dangerous age

couldn’t come so I couldn’t come because

I’m I’m up there but we began to

understand of course you have to under

we have to respect authority but there’s

always a greater Authority that goes

beyond any president or minister or

Governor here on Earth and so we know


Cuba is living under a sing singular

government and it’s been that way for

many decades but we know that God sent

us there to help we’re not going against

the regime we’re not going against the

politics we’re not going there to

generate anything we’re not Gathering up

votes this doesn’t have to do with with

with an election or anything political

it has to do far from any any militancy

it’s about helping people and we went to

go help and we want to finish this

marvelous work I want to show you our

village our neighborhood in Cuba where

we’re going to give six new homes to

elderly couples we’ll tell you their

stories and we’re going to honor them

and bless them this is what’s happening

in Cuba on that beloved Island we send a

greeting to all the Cubans River news

here we









thank you my beloved Rudy thank you

thank you for the information and the

update it’s just to share with

you I don’t want you to think that we

forgot about it we’re still going on

without work it’s not easy to find

materials and you might ask well

construction takes so long yeah in Cuba

it does here in a week you can build a

skyscraper but over there you have to

find materials it’s not wood it’s all

cement and brick and and

tile sometimes you have to bring it from


regions those elements are scarce so

it’s it’s hard but it’s it’s our goal

it’s just a seed when we see those

elderly couples faces and smiles when

they receive their homes with dignity I

think we’ll

feel that we but a little bit of mercy

and Grace in Cuba agreeing to all the

Cubans we’re praying for you praying for

you continue being joyous we love you so

much God bless all of you very well are

we ready say with me I’m

ready this is the first message of the

year and it has to do with the spiritual

foundations for this 2024 and I need I

mean I know I I take it for granted but

I need you to pay attention as you’ve

never paid attention to any other

preacher on the face of this Earth and

in the cosmos and in the universe with

all your five stances because it has to

do with the foundations of this

transition many years back when my hair

was very black and when I was very young

I received a prophetic

word that the Lord would give me the

Providence of traveling from Nation to

nation and he would lend me the ears of

many people and from then on I was very

young and unexperienced immature I was a

fool I thought that I had to do

something in respect to that immediate

that everything would be easier if I

could accomplish first being a young

businessman because I said if I’m a

young businessman then I’ll have my own

resources I’ll be able to fulfill this

mission that God has sending me on but I

need resources for that I can’t depend

on anyone it’s Noble and appraisable

what I was thinking I first thought

about becoming a

businessman and then a provider to my

own Ministry I admired those that said I

have my own business and I don’t need

anyone’s support I don’t need to live

off of any offering or what the people

give to me I can fund my own Ministry

and so though I was very young and and


hardworking I was very hardworking in

the business that hired me until I

became one of the best salesmen and

sometime later I was 22 years old I had

just turned

22 I was able to rise to become a

manager in that business

in a shopping mall in

Buenos and so I was very young and I had

many employees under my management and I

earned much more than any other person

that had spent years at that business so

I had F I had done it back then I had a


salary and I foolishly thought that I


sing there’s a season in life where you

believe you can do everything right I

thought I could sing I thought that I

could stay in tune more or less so that

I decided to record a few CDs well back

in those days they were cassettes I like

I always say if you know what a cassette

is then it’s time for you to get your

annual colonoscopy it’s time okay you’re

at that age and if you say yeah yeah I

even had cassettes well you better go

check your prostate urgently because at

this age you have to present prevent the

point is that those cassettes I had 14

songs on each

cassette and try and search for them

online because I made it my own job to

make any of that evidence disappear you

won’t find

it since I had money I would pay for

publicity on magazines and newspapers

there was no social media and so I

launched myself into

stardom I was

sure that God had sent me to serve him

in that way my intentions were

Noble but my vision was very selfish

fish I wasn’t acting humbly I wanted to

be well known I wanted to be grandiose I

imagined everything that I could do for

God and I would say God you’re so lucky

to have

me amongst your followers how beautiful

I thought God looked down on me and said

man good thing Dante was

born and at the age of

22 with a promise from God in my hand I

thought that it was just a matter of

doing it on my own of of launching my

dreams my ideas at first I thought that

I would be a great businessman and that

I would solve at my own costs while I go

through through the world doing great

things for God it sounds Noble it sounds

like a vision from God it doesn’t sound


but once I had the resources and once I

had a few ideas or a few phrases that

were revolutionary and I had a great

desire to serve God I realized that all

that wasn’t enough and I didn’t take

into account that with that promise

there’s always a process with the

promise there’s always a process that’s

what I call the transition always so

after a few months of becoming manager

one day to make a long story short they

fired me abruptly without paying me a

single dollar accusing me unjustly of

having stolen from the

business on that morning I went into my

office with my chest puffed

out and that night I went home hunched

over with a withered

forehead however something historic was

happening inside of me at that moment I


realize that the true transformation had

just begun from that moment I was fired

God began to work in many aspects with

my character and he also began to

eliminate or began to eliminate what

didn’t please him with my conduct and

the Lord still isn’t done I’m I’m not

here because I’m a finished model but

that’s when the Lord said I have to

eliminate a lot of things from your

conduct from your character and that day

when I hit rock bottom for the first

time there God’s calling in my

life began to become a reality it’s as

if God said all right Dante now that I

have your attention I’m going to teach

you a few important things that up until

now you weren’t willing to listen to now

that I have your attention let’s begin

and that’s where he began now that I

think about it if God had sent

me to serve him without that bitter

process it was bitter in its moment then

I I would have been a disaster First

Corinthians 311 says for no one can lay

any foundation other than the one

already laid which is Jesus Christ no

one back then I had the correct

Foundation because like many of you I

was born in a Christian household well I

wasn’t born into it but at the age of

seven my entire family gave their lives

to Christ and so I was brought up with a

Christian Foundation I can’t say that at

home they didn’t teach us biblical

Foundation but I wasn’t building upon it

in the right way I was trying to build

the foundation was correct but I was

trying to build with wood hay and scrap

anything to just quickly get to the

goal never waited for the Lord to guide

me it never it never occurred to me to

say all right Lord you gave me your

call so now what should I wait for what

should I do no on the contrary I wanted

to lift up a Ministry a life

a a family basing myself on my dreams my

ambition so in essence I was or I tried

to go before they even sent me so God

had to Humble me because I wasn’t wise

enough to humble myself

so you either humble yourself or you’re

humbled you either give yourself to the

Lord saying here I am or the Lord will

say I’ll make you say I’m here Lord and

let me confess something to you that

each day I’m more and more convinced

of and now I’m fully

convinced that if I had accomplished

what I was seeking when I was young then

I’m sure that in the best of cases

today I would be just

playing the I serve God consumed by ego

I would be I would be consumed by pride

in fact I would be bitter against the

whole world because pride is that it’s

the root of all

evil when you’re filled with ego you

begin to be jealous because why does

that person have that why do they

receive more and you become bitter


corrosive so in that moment what

appeared to

me as God disappointing me no he was

saving my life he said if I let this guy

go like this he’s going to be a lost

cause now fine I’m

aware that God tends to call us to do


things throughout many moments in our

lives but on certain occasions those

callings don’t turn out the way we

thought they would play out I said I

wanted to serve you I wanted to be a

part of the choir or I wanted to be an

usher or preach or sing or play play an

instrument but how many

times have we felt Guided by God to do

something that we believed was Noble

just the way I did something appraisable

I wanted to preach I didn’t want to

become a

millionaire but then it became an

embarrassing situation a complicated

situation how many times have we been

through something where you felt like

starting a business all by yourself and

you said I’m tired of being an employee

I don’t want to depend on that manager

or I don’t want to be dependent on

anyone I want to have my own company I

want to be a head and not a tail I want

to be above and not below until you take

hold of that promise and you dedicate

yourself to that with great illusion but

when you get to the end of the month you

have no way to pay your payroll and you

say I don’t know I believed God and now

I have more debts than ever there are

many people that believed that they

believed in the

Lord you believed God but it just didn’t

work out well not not yet

right or you had a

dream you said I’m I’m done with this

addiction no more alcohol or in the

worst of cases drugs or pornography and

you said I’m going to finish off

that that history that dysfunctional

history and you thought that you would

then become a good husband a good wife

with your dream marriage your dream

children and now you look

back you look back at your life and you

do checks and balance and you realize

that your marriage isn’t a model

marriage your kids aren’t the ones that

you dreamed of and you say I believed in

God I had every desire to believe in him

just like me at the age of 22 when I

thought it was my time to start my

Ministry people are saying I feel like

doing something different for God and

some have even taken a great leap of

faith there are people watching me now

that have taken a great leap of faith

and they took that risk in all of our

countries there are people saying it’s

my time and they leave and they go maybe

that call was genuine but judging off of

how things are are going now you ask

yourself was this really from God or did

I just make this up in my

imagination how many times have we said

did God really speak to me or was it

just my indigestion from eating so many

tacos and burritos Christmas night or or


Year’s was it indigestion that brought

me here really I’m sure many men and

women of God have asked themselves that

at all levels of spirituality at a

certain point we ask did I just get into

it because I’m

audacious and this is the heart or the

core of the problem the majority of

times we have the

tendency of getting off the boat and

walking on the water much before God has

called us to abandon the boat and that’s

a great

issue I’m a great

defender of the active Gospel of doing I

always say it’s preferable to make a

mistake by doing than by being passive

however it’s still a great

mistake to have the characteristic of

always getting off the boat before

making sure that God is calling you and

of course God wants us to get off the

boat at one point or another at one

point we have to abandon our comfort

zone and assume risks and everything in

life you assume risks you begin a career

you’re assuming the risk of who knows if

this is what I’m going to like doing

when I’m an adult but it’s what attracts

me it’s a risk you get married and it’s

a risk because you don’t know that

person completely you have children and

it’s a risk because you don’t know how

you’re going to be as a parent and when

you learn to be a parent you’re then you

then become a

grandparent but when you begin and run

risks it’s elusive to think that the

Lord won’t sign us up for the University


character anytime you want to assume a

risk before that there’s always a

transition the process the University of

character if not God won’t permit us to

crash our faces against the wall or if

he does allow it like in my case it’s

for us to

learn to not just calculate the risks

But be sure if it’s the time the calling

is genuine but the point is is it the

right time and no man shows this

principle better than Moses I’m going to

make the long story short but it just so

happens that in

Egypt a pharaoh goes into power that

begins to oppress the Hebrews and he

gives an order amongst other orders to

kill all the infant boys that are

Jewish because his slave population was

too great and he was afraid that one day

they would become too numerous that they

could take control of Egypt and in that

in those turbulent times

of of of of of genocide of of

assassination Moses’s family hides him

for three months what any parent would

do once they saw that it was impossible

to hide him because the baby was crying

or maybe a neighbor

could could tell on them or the soldiers

might hear him his mother covers a

basket with pitch and resin places Moses

in the basket and exodus 2:3 says then

she put it among the the reads along the

bank of the

Nile then Pharaoh’s daughter went down

to the Nile to bathe and her attendants

were walking along the r bankage and she

found Moses there

crying so she took Moses as her own and

and raised him obviously it’s it’s a

turn of events that nobody expected the

Hebrew baby that should have died soon

after birth had now become part of the

Egyptian royalty growing up in the

corridors of Power with the with an

Elite Education from the Pharaohs he

became a part of royalty he became the

Prince of Egypt but he knew was adopted

he knew that he hadn’t been born in the

palace and the book of Acts 7:23 tells

us that when Moses turned 40 years

old he decided to visit his own people

the Israelites he said let me go and see

my real brothers he knew he was Hebrew

and he saw that his own people were

under the burden of slavery of forced

work and scripture tells us that as he

saw saw one of his Hebrew brothers that

was being mistreated he defends him and

he actually kills the

Egyptian he Avenged the oppressed

because he

thought that his Hebrew brothers would

understand that the Lord would set them

free by his hand Moses thought if I if

I’m at the palace it’s because I have a

calling I have a purpose and so if I

have that calling let me just start the

The Liberation now I’m going to kill the

first Egyptian that I see mistreating my

own brother the next day he sees two

Israelites that are arguing and he says

hey you guys are brothers why are you

hurting each

other but the man who was mistreating

the other pushed Moses aside and said

who made you ruler and judge over us

huh because that’s where all the

Argentinian descendants came from he he

said starkly he said hey who put you in

power brother and he said are you

thinking of killing me as you killed the

Egyptian yesterday so the rumor had

spread that that Moses was an was an

assassin so Moses was convinced that he

was the right man and that he was doing

the right thing for God he had the

vision of being the Liberator of his

people from that moment his dream was

Noble it had it had good intent but when

he decides to fulfill his dream he ends

up killing a man and he fails the vision

was Noble yes Moses still wasn’t ready

to take on that Noble Vision was the

foundation correct yes but what he used

to to build was not correct the

foundation was right the vision was

right but it wasn’t the right time his

character still could not sustain his

calling and God knows if we can sustain

or hold up our calling many of us ask

God for blessings in different times of

our lives and God says you’re still not

ready to manage my

blessings not everyone can receive a net

full of fish from night to day there are

people that just aren’t ready we’ve seen

it in public cases I’m not stereotyping

anyone but I’m I’m talking about we’ve

seen it in in soccer players and boxers

who one day win a trophy or sign a

contract we’ve seen it in people that

win the lottery they pass from having

nothing to having millions and how long

does it last do they know how to invest

do they know how to make their money

work do they know how to save it no they

spend it

they they they spend on on on all

luxuries and coats and a Lamborghini and


Ferrari because they want all the

luxuries they never had and anyone that

had money their whole lives say no

that’s not going to work you’re going to

dilapidated all go $1 at a time and the

same thing happens in spiritual terms

not all of us have the character to

sustain what we asked for if the Lord

said yes to everything to every one of

us the world would be chaos now in

simple terms when I say we don’t have


character to sometimes sustain the

blessing or the calling well what is

that character well

it’s it’s a conglomeration of

of of characteristics the heart of who


are the world doesn’t pay attention to

our character it pays attention to our

credentials when you look for a job you

don’t say look I have good character I

always come early I’m hardworking no you

have to present a resume or a

CV that can attest to our credentials in

in in our

profession or our skills after that we


references they can call your old

employer your old manager and see if

they give good or bad reference or we

tend to judge someone’s success based on

the material possessions that they own I

had a friend many years ago I said I had

because he’s no longer my

friend that would catalog

someone’s worth based on the the car

that they were driving that was his

custom he would say oh you have no idea

the car that this guy’s driving oh you

have no clue he would always say oh this

guy finally made it oh he knew how to

make it he came here with nothing and

now he drives a

Hummer and he would uh drool when he

would say Hummer he would say oh he

drives a Hummer and a Hummer is the

scariest thing you can drive it’s

difficult to park a but you feel like a

Transformer up there you look down on

all the ants next to you with their


cars and he would say he drives a hammer

you have no idea the home that he built

for himself and I remember that I also

met that guy who drove the Hummer and he

was the most

immature fleshly angry man I’ve ever met

he was a terrible guy I couldn’t spend

five minutes with him without arguing

over something even if you’re someone

that doesn’t argue he would still find a

way to argue with you because he had an

iate way of treating people but he drove


Hummer he was my friend’s model to

follow glory to God that that guy is not

my friend anymore not him nor the guy

with the

Hummer and the same thing happens when

we judge a

pastor how do we judge a pastor well by

the size of his of his congregation not

by his character if he has a big church

it’s because he’s anointed period oh no

you have no idea the church he has there

are thousands and thousands of people

and maybe a church that’s called to lead

a smaller Church in a village or a town

or maybe in a city but he pastors a

smaller church people say oh no

something’s not going well because look

how that guy grew and he’s not because

we judge based off what we see but God

says I go directly to the heart and

that’s the heart of

character first book of Samuel 16:7 says

do not consider his appearance or his

height don’t look if he drives a hmer or

a Tesla because I discard him for me

that doesn’t matter where he lives the

credit he has Jehovah doesn’t see what

man sees man sees what’s in front of his

eyes but Jehovah sees the

heart the Lord looks at the heart that’s

his measuring tape isn’t it marvelous

good thing

right so when God looks for a

leader he chooses a person not based off

of their

capacity or their credit score or the

numbers on their bank account much less

their car or their or their clothes 2

Chronicles 169 says for the eyes of the

Lord range throughout the Earth to

strengthen those whose hearts are fully

committed to

him he gives favor and strength to those

who have a heart fully committed to them

he says I’m not looking for perfect

people I’m looking for people with a

perfect heart those that have a

character that I was able able to mold

and not just God not only God seeks good

character we all seek these qualities

and any person that guides

us children look for character in their

mother and their father it’s not the

same thing as temperament because

there’s a sister that says oh I have

good character no you just have bad

temperament that’s not good character

character is what holds you

up what keeps you firm in your

convictions and as I always say in the

art of leading of leading people we tend

to hire someone always based off their

capacity and notice every time we fire

them it’s because of their character

it’s never the opposite well I’ve never

hired somebody because of their

character and then I fire them due to

lack of capacity no you hire them

because they know how to manage a

computer they know how to run the

programs they know how to use Excel

they’re a good engineer they’re good at

lighting they’re a good musician but you

end up firing them because you can you

can’t stand them they don’t follow

instructions they don’t obey they don’t

respect authority you hire them due to

their capacity and you fire them due to

their character and the Lord avoids

these things he says without any

character I won’t send you I’m not going

to hire you based on your capacity you

may know how to preach you may know how

to sing but I’m not going to hire you

based on your capacity to then regret

having to fire you over your character

first you’re going to be put to the test

all around the world people cry out for

people with character

look at the political Panorama around

the world it’s contaminated with leaders

that accumulate power and riches for

themselves every day character is

sacrificed at the altar of selfishness

and personal

convenience and as soon as a politician

mentions oh may God bless you at the end

of his his speech or May the powers of

heaven then a bunch of Believers that

are confused say oh we’re before a man

of God he mentioned

Heaven the masses moan and cry out for a

man with character to rise up and lead

them but character isn’t just what you

say with your mouth no you see it in in

in the acts of what we do there are many

people that have the ability to ascend

to the summit but character is what

keeps them there your character

determines how far you’ll go how long

will go and how many will go with us

that’s character

and unfortunately reading books having

ideas having a great desire to do things

that doesn’t develop our heart or our

character if only there were a book 12

steps to have good character not even

this message can gift you good character

don’t expect me to say I’m going to send

you the power of good character in this

hand I feel that’s leaving my hand

that’s not going to work that

way the most I can do and foolishly is

incite you to making decisions that will

help you build that character but I

can’t just magically give you the power


character for that reason there are no

conferences to develop character you’ll

never see a conference for character no

there’s a conference for growth and

empowerment anointing Liberation

Freedom tongues there is no conference

for character because the only one that

can teach us about character is the Lord

you can’t learn it through a coach and

nothing reveals what we’re made

of like times of trial times of crisis

when you’re under pressure that’s where

you find out who you are

always we’re citrus fruits like oranges

or lemons we give our juice when we’re

squeezed someone says oh I C I left

church on Sunday so blessed they get on

the freeway or they’re driving home and

an Asian Cuts them off

off and there that lime juice is


out when tough times put us to the test

there our true nature is exposed I don’t

know if it’s ever happened to you

literally being in traffic or or stuck

somewhere or I wouldn’t say an insult es

escapes you or maybe a a rude word you

say I’m in a rush how can it be

and you look back and your kid is

watching you and he says


wow because they observe us how we react

what juice is squeezed out of us and

Paul writes to the Believers in the Book

of Romans and says not only so but we

also glory in our sufferings because we

know we know that suffering produces

perseverance perseverance character and

character produces

hope that’s in Romans

5:3 look at everything we have to do to

reach hope tribulation trials then hope

comes but you have to go through that

process of pressure so we can put our

hands on someone and pray for them may

the Lord bless this business Lord I pray

for this ministry and it’s fine because

you’re asking for a blessing for this

new thing but you can’t get give them an

anointing of character I can pray so

that a business starts off well we’re

going to pray that the Lord give you the

way to start right but for it to be held

up and sustained I can’t pray for that I

can’t pray for you to hold yourself up

this whole year that’s acquired through

a process with the

Lord in these last weeks or in these

last months many people wrote to me from

from my country asking if I would pray

for the new Argentinian president the

same way I did with na bu in El

Salvador I’ve known na from when he was

a candidate we developed a friendship

and I committed to go and pray for him

if he became

president but now they believe that I

dedicate my life to going through the

world praying for presidents on my free

time right and I understand the

motivations from the requests a sister

said you have to come and pray for our

president but I’m also

aware that we can’t vote for whoever we

want and I’m not judging anyone or

anyone’s values or decisions and expect

to just fix everything by laying the

laying of hands I remember at the church

where I was brought up a mom would bring

her rebellious child and she would tell

the pastor pray for this rebellious kid

he doesn’t want to do his homework and

the kid would

say no he’s just uneducated he doesn’t

have a demon he is the demon so they

write to me I want you to come and bless

the president so the country does well

no magic doesn’t

exist shortcuts to build good character

that doesn’t exist what do I know if

he’s going to be a good president but he

definitely won’t be a good one just

because I pray for him but that’s

believing that there’s osmosis or magic

that I can vote for whoever I want but

as long as someone prays for him that

he’ll become Winston Church Hill no it

doesn’t work that way that’s why Paul

warned in 1 Timothy 5:22 do not be Hasty

in the laying on of hands and do not

share in the sins of others keep

yourself pure that’s not rush to say

receive this donation so you can be a

businessman what do I know if the guy’s

going to have the discipline to wake up

early every

morning because there’s no greater

discipline expected than the person that

works for thems there are people that

want to work for themselves to not have

a schedule but it’s completely the

opposite sometimes I dream of being an

employee so I can have a schedule and

get home at 5:00 p.m. so no one bothers

me I clock out and I don’t work anymore

and at 501 get in my car and

leave I wouldn’t love anything more than

that at certain times I would love to

just fulfill my schedule say this is my

job description and that’s it but when

you’re in charge of something there’s no

schedule and you have to have the

discipline of waking up

early even more than when you had a

manager it’s not that oh now that I’m a

manager I’ll take 3 years of vacation or

I’ll go travel for 5 weeks no it doesn’t

happen that way with with great business

people that’s why they’re business

people that’s why they have their

businesses because they work so how can

I put my hands on someone so that their

business can grow as if they were magic

beans no it won’t

work Paul knew that promoting someone

before their heart was

ready could produce

disaster and that’s where many of us

fail we feel a call to do something for

God for our businesses for or anything

but we are not sure that our our heart

that our character is at the height of

what we’re asking

for they say that in order to produce a

cabbage it takes three months but to

produce an oak tree it takes 50 years if

I were a modern preacher I would tell

you tell the person next to you are you

a cabbage or are you an oak tree but let

me save you from that because the person

next to you doesn’t want to hear your

voice are you a cabbage are you or are

you an oak tree 3 months or or 50 years

so going back to the story of Moses when

Pharaoh finds out about the death of the

Egyptian that Moses had killed he tries

to kill Moses so Moses flees to the to

the region of Midian and he stays there

as a stranger Moses believed that God

would use him for a great Liberation but

now he is running to save his own life

he can’t even free his own

life why does God sometimes give us

dreams and I insist

visions that end up in failure and

frustration I can give you a list I told

you about that first one it’s not that

after the age of 22 never again did it

happen to me no it continued Happ

happening to me and Ministries and

different things and

projects that cost a lot more than they

should have because it wasn’t the right

time because I wanted to do I had the

calling but I wasn’t waiting for the

time God had given Moses the desire to

free his people people to rescue his

people and he began to live the

nightmare of those that are cast into a

void due to Faith before God sends them

the desire was genuine but the time was

not the opportune moment how many times

do we step on the gas in life before the

light turns green that always puts our

life at risk if the light is yellow or

red and you step on the gas it’s always

a risk in the worst of cases it’s a

tragedy last Sunday I spoke of lazy

people that don’t do anything with the

excuse of I don’t want to get ahead of

God remember remember that oh I don’t

want to get ahead of God I want to wait

on God but on the other end of the

spectrum there’s the person that doesn’t

want to get ahead of God and they they

ask one foot for permission to move the

other and they’re a lazy person that

doesn’t want to get ahead of God they

don’t do anything on the other and on

the antipodes of the spectrum there are

those that live jumping to action before

God sends them all the time

it’s the syndrome of the offered instead

of the

called they’re always offering

themselves for everything and you say

well you know that’s a good thing yeah

but it carries its risk they’re easy to

recognize because they’re jumping from

Vision to vision from Revelation to

Revelation they never remain in one

thing they’re never focused they never

solidify themselves in one thing there’s

nothing worse than having a guide or a

parent or a pastor or a president they

may not even get there that has mood

swings every week one day they tell you

one thing the other day it’s another

then they change their Vision then God

revealed something else to them one day

we were an evangelical church now we’re

a Missionary church now I don’t know why

I’m saying this God changed my message

God changed my Revelation and you say

that’s enough I have enough to deal with

with my mother-in-law I don’t need

another crazy person in my

life I got to know many people when I

was when I was younger when I was an

adolescent in my congregation they would

abandon their jobs some would even

abandon their families to live by

faith the Lord is calling me to live by

faith no it wasn’t living by faith it

was let me wait for someone to to to


me people that’s that would leave their

their jobs at their at the factory they

left their medical insurance and they

would live off of Faith their

kids were starving of hungry

my my kid’s stomach was touching his

back and someone knocked on the door and

came in with the sandwich and and that’s

my testimony of Faith really no that’s

just a lack of faith I’m a man of

Faith but faith has to do with the

moment in which God says step off the

boat and walk towards me so why does God

call call us to certain tasks like Moses

just to then allow us fall on our faces

I was going to say on your butt on your

rear end but let me just say on your

face I know why I know why God lets

Moses fall on his

face because there was too much Moses in

Moses why did God let me fall on my face

because there was too much Dante in

Dante and you can also put your name in

the example because it would be a great

example the

motivations and moses’ intentions they

were Noble I insist but his character

wasn’t ready for the demands of the

mission and God doesn’t just bless good

intentions you can’t say well they had

good intentions no God doesn’t bless

just intentions I wanted to se for God

God knows that if I had money I would

give it no God won’t bless an

intention or what you could have done no

God doesn’t bless

hypotheticals no no no God knows that I

would go and serve in Africa if I had

the time I would be the first one to go

that doesn’t count for God you didn’t go

it’s a

hypothetical it’s not something that I

would do that’s the great failure of

many evangelicals that write on social

media they say why don’t you go here

that’s what I would do well why aren’t

you doing it why aren’t you helping your

Neighbor Next Door why don’t you give

the Asian neighbor Next Door by giving

them some rice help them when they’re

hungry but no you want to help people on

other continents God doesn’t bless good

intentions so when Moses kills the

Egyptian it was clear that he was acting

under his own judgment not under God’s

plan and there were aspects of his

character that God had to

polish in such a way that God signs him

up into the University of character at

the desert

Branch with the

postgrad of trans of personal

transformation God is always interested

in our character more than our

success more than our

circumstances that doesn’t mean that God

doesn’t want this world to be this year

to be good for us God wants us to

Triumph but more than that he wants to

forge our character so that we can

manage what he wants to give us are we

in agreement yes or no he has to forge

us so that we can sustain that

right there there are people that if God

allowed them to be famous then God would

lose them there are people that if God

allowed them to have more money he would

lose them there are people that aren’t

ready because they lose control

immediately and you might say well who

doesn’t lose control well those of us

that have fallen on our face a lot those

of us that have stumbled many times so

from the promise to the Fulfillment

there is always a transition

and this is a word that we’re going to

mention a lot this year transition from

the promise to the Fulfillment

process the majority of us don’t fail in

believing God but we fail in waiting for

the process and we want everything to be

now Lord give me patience and give it to

me now no it won’t

happen because God has to place us in a

process you know why there are so many

divisions amongst us the Evangelical


people because we spend our time

disputing who has the real franchise and

US evangelicals Place everything under a

single phrase look I’m not I’m not I’m

not criticizing others I’m criticizing

ourselves we have the famous phrase God

told me and period not even we’re sure

that God said it but you know just in

case God said to me or God showed me

that’s another level oh last night uh

God showed me that I have to uh I have

to go um my love I have to go kill your

mother God showed

me God sent me oh God sent me well why

are you doing that well because I obey

God we always say that we’re under

Authority as long as we agree with that

Authority as soon as we’re displeased

with something and don’t look at me with

that face as if to say oh no I come from

Switzerland I don’t know no this is

something that all Hispanics

have someone said amen glory to God that

is a sinner came here

today as soon as we don’t like something

then we open up our small Church our

small denomination in our own Doctrine

you know how many denominations there


officially there’s 33,000

denominations they all believe they’re

going to be the only ones in heaven

33,000 without counting the hundreds

that open up their churches with no

denomination we sometimes criticize we

shouldn’t but we criticize the Catholic

church for many reasons but the Catholic

church has a hierarchy it starts with

the Deacon look at look at the career

you have to

have some say oh I I dream of being the

pup no it’s it’s not that it’s not like

that you’re going to be a potato not the

pope so you

first you’re a deacon then priest then

Bishop Archbishop Metropolitan primates

Cardinal major Archbishop

patriarch the

primate the Presbyterian Cardinal the

bishop Cardinal and finally our beloved

Argentinian the

pope now look at that whole

career I’m not judging any any doctrines

before anyone stoos me I started the

year well right what a way to

Kickstart but we can never never ever

ever talk about the errors of the

Catholics will never ever see an altar

boy that disagrees with the with the


the parish priest so he goes and opens

his own Chapel around the corner no

right scripturally speaking we can all

speak to

God but we go to The Other Extreme and

so since God speaks to us directly that

gives us a li to say God sent me God s

to me and period it’s not up for debate

it’s not up for discussion as long as

you say God spoke to me God told me not

to pay you

period yeah but you have a debt with me

yeah you know what I feel like paying

you but God said no don’t pay him so

that he can learn look at

that and all of a sudden under that

umbrella of God said to

me you don’t go through any

test for your

character we’re in congruent with

biblical biblical foundations I’m not a

guy that will say if you leave my my

coverage no I don’t believe in

that in all these years of this

Christian walk this Christian pilgrimage

I’ve gotten to know many people with

genuine callings that have failed rotund


robustly because they went without being

sent they didn’t

wait and what what I’m about to say to

you is as real as a law of gravity God’s

principles work and it’s impossible to


them God’s principles work if I throw

this Bible here and it’ll fall here to

the ground it’ll fall in Australia and

in China the law of gravity Works

anywhere around the world and in all

these years I’ve seen people leaving a

company or leave their family leave

their country leave a Ministry with good

reason with good intentions but the way

in which they

left creating Discord or creating

division they end up not harvesting in

their own lives because it’s a natural

law there are people that change

churches change jobs because they’re

tired of living under Authority but

wherever we go we’re going to be under

Authority Always we’re always going to

have authority over us we’re under a

denomination the Assembly of God I’m

under Authority I can’t do whatever I

want we’re all always going to be under

Authority no matter where we go and when

we leave any place and this is I I felt

like teaching you this I’m not teaching

it from the perspective of oh I’ve never

been through it no I’ve suffered through

this I’m like the the parent that

doesn’t want their child to go through

the same thing when you leave a place

without honoring we’re going to harvest

dis honor no matter where we

go when you don’t honor your children

then as as as you’re older you’re going

to harvest this honor when you don’t

honor your parents then you won’t

receive honor from your

children I’ve never seen someone try and

divide a congregation start their own

church and not Harvest dozens of their

own divisions I’ve spoken with Pastor

friends that have said I’ve already have

50 divisions at the

church and I asked well how did you

leave your other church and they say no

well the pastor did this that and the

other so I ran for my life well then

there it is it’s a natural law it never

fails it’s a natural law like sewing and

harvesting Jacob leaves his his

father-in-law’s home leban this is a

fabulous biblical story he escapes in

the night out of fear that his

father-in-law won’t bless him and in

Genesis 3127 his father-in-law reaches

him and he says why did you run off

secretly and deceive me

he hadn’t stolen anything but he felt

that he had stolen his

honor why didn’t you tell me that you

wanted to run away son-in-law I would

have sent you on your way with joy and

tambourines and

harps you didn’t allow me to say goodbye

to my daughters or my grandchildren you

acted like a like a fool like an

imbecile and Jacob received this

reprimand so when we leave without being


we leave with very sharp edges of our

character that will eventually be

polished here or there I like it when

God polishes my character in Intimacy in

the closet while I’m praying he says

change this change that and man doesn’t

hurt but it hurts more when it’s done

publicly I want it to be done in

secret God waited many year or David

waited many years to be king even though

he knew he was he was going to be called

to be King and King Saul was already too

old or too weak to be a

monarch and while he waited the process

of the transition he learned a series of

lessons that molded his character and

that’s something that us Hispanics need


learn and you don’t have someone

preaching to you that says oh in

heaven they they don’t speak Spanish no

I’m Hispanic too I’m more Hispanic

because I was born way down south the

further south you go the more Hispanic

you are the closer to Antarctica you’re

you are the more Hispanic you are that’s

it’s one of our weaknesses it’s a


syndrome we have the tendency that when

we don’t like something we disappear and

we don’t leave any

Trace we’re like Batman we go Voom vo

vo and we have to

learn that when we’re going to abandon a

job or a position at a certain

company go to the authority it doesn’t

matter if they were if they were fools

or scammers I’m talking about what we

want to harvest and tell your Authority

I’m considering making a change it

doesn’t matter that in this country they

fire you on a Friday at 5:00 p.m. and

they say sorry I’m so sorry security

please and they carry you out that’s who

they are I’m not going to change my

character because of the world that

surrounds me everyone gives from what


have I’m in a neighborhood where nobody

greets you nobody it doesn’t matter

every time I go out to the mailbox or

take out the trash I say good morning

good morning morning and I say one day

they’ll say it

back and they look at

me because when Americans go out and

walk with their dogs they don’t like to

be greeted but where I come from my mom

would say you need to greet

them because I want to walk through the

neighborhood with my head held up high

and I don’t want people to say that

you’re uneducated

and so now I say hi to even Shadows

because I I don’t want to be uneducated

and I have a neighbor that goes out with

her dogs and she never greets anyone and

if she can she’ll throw her dogs to you

I’ll say good morning good morning hi

hey and she’s never answered me not even


now but she will one day even if it’s in

heaven maybe she’ll get to heaven and

say oh he’s who used to say hi to me or

maybe if she goes to heaven I don’t know

but I won’t change for others where I

come from I don’t change due to my

surroundings I won’t say oh if people

around me are uneducated I’ll become an

educator no so go up to your your boss

and even if they’re a scammer say you

know what I’m considering leaving at the

end of the month look for a replacement

if you have to or go to our pastor or

leader and say of

honoring you for so many years if I was

here for so long it’s because I thought

you were a good pastor but maybe I

changed my opinion now but so many years

of service and loyalty I want you to

help me and pray to see if it’s time to

go to a different place ushers have left

here giving their name tag as if to say

here take my badge and my gun and they

leave and they say what do you mean they

left yeah they left and they don’t tell

you where then you see them on social

media that they’re at another church

doing something else and who’s going to

stop them hey I feel like going

somewhere else a smaller church or a

different place and wait for the

blessing it’s not the same as saying hey


leaving I tend to ask people are you

asking for my blessing or an advice or

are you communicating it to me isn’t

that what US parents do sometimes hey

are you asking for permission or are you

letting me know because it’s not the

same thing to say hey I’m leaving and


leave no it’s asking for a blessing and

say I’m considering leaving who’s going

to stop you well you’re going to leave

all the same right maybe we have the

right calling but we have to understand

how to make the changes so record the

spiritual principle don’t burn Bridges

anywhere you never know when you’ll need

it in the

future one day you’ll want to cross that

bridge you’re going to need that

reference don’t burn bridges in what

respects you the Lord says be in peace

with all

men let me tell you a little a

little a few secrets we still have some

time in these 15 years that we’ve been a

church many people have left River to

develop their own Ministries and that’s

healthy in the majority of cases it’s


healthy I’m no one to doubt anyone’s

personal calling I can’t say God only

speaks to me but he can’t speak to you

no I would be going against what I

preach but what determines them doing

well or


not whether they fail or not there’s one

thing that that determines it anytime

someone leaves and I even write it on a

piece of paper and I have eyewitnesses

that I do it I always take a little

napkin because I’m very conservative in

in a few things and I always do the same

thing I take a napkin or a paper and I

write it down so that they can keep it

with them maybe later they’ll use it as

toilet paper I have no clue but I give

it to them I look at the person in their

eyes and I say I know your vision is

noble and I

rejoice and in the beginning you’re


to see that starting a business or a

Ministry is

simple because everything always looks

easy from the outside it’s like going to

eat at a good restaurant and saying my

dream is to have my own who hasn’t said

that before oh how beautiful I have my

own picture frames and paintings I

already have the logo and the idea and


menu I’ll take each one of those

dreamers and take them all to the

kitchen for a few minutes so that they

can see what that hell and chaos is

during peak hours where everyone comes

for dinner when they say this is what I

asked for this is an almond milk go and

milk the Almond itself when that happens

to you and you’re in the kitchen you

feel like going out and killing everyone



Rambo and you say I’ll get locked up but

at least I’ll do what I want you dream

because you see the elegant part the the

tables the food and I say this is it’s

the same thing you have every intention

to do things right and you’ll say this

well I’ll do the same thing that I saw

if you want to be a pastor then I’ll

dress more or less like you I’ll say

some similar phrases the multitudes will

follow me I’ll have resources I’ll I’ll

travel through the world we all want

that but as the days go

by you begin to realize that the Lord

signed you up for the University of

character and everything’s uphill when

the resources don’t arrive when you

close your eyes and you see no one came

I’ve lived those moments where you don’t

want to open your eyes and you say Lord

we want to worship you but you don’t you

actually just don’t want to open your

eyes cuz you don’t want to see how few

people there

are when your business isn’t what you

dreamed the enemy and I say this to the

person that leaves whoever leaves I say

the enemy is going to try and take you

down the shortcut of

Dishonor and you’re going to try and

recruit people that you left behind that

you couldn’t take with you at this point

they always interrupt me and they say no

no no Pastor I’ll never do that but I

answer and I say yes you will do it it’s


pattern when your character can no

longer sustain or hold up the process

you’re going to try and take a harvest

that isn’t yours if you

worked as a slave in someone else’s

field when you decide to leave that

assignment you can’t harvest the grain

from the seed that you planted that

belongs to the owner of the

field that belongs to the position that

you held not you as an individual so by

the love of God as much as you want for

your own good don’t take the the road of

Dishonor and when I warn them they

always look at me as if I’m trying to

say to them oh don’t steal one of my

sheep and I always clarify look they’re

not my sheep I didn’t die on the cross

for anyone I always say the same thing

and on top of it all no sheep allows to

be stolen who wakes up in the morning

and says oh I woke up in

saddleback but didn’t you go to River

yeah but they stole

me that’s not Dante that’s my I was

stolen no that that doesn’t

happen if you want to be stolen then

yeah I guess you’ll be

stolen however it’s a spiritual

principle God always honors Authority

and let me tell you what happens next

and this happens in almost every church

around the world and colleagues will

confirm it colleagues that are being

healed with this message right

now some maybe the least of them don’t

burn Bridges nor do they dishonor

Authority that they were under for a


time these are the people that prosper


grow if they have nothing good to say

they don’t say anything you don’t have

to be saying good things hypocritically

you have nothing good to say you don’t

say anything these are the people that

when they have to go to back to a a

business or or or a a company or a

Ministry they left good character good

testimony but then there are others that

try and speak with others to divide and

recruit they always manage to gather a

group never more than 20 people that

believe in that Messianic

Vision but there are people that can

either follow us because they love what

we love or because they hate what we

hate in the best of cases they’ll remain

because love and

hate can keep people together but the

other option is

hate can also gather

votes but it’s a corrosive combustible

that can’t gather anyone for a long time

there are presidential candidates that

reach the presidency by gathering

votes due to hate to the to the last

government the

last Administration but if this new

Administration doesn’t have a purpose

for the future hate won’t take them very

far hate doesn’t gather people for a

long time and in spirituality it’s the

same we can gather

here due the love of God or hate for the

devil or fear of the

devil how many churches are there like

that if you stop tithing and sewing then

Satan will come to your home people say

no no no let me give some money well how

long can that last so you can recruit

people out of love for the Flaming new

pastor that has a possibility to grow

or out of hate for the old pastor an old

congregation they left

behind and that bad motivation is you

leaping into catastrophe let’s never get

out of the boat unless we know the Lord

is calling

us especially because we’re not going to

walk upon calm Caribbean Waters no it’s

a frizzy

sea having children is is a frizzy sea

getting married is a frizzy sea starting

a Ministry is a frizzy sea so if we

decide to get off the boat it’s best

that the Lord is there with us are you

with me

and now you say well what can I do now

that I’m in the desert I already messed

up or I’m in the middle of the sea

drowning one thing you don’t want to do

is try to cut the experience in in the

desert short one of the main reasons as

to why God places us there is to deal

with us so we’ll never grow in our faith

if we

continue lacking in our character so

instead of praying so that the Lord

shortens the duration of our difficult

times we have to say Lord help me to

learn quickly from this experience

that’s how Asians pray I was told that

Koreans never Pray by saying Lord take

away the problem they say Lord what do

you want me to learn from this problem

so that this problem can go away 40

years later we find a Moses that’s so

different he was about to graduate from

the desert

Campus of the University of character he

was confident he was almost Argentinian

he wanted to set his people free but

then he had become

humble his first son was named gersam

and that means I am a stranger in a

different land us immigrants know that

we’re not from here or from there

definitively that lack of belonging is

what Moses felt he named his other son

elizer the god of my father helped me

and he freed me from Pharaoh’s

sword you know he never said

he was so discouraged that he didn’t say

my God he said the god of my father he

felt that God was so far that he didn’t

even say my God so later on once Moses

finally becomes the Freer of his people

numbers 123 says now Moses was a very

humble man more humble than anyone else

on the face of the Earth more humble

than anyone else the desert had changed

them like

that in his corrective classes of the

University of character he was

transformed tested and then sent

out God had been with Moses the whole

time remodeling him for the

future and what he believed was

abandonment was preparation and process

we can’t confuse preparation with God

abandoning you no God was forming you he

is forming you for a great vision and

now Moses was a silhouette of that man

that had taken God’s matters into his

own hands and he tried to explain to God

why he wasn’t ready Moses said you know

what I would love it I love this Moses

said God I’m not ready who am I to do

this who who who who am I going to say

sent me then he says but what if they

don’t believe me but remember that I

don’t have an ease with words I I

stutter and he says please send someone

else how

interesting when Moses considered

himself adequate to free his people God


useless decades later when he considered

himself useless God says now you’re

ready for the mission


graduated he transformed himself into a

humble man ready to

serve in complete dependence of the Lord

that’s what I want all of us to live in

this year of

transition maybe like me when I was

22 you did something you thought you

were sent and you did something to

embarrass yourself and you thought that

God would back you with that personal

project project or whatever it was if

that’s true don’t try and evade God’s

process he’s going to process you he’s

going to prepare you he’s going to use

that mistake to mold you he’s going to

use that error to make of you a humble

person and I believe I received this

message on behalf of the

Lord with my Gaze on a on a determined

public I think he gave me this message

for the

broken the one that’s tired of the

desert the one that’s exhausted for

those that are carrying the shameful

burden of a bad decision and they change

that luggage from hand to hand to deal

with the weight they can’t do it anymore

this message is for those that have weak

knees for the

weak for those that have that feel that

they haven’t accom that they didn’t

accomplish anything in the last

year for the sinful men and women with


defects with limited talents this


goes to the clay vessels that advance

but they’re made of clay for the bent

over for the injured for those that feel

that their life continuously disappoints

God but it’s also for the sincere

disciples that

admit that they’re fools that they’re

imbeciles this is a message for all

those that have felt discouraged and

tired but fundamentally for those of us

that shouldn’t

forget that with the promise that God

gave you the process is coming are we in


let’s remember that from the process

from from the promise to the Fulfillment

there will be a

transition and like Moses when you say

I’m ready Lord God says no you’re still

inadequate I’m not going to run the risk

of losing you by sending you this way

and when you say yeah I’m good for

nothing I’ve tried it all I don’t think

God can do anything with me that’s where

God sees us and says you’re ready for my

mission that’s what I wanted complete


dependence May 2024 be the transition my

beloved of the promise that you have to

the Victory and above all things may

this be the best year of Our Lives

because we’re going to graduate from the

University of character and we’re going

to close one season one period to begin

another one does someone believe it say

amen hallelujah give a grand Applause to


Lord in this first message of the year

blessed be

God come on celebrate the king of glory

and say Lord You’ve spoken to me once

again how the lord loves

you how can he not love you if he didn’t

love you he wouldn’t speak to you this

way how the lord loves you Hallelujah

someone needs to celebrate more than

that the King has spoken to your life



how many say I receive it in my

heart and I want to pray for all those

people on the other side that have

accompanied us the whole year well the

year that just left us and God willing

will continue to accompany us as long as

they have to especially for those that

are weary due to bad

decisions it’s true that this

congregation we have many new people and

others that came from other

congregations maybe it’s the moment to

say maybe you have to make a phone call

if they decide to not give you a

blessing then that’s not your problem

but you should say I want to finish

every season well and if somebody’s

going to close a season close it in

blessing know to get off the wave with

Elegance in the right moment that’s the

great secret of maturity of character

facing if someone has debts and they

can’t face them

yet there’s a way of honoring your debts

the oldfashioned way my dad would say

show your face it’s marvelous it’s

better than not answering the phone or

not speaking to them by saying you’re

busy or saying you’re not there no just

give your face and say I’m going to pay

you I don’t know

how but I’m going to pay you man have I

got had to go through that it hurts it’s

shameful it’s embarrassing they’ve said

I’m going to sue you I’m going to bring


lawsuit and this was during a Time where

I was traveling around the world to pay

off those debts but I would say I’m

going to pay you I don’t know how or

when but look at me in the eyes I’m a

man of faith I won’t hide because

someone is going to embarrass me and say

this person left me with

deaths no I’m just saying this is what

I’ve learned through pain so as

Hispanics and everyone that’s watching

from different parts of the world we

have to learn to always take the the the

route of honor the Road of Honor

sometimes it’s shameful sometimes it’s

painful but always always always always

it brings a harvest of Honor always the

road of honor is leaving the right way

even when we don’t agree with things

even if when we don’t like certain

things leaving the right way finishing

things right I know there are many

people that have gotten divorced and

they have terrible relationships because

sometimes the ex doesn’t necessarily

believe things the way or understand

things the way you understand them but

even even then you have to say

Lord in my respects I’m going to give

honor it doesn’t matter if on the other

side there’s insult and and abuse no

you’re going to give what you have like

the story of that neighbor that would

throw trash to her over the wall to her

neighbor but the other neighbor would

throw back

flowers and the and the other neighbor

the the the woman said why are you

throwing flowers to me and and the man

said well because I throw what I have I

have flowers you say my character won’t

change because of those that have bad

character or bad politicians or scammers

or bad bad preachers or pastors my life

doesn’t depend on the pastor spiritual

life or the Integrity of those that sit

in the Oval

Office or those that lead our countries

in Latin America we are what we are and

we’re going where we’re going and here

in the US it’s not that we

don’t Litter because Americans look at

us bad no wherever we go even if there’s

a dump we’ll look for a trash can a

trash been because it’s part of all C

part of our culture moving forward part

of our character part of who we are

where I come from you have to say I

learned to bless where I come from we

don’t tolerate gossip not only do I not

speak it I don’t listen to it I don’t

want gossip to be deposited in me where

I come from we serve the Lord and if one

day God takes you out of river no matter

what you do say in that time I learned

to bless others I want to be known by

how I love by how I bless by how I sow

and then they’ll know that you have a

God that everyone will want to know


character may they speak about your life

and your

attitude may your attitude speak louder

than your words what if we say Lord mold

us but careful because he will mold you

you will be molded but don’t be scared

oh no I don’t know if I should ask for

it no say Lord I want to finish

2024 December of

2024 I want to be a better person than

what I am now do you want to trust in

the Lord look there’s just a few that

that even dare do you dare to trust in

the Lord’s dealings with you yes or

no there we

go in my country they say you’re

scared do they use this in Mexico as

well they say

hey your heart is fluttering like

this Lord I’m going to trust in you I’m

not saying send me tests no but Lord I

trust that you’re going to be the best

teacher this year I want to have a

better character and I know that you’re

the only one that can mold me lift up

your hands we’re going to pray father

thank you for this morning thank you for

the morning afternoon or night no matter

where they’re watching Lord I’ve spoken

what I believe you told me to tell these

people and now that this word has been

Led Out seal it with your Holy Spirit

Lord we’re willing to have you deal with

us take the sharp edges from our

character I know that there are still

things that need to die and we can’t

kill them we can’t apply euthanasia

spiritually but you can eliminate


exterminate what is a Sur plusus what

doesn’t please your name what doesn’t

exalt Your Glory take away the dark

parts of our lives Lord we begin a

process to become better and we’re not

going to confuse process with

abandonment because you love us because

you speak to us because you have us

sculpted in your hands and there isn’t

anyone that can take us from your hands

thank you Lord I pray for those that are

receiving the Lord now for the first

time those that say come into my life

change my heart transform my mind Lord

I’ve spoken what I believe he told me to

tell these people without my own private

opinions or personal opinions without

any hidden agendas I’ve said without

adding or removing what I believe is

your Revelation this first letter for

the Church of Christ in the world this

messenger has given the letter and is

free of each word and each transition

and each conviction or what each person

will do father I’m free of this word

from here on now this living word that

has leted out logos that becomes a a

challenge and from here on out it will

be flesh it’ll be a part of the dynamic

of each person’s

life I let out your blessing I believe

it I declare it and in this January of

2024 let us be blessed in the body in

the soul and in the spirit amen amen and

amen glory to

Jesus what a

prayer say with me I receive it

give an Applause to the Lord loud may

God bless you bye bye bye happy New Year

until next Sunday



























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